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Messages - candy2468

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Thanks! My username in the game is candy2468 if you need to find me, try whispering me :D

Name: Destiny

Gender: Fae

Age: 2 years

Mate: N/A

Crush: N/A

Pups: N/A

Personality: Destiny is a kind and helpful wolf who loves to explore and meet other creatures as she is very curious... But she does have a protective and bit more harsh side, she would not let enemies stand in her way. She is very loyal to her pack and loves to have fun and hang out with

Appearance: http://i48BannedImageSite/2ajanps.png

Pet: Lava, a white male chinchilla

Pack you wish to join: Tempest Pack

What rank: Female Beta (if possible)

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / WOLVES WANTED
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:08:24 pm »
Greetings everyone,
Two new wolf clans, is a mapped (soon) and realistic RP.  Go to the site to see the ranks,rules,pack members,etc. To join reply to this topic or whisper candy2468 to join the Fire clan or matilda4456 to join the Water clan in the game. Please join we NEED active members!!!
Please fill out this application-

Pup, teen or adult:
Desired rank:
Short bio:

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