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Messages - Star12

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Introduction / Re: I'm Back!!!
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:29:14 pm »
Thank you everyone! I'm fine thanks and very happy to be back!

Introduction / I'm Back!!!
« on: March 11, 2013, 11:19:41 pm »
Hey guys! Hopefully some of you will remember me, a while ago I made this account and took part in a few roleplays and stuff.
But then I started to become terribly inactive so I would like to turn over a new leaf and start again! Doing this just saves me the trouble of registering again soooooooo........ Hey!  ;D

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: A Standing Chance (Realistic Wolf RP)
« on: February 17, 2013, 10:09:48 am »
Name: Auralee
Gender: Female
Accompanied by: A small bat named Isla.
Personality: Auralee is quiet and kind, she can be smart and brave but would think before she acts. She would normally never dream of hurting another creature unless someone she cares for is under threat. She is funny and sometimes flirtatious once you get to know her and stays out of trouble.
Description/Picture: Auralee has a dark grey pelt, her underbelly is a murky white colour and she has strange green eyes. Her nose is black as well as one of her paws and her tail tip.
Bio: When she was born, Auralee was thought to be a bad omen for the pack and was frowned upon because of her eyes. Her mother was the only one that cared for her and loved her like any mother should. One day, Auralee was out on a patrol and she heard many howls of agony, she regrets it now but she ran away, leaving behind her beloved mother and her pack, to rip each other apart.
Theme Song: Jar of Hearts

Name: Aurora
Gender: Female
Age(in human years): 20
Species(describe it): Aurora has a long, curving neck. Her sleek body is covered in scales with a deep purplish colour, she has a few blue, leaf shaped spines running down her neck and two sharp horns curving up behind her ears. Her tail is long and thin with strange diamond like patterns. She has icy blue eyes that glow when she is happy. Her face is very angular, with slanting cheekbones and a sharp snout that is almost always stretched into a polite smile, her eyelashes are thick and long. She has strong, broad wings that are slightly torn at one side.
Former Pack: ThornPack
Rank on The Heroes Pack: Scout
Personality: Aurora is sweet, graceful and can change someone's mind with a snap of her claws. However, she can sometimes be a bit sarcastic to strangers or if she is in a bad mood, she is also quite absent minded, day dreaming about the future. She normally would think before she acts, not getting into fights often and staying out of trouble.
History: Aurora followed Magno out of ThornPack, leaving behind her family to find peace.
Mate: N/A (She has a small crush on Magno though)
Cubs: N/A
Eggs: N/A
Other: Dragons Ruleeeeeeeeee   ;D

@Wolfie: Thanks! This Rp is a great idea!))
Rose clutched her knife tightly, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. Her eyes darted about the alleyway, knowing she was being watched, she turned and ran. She heard footsteps behind her so she turned but saw nothing, Rose had to keep wiping impatiently at a gash on her forehead because it wouldn't stop bleeding. She finally decided to rip of a strip of fabric from her shirt and wrapped it around her head a few times to stench the blood flow.

Forum Username: DarkPetal
Image/Description: Rose has long, wavy bluish-black hair that falls in curls to her waist. She has thin, neat eyebrows that frame her dark grey eyes. Her lips are quite full and have a perfect cupid's bow, they are naturally a rose red colour. She doesn't normally put on makeup but occasionally adds a bit of mascara and eyeliner. She is wearing a checked blue and white shirt, unbuttoned and underneath a red vest top. She is also wearing skinny jeans and a pair of blue converse, she has a black leather jacket that she keeps in her blue satchel.
Full Name: Rose Frances Witnterson
"Call me Rose, just Rose"
Sex: Female
"What poor guy is called Rose?"
Age: 19
"Yeah... I'm quite small for my age"
Likes: Music, birds, and the colour blue.
"I couldn't live without my ipod"
Dislikes: Attention, sparkles, and over crowded places.
"I just can't stand bright, pink, sparkly things... Yuck!"
Crush/B-GF/Spouse: None, she is looking for a boyfriend though!
Lineage: Mother: Died at birth  Father: Ran away just after Rose was born   Siblings: None  Family: She can't find them...
"I'm an orphan, okay? No big deal"
Main Weapon: Her knife, she stole it from a kitchen.
"It's pretty sharp."
Other Weapon(s): Nothing
"I didn't exactly come prepared, did I?"
Past: Nothing really important, she has been an orphan for her whole life.
"I don't really wanna talk about it..."
Strong Point(s): Because she is so small she is fast and agile and can fit in small places. Rose is quite smart as well.
"I'm fast... Really fast!"
Weak Point(s): Rose isn't so fond of hurting others, even if her life is at risk. She is not the best fighter and can be a bit too smart for her own good sometimes.
"I'm a mean, lean fighting machine!... NOT!"
Other: Nothing interesting

Zahrah smiled, blushing. She got up and stretched a long stretch and padded over to the nearest river, beside her den. The heat was scorching hot so she needed to stay hydrated.

Zahrah lay down under a tree, the shade cooling her down. The sunlight reflected off of her eyes beautifully, like sapphires. Her tail twitched as she saw a rabbit running by but she stayed perfectly relaxed and still.

(Could I join?)
Name: Zahrah
Forum name/username: Star12/Joanna
Mate: N/A
Gender: Female
Cubs: N/A
Age: 2
Hobbies: Hunting, she likes climbing trees to relax too.
Faves: Gazelle, zebra and little ones (even though she has none of her own)
Other: Zahrah is light tan brown, aqua blue eyes and a dark tan tail stripe.

Skye scrambled up, her eyes filled with terror as she sprinted across to a near by ravine, her paw pads aching as they hit the hard stone. " Help! Somebody!" She cried, while jumping over a huge rock. She noticed a small crack in the stone and squeezed through, dust going everywhere.

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