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Messages - Dangeryena

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Forum Games / Re: Yum, or Yuck?
« on: June 27, 2013, 04:33:14 pm »
Yum... I guess. I don't eat much fruit. :I

Pumpkin pie?

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: June 27, 2013, 04:30:57 pm »

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: June 27, 2013, 04:27:43 pm »
I ban you because I woke up with my long nails piercing my hand. BC

Game Help / Re: Other's cannot see my preset.
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:13:46 pm »
If it appears correctly for you and you gave your friends the .fhp file, it should work... As long as they placed it into "presets". They would also need to close out of FH and start it up again after placing the file in the correct place in order for it to appear.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:01:17 pm »
In my honest opinion, which will probably get completely ignored, I think the removal of General Chat was  potentially one of the worst ideas they've had so far. They should have had some form of poll to weigh up the opinion of the community, instead of just assuming that removing it would solve all the problems. If anything, from what I've witnessed as a regular on this game and having played this game for years now, Feral heart's community is not only reducing, but it's now also falling apart. The game itself is decaying; I have never seen Fluorite Plains so inactive before. Yes, there are still rps. Yes, there are still people around. BUT, the rps are no longer active; I have not seen an RP last more than 1 day since this update came into force. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignorant enough to say that there is no RP in existence that lasts more than 1 day, I'm simply stating what I've experienced personally.

I think the Moderators should actually listen this time instead of just sitting like they're so much more superior than the majority of the active community. I've spent much time hanging around with the moderators before general chat was removed, and dare I say that, although I have witnessed them doing their job a few times, the majority of the time they just sit about on Skype to each other, on live stream, or on feral heart, calling each other 'floofs' and meowing at each other. There have been many times where I've been sat with them, and have seen some sort of conflict going on in general, that they are well aware of, and they've done nothing about it; not even speaking. A couple of years ago, the well respected and feared red text was a regular occurrence, and now I'd be lucky if I saw it once a week, or once a fortnight. Dare I say, if I had to opportunity to do their job, I would do so many things that they're not doing... like actually moderating and keeping control in the game. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to every moderator here.)

They should bring general back. Advertisements are a rare occurrence now, and the movie glitch is still around commonly. It's hard to find rps these days, and it's hard to organise one and keep it running. Most of the time in-game, I see people just chatting these days instead of RPing. It's completely killed what Feral heart was intended for. General should return, and the mods should do their jobs. If someone says something in the chat you don't like, BLOCK THEM. If general chat is getting on your nerves, CLOSE IT. Or you could simply do the mature thing and IGNORE THEM. You are not idiots, and you have the physical ability to take things into your own hands in a mature and effective manner to rid yourself of these problems; so do it instead of whining that they would shut up and beginning an argument with the offenders. It's the people who do not do the obvious things like block, close and ignore that are the reason general chat has been closed.

Anyway, if that made no sense and I went on a ramble, apologies. If only I were a moderator, then perhaps at least the community might have a say in how the game was run.

You don't have to agree with me, but please respect my opinion.

Haha, your post looked so similar to mine that I mistook it for mine at first. People need to use the block button more in my opinion, and if that could be enforced, bans in General chat were more frequent, and discussions weren't allowed to get so out of hand before someone finally warns them and then 5 minutes after that bringing out the ban hammer, General would be just fine if it were ever brought back.

As for the red text thing, I think perhaps the mod spam was too much or something and they have decided against using it. That's certainly how I would feel. It was annoying, but I'd just kick them if they flooded the chat with over-enthusiasm and sucking up because it's unneeded and goes on for too long. That red text certainly kicks people in the rear and straightens them out in a heartbeat.

Game Discussion / Re: Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:10:32 am »
Not trying to be inapropriat or anything but once I saw a "Tamponstar" in bonfire...It didn't surprise me much considering I was in Bonfire... ~Erik
Oh, I know them. It's definitely not a serious character and I think it was made to get reactions out of people.

... I once made a warrior named Dirtywipe.

Game Discussion / Re: Powerplayers/Gmods. (Your Opinion)
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:24:37 pm »
I doubt anyone would have a positive opinion about this but I never even waste my time roleplaying with prey because sometimes what people do when their character is about to die is start powerplaying/godmodding so they don't die. And this is a game with people of all ages so it's expected (for me) that many people you meet will be that way. I don't usually join public RPs/random RPs anymore, anyway.

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: June 26, 2013, 04:23:46 pm »
I ban you because I have to go to 4 appointments this week and one of them isn't even mine. BI

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: June 26, 2013, 04:21:55 pm »
Magmortar (as in the Pokemon.)

Game Discussion / Re: Do You Block?
« on: June 26, 2013, 02:46:40 pm »
It all depends on the situation for me too. I rarely block people in the game, but when it does happen it happens for a good reason. I don't want to waste my time arguing/standing people who intentionally look for trouble. These are the kind of people that make my official block list.

~People who harrass me or friends repeatedly
~Spammers who intentionally spam chats
~People who disrupt our roleplays with powerplaying/godmodding/caps spamming/trolling/swearing
~Map claimers who persist that you get off "their land" or else they will report you for not moving  ::)
~People who want to argue over stupid things such as "name stealing", "markings copying" etc.
~Trolls that come around to headbang/buttswing over other people to make them mad. (You know what those moves mean)
~Attention seekers who will caps spam constantly just to get anyone and everyone's attention.
~Stalkers that won't leave me or my friends alone.
~Persistant mate-beggers, parent-beggers, or pup/cub beggers. (I had to block a few of those. It's rare)
~People who say hurtful/hateful things to others for the soul purpose of hurting someone's feelings.

If push comes to shove, I often times report some of these people... depending on what the situatioon was. Eventually I do remove whoever is on my block list. Right now, my block list only has one person on it, and it's perminant. I am all for the use of the block button. If someone does rub me the wrong way, I can get trigger-happy with that block button. It's better to shun the tormentor/troll than to sit there and try to argue with them. It's pointless to argue with a troll, so blocking them is the best thing to do.
That's all I have to say for now.

I also eventually remove people from my block list because none of them are mortal enemies or anything of the sort. I could never bring myself to block a bunch of people and never unblock them because my FH game would quickly become a very quiet and desolate place.

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