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Messages - toonanimals317

Pages: 1 ... 57 58 [59] 60 61 ... 64
Other Games / Re: Black Poison (Warning: Long Thread)
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:21:29 am »
To add to what Whisper said 'publishing' fanfictions on sites such as or Wattpad is just fine. Although it is illegal to actually go and try to get it published by a publishing company into an actual book and make a profit on it.

Just clarifying in case her statement wasn't clear. But this Fanfiction does sound neat and I would be interested in reading it I just don't think it requires a full website or anything as it can't exactly be PUBLISHED.

Also, I don't understand why this is in the 'Other Games' thread as there are no actual plans to make it into a game? Maybe this should've gone into just Off-Topic Discussion instead? Not trying to mini-mod or anything just confused about that part.

Oh yes, Five, our Co-Owner made the forum herself so it isn't the basic forum layout. If you need any help just ask one of the staff members, we'll guide you to the right place.

The theme is really great yeah! I love it myself. <3

I'm glad you joined up though, be sure to say hi! ^-^

P.S. What's your username? I don't see a new member.

What do you mean? Oh just so you know, guests can't see all the boards.

Screenshots added! Credits to Five and Casting for some of the screenshots!

Updated. New Moderator In Training!

Nicer Color Scheme as well.

Yes. We have one Game Developer who is getting a hang of making meshes and such. If you ask nicely she may be willing to help you learn, but she's also busy and may not be able to. Please don't expect them to actually help you, and even if they do accept they may not do it anytime soon, as they are learning themselves, but I'm sure someday someone can help you.

I'm glad to know you're going to join! Be sure to say hi when you do! :3

I'm sure someone can teach you how, but we don't expect you to be able to do everything, so don't worry about that! If you're interested, sign up on the forum and give things a look over before making an application. Be sure you feel committed to the cause before actually applying, but we'd love to have you!

Bump! We're still looking for people who can be game developers and create cool, unique content for the game. Still also looking for more moderators (it would be appreciated if you at least knew how to do something instead of just looking forward to the power and actually want to help in the creation process.)

Bump? ^^"

Other Games / Re: Miskai - New Impressive Title Server In Staff Testing~
« on: January 29, 2015, 07:27:36 pm »

I'm bumping again SORRY!

I was promoted to Global Mod, we got a new creator, and the forum got a rather large update design wise!

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