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Messages - Mythrim

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:59:58 pm »
Quote from: Zarorah
I'm glad you took interest in my RP. ^^ And as a matter of fact, you sound quite perfect to be leader of the Darkbeasts (very creative, I'm glad you morphed so easily into the story I gave). That means that even though you are the female, you are still more supreme than whomever you may choose to be your mate. Hopefully leaders for the other four elements will volunteer now and be as interesting X3
(I'll go ahead and put your username into the DARKBEASTS Lead Female slot)

Just make sure you're not so harsh out of RP on whomever your subjects become XD

Introduction / Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:20:51 am »
Quote from: SilverFangs
Quote from: Cassie
Quote from: Kikiorylandia
Quote from: Sherloackian
Wow, thank you guys so much for the welcoming party XD
(Can't wait til the server is back up)
I've even started an RP group! :3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:17:09 pm »
Beast of preference: Waterbeast

Name: Queen of Spades (RP is Mithrim or Mith)

Rank: Lead Female

Age: Hundreds, lost count (not realistic age)

Mate: None yet! XD

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (i.e. straight)


Background: I was born during the Golden Age of the Elemental beasts, where everyone constantly mingled and shared feasts given to them by Pantea. (or the Earthbeasts since they were best at growing crops). The ones who concieved me were known as Kvinne and Menn. Each were very odd in their own way, escpecially in the fact they were almost twice as small as the avereage Waterbeast. Menn (my father) stood at a tiny 3 feet tall from paw to the top of the head, and Kvinne (my mother) only a couple of inches shorter than him.

Despite the differences, the other Waterbeast cubs let me join their games and enjoyed my company. I grew slowly, and though I was still very small, I ended up larger than both my parents (if only by a small amount). And because of the fact that we never aged physically, only a rare few went through the effort to keep up with their ages.

One day the Waterbeasts were visited by one of their opposites, a Firebeast. He came bearing grave news. We all rallied around him listening to his monotone voice as he delivered words of War. "So all we ask is a simple apology" he said finishing his message with narrowed and accusing eyes. It was a known fact that the Beasts were struggling this year and we partially blamed the Firebeasts for it. Since thier emotions were so sensitive, it wasn't so surprising they reacted in the matter they did. In response, the Elder approached him and said with a blank expression, "You deserve no apology" then turned and stalked away. The Firebeast stood there for several minutes, cursing and spitting until it left promising a full fledged War of the Elements. At the time, I was somewhere between 2 or 3 centuries old (a young adult by Waterbeast standards) so the news was not very pleasant because I was chosen to be a foot soldier for the Waterbeast Army.

A couple years later all of the Elements had gotten involved for their own personal reasons to exact revenge through blood-shed. I did not try to think of legitimate reasons for the battling, I simply thought like a zombie and did what everyone else thought was right. My rank kept rising as my battle strategies became more invasive and creative and as more enemies fell at my feet. Finally, all 6 Elements met at the most Sacred area known because it is where Pantea first touched Earth. A mighty Temple stood there in her honor surrounded by a beautiful grove. As we were charging at each other, a few yards away from my blow I had a sudden realization, seeing the truth at last. But in my hesitation, a Firebeast rammed into me and crushed my throat, killing me almost instantly.

I opened my eyes, noticing I had traveled to a magnificent garden with a pond in the center. I headed towards the pond and as I approached, I saw the scene of the battle play in it like a movie. I watched with terror as we murdered each other for reasons long forgotten. A tear traveled down my muzzle and fell into the pond, breaking the surface and showing a new reflection. It was a beautiful woman with clothes made of vines and stunning greenery as well as hair that blossomed with entirely new flowers that did not exist on Earth. I looked up with wide eyes and gasped the word, "Pantea". The woman smiled sadly and approached me gingerly. She looked down and with a voice as smooth and sweet as honey, she said "It is a shame you were the only to realize the wrong in all this..." I simply stared, still in awe at the fact Pantea had wished to speak with me. She continued, "For your wisdom young one, I will restore your life as it is obvious that your people will still need you." She looked up to me and smiled, then she kissed me on the nose and the next thing I knew, we were on the top of her temple. Pantea was twice as large and 10x more intimidating than when she had approached me in the garden. Thunder struck the ground yet no rain fell and her voice boomed, "This War is over! I will separate the Elements until you can cooperate again!" She left quickly afterwards and as she did, I felt a small tug in my heart as she stole some of my powers.

The Waterbeasts stared at me, thunderstruck at my rebirth. They all bowed in respect, knowing somehow that Pantea had chosen me as their new leader.

Special Downloads: I have Mass Markings (Aug 22) and Ringo/Delay's Item pack. (Even though my character doesn't use either)

Extras: My lion may be small, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in ingenuity and fair leadership, I am greatly respected by all the Waterbeasts even though I am not extremely powerful or threatening.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: July 16, 2013, 05:09:14 pm »

Introduction / Re: Help a newcomer out? :3
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:41:21 pm »
Quote from: Feareh
Quote from: Vespian

Thanks you guys ^^
I appreciate the warm welcomes (>^w^)>
(And hilariously enough, I read about all the  things Feareh posted already before I joined because I had nothing else to do on the site) XD

Game Help / Re: Screenshots?
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:29:50 pm »
Haha, thanks to the both of you ^^

I was wanting to know so that when the game was back up, I could take a screen shot of my chracter :3

Game Help / Re: Screenshots?
« on: July 16, 2013, 04:16:57 am »
For screenshots you need to press the Print Screen key, which is normally located above the arrow keys. It will say "Print Screen," or something along the lines of "PrntScrn."
Alternatively, you can download the free version of Fraps( and use that to take screenshots.
I thought the PrtSc key was something for like, rising in water? When I was in the Caves, I jumped down the waterfall and I couldn't get back up because my character didn't have wings. But! Someone came to me and said you could get back up if you pressed the PrtSc, so I did and it worked. Though, my screen did pause for a few seconds (I figured I just lagged or something) :/
Lol, is there going to be a pic of the wall behind the falls in my FH folder?

Game Help / Screenshots?
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:36:31 am »
I know I may sound dumb, but I read the manual over and over, and yet can't figure out how to take screenshots! XD
Go ahead and correct me now while I still have a little dignity left, haha. I am rather new, and read about all the staff, rules, and controls. I guess I just looked over the screen shot key *facepalm*

Introduction / Help a newcomer out? :3
« on: July 16, 2013, 02:06:27 am »
Hi FH, I'm extremely new to the site and game and just jumped in as of yesterday. Thankfully, people took a liking to me rather quickly and I made several friends within a few hours :3 (they all made me feel welcome ^^)

Now, though I haven't played FH until now, I have played WolfQuest for a good while. Though it may not be as flexible as Feral Heart it's still very fun. I have some close friends, a pack, and even a mate on there who I try and visit every day. And a lot of them also play this game ^w^

I was just wondering if you experienced users could give a rookie some important tips? Any advice? :D

Game Discussion / Re: Character Sexuality?
« on: July 16, 2013, 01:42:50 am »
In my opinion, if homosexuality is the choice of a mated couple, so be it. In truth, gay people are usually a lot more interesting and fun to hang around because of how open they are. However, I'm not homosexual, so I wouldn't become the mate of another girl, but I totally support the idea :3

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