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Messages - Ryoko

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55] 56
Moon pulls her head back and barks "Uh... hi?" She was rather confused of how this female just went up to her and barked a hello. She takes a step back trying to keep her space. She looks at the female then back towards were all the dogs were piling. She sighs "I'll see you around..." she gets up and trots over to a small fresh watering hole.

Moon stands inside the ship right in front of the door, she tilts her head confused of where she was.  She tilts her head  thinking if she should go outside or stay in the ship. All of a sudden shes shoved out by awaiting dogs behind her growling and snarling "Move!" A heaping pile of dogs keep sprinting out of the boat. She trots off to the side watching all of the dogs unload from the ship, trying not to get ran over.

Snowfur tilts her head then pushes the vole closer to Frostpath. She looks towards rosetail and whispers so she can hear "When he wakes up tell him its from me, oh and here's a vole for you." She picks up a vole and trots over to Rosetail and drops it down. She smiles then rushes out like a gust of snow blowing through a vast blizzard.

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:28:04 am »
Can you put Luna and Ryoko facing each other? then maybe like saying "We are related.." lol idk about the backround though... oh you can find better pics of them on deviantART my user is XKiaraX21

Snowfur gets up and trots back outside. Still seeing Frostpath with Rosetail. She sighed but then smirked. She trots over to the fresh kill pile and picks up a vole, and a pigeon. She trots over to Rosetail and Frostpath and places them done next to them. She sits down and mews "Your not stupid, you can just be a mouse-brain sometimes". She kinda snickers a little but bites her tongue. She looks over at RoseTail and mutters "It's not going to be infected right?" She sits down next to Rose and stares down at Rosetails work, and Frostpath licking his teeth.

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:06:56 pm »
yayz :D tanks :)

Art Gallery / Re: Some banners and Art
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:09:53 am »
 their beautiful :D

can i has one? o3o lol

SnowFur mmews and yowls in her sleep saying "No... No...... NOOO!!" She wakes up startled, shes breathing franticly, but calms down just a little. She lays there telling herself it was just a dream.." but then she would think "But... it was so real..." she lays there thinking about her nightmare about what happened to her best friend, strangley similar yet different to Frostpath. She sighs hoping she'll forget it.

Art Gallery / Re: Aru's Art Corner [Taking requests*please read all]
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:32:19 pm »
can you do luna for me? you can look at my signature or you can go to the hyperlink ^-^

Username: Ryoko
Char Ref:
Bg color(s): idk whatever you think is best

Name: Moon
Gender: Female
Personality (Brief please) Loving|Caring|Daring|Funny|Brave
Description: She has a white under belly and a tanish brown pelt, blue eyes.
Breed of dog:? Husky
Relatives or friends from the ship:? Left at home
Mate from the ship? (no pups were on the ship ) None
Stray or Domestic: (were you a stray or domestic before you were captured?) Domestic until captured

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