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Messages - amythealpha

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Discussion Board / Re: WARRIORS MOVIE
« on: October 21, 2016, 10:21:52 pm »
Tbh I ignored it at first 'cause I thought it was a hoax, but I checked the links, and AAAA IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING MY CHILDHOOD DREAM IS COMING TRUE HOLY CRAP

Art Gallery / Re: Let me draw your character *Requests Open*
« on: October 16, 2016, 02:26:03 am »
Name: Eon
Art Style: Whatever ya feel like, chibi maybe? But feel free to surprise me, consider chibi only a 'throwing this out there if you need ideas but if you have a different one, go for it'
Pose: Maybe Eon looking rather shy/bashful? Or, to go with the halloween season, scared/terrified? I dunno, let your imagination soar mon ami!
Other Notes (added this just to make sure): If, for whatever reason, you need to know this, he has, like, a... neon purple tongue??? It's weird x'D And probably the same color blood, who knows -shrug- He hasn't bleed too much yet in my RP x"D

Other Games / Re: Sister Location Opinions
« on: October 13, 2016, 08:44:34 pm »
C A S U A L  B O N G O S

I have mixed feelings on it, honestly. But, if I ignore some other factors and look at the game as it is, well, there's certain parts I really like, certain parts I dislike. FNAF 2 will always be my favorite, but I think I misjudged Sister Location, I think it's better, much better, than I expected it to be.

Media / Re: I Got Mechanical Cat Ears!
« on: October 12, 2016, 12:34:47 am »

*revives with cat powers*


*frantically looks them up* omg thaaaanks they're so expensive tho and I don't think my parents will understand my undying urge to have them rip me ;;

Media / Re: I Got Mechanical Cat Ears!
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:02:41 pm »

Forum Games / Re: What NOT to say to a newbie!!
« on: October 10, 2016, 06:34:44 pm »
Yes, but you must have bought the demo to the before-mentioned FHRPX. This feature was only available in 1987. Totally legit.

What's something funny you can do in FeralHeart?

Game Discussion / Re: Character Archetypes
« on: October 07, 2016, 11:27:56 pm »
Awesome topic! I'd list what my OCs are, but I have so many that it'd take forever x'D

(Sorry for bump)

Your In-Game Name: amythealpha
Your Cat's Name: Rainleap
Your Cat's Gender: Female
Position Desired (High ranks must be applied for first): Warrior
Clan Desired (Insert 'none' if you choose to be a Clanless cat [ie loner/kittypet]): GladeClan (I'd actually prefer DuneClan, but I don't think I can join until it has a leader...? If I can join without a leader, I can offer to stand in for the leader RP-wise until DuneClan gets a leader. Like, pretend the old leader, deputy and medicine cat are deceased for whatever reason, and try to lead the clan until we get a proper leader, just to get DuneClan going. But, if it's not allowed, well, don't have much of a choice here, do I?)
When can you be found in-game?: Eh, anytime after school or weekend usually. MST timezone, by the way. I'm not the most active person in the world, but I'll try if I find the group interesting.
A small roleplay sample (No wolfspeak whatsoever):  (Assuming I'll be put in GladeClan, this RP sample would be if Rainleap was in GladeClan))
The cold air awoke Rainleap. Yawning, she lifted her head to look around the den. Aside from the morning patrol, no cat cared to be awake. Realizing that sleep wasn't going to come again anytime soon, she swiftly moved out of the den, trying her best not to awake her new denmates. Tilting her head up to the star-filled morning sky, she quietly wondered if this was what she was meant to do. Did she belong in GladeClan? Or any clan, for that matter? She was so used to the rough city life, that clan-life seemed almost peaceful to her. Glancing into the nursery, she saw the shadowy outline of two queens whispering back and forth. Though she couldn't hear them, it relaxed her. She was safe here, because of this clan. The brown tabby quietly promised that she'd keep the clan safe too, as a quiet "thank you".

You may join the forum with your username, get the map, have the tag "GCW" on your character, and keep an eye out for me in-game to be added into GladeClan's group (Username is xXkewlkieraXx).

Welcome to Sanctum of Trinity!

Ah, I'm so sorry about this, but it seems I can't join due to some other things going on (and a few things I noticed on the site that I didn't exactly agree with). Sorry!

(Sorry for bump)

Your In-Game Name: amythealpha
Your Cat's Name: Rainleap
Your Cat's Gender: Female
Position Desired (High ranks must be applied for first): Warrior
Clan Desired (Insert 'none' if you choose to be a Clanless cat [ie loner/kittypet]): GladeClan (I'd actually prefer DuneClan, but I don't think I can join until it has a leader...? If I can join without a leader, I can offer to stand in for the leader RP-wise until DuneClan gets a leader. Like, pretend the old leader, deputy and medicine cat are deceased for whatever reason, and try to lead the clan until we get a proper leader, just to get DuneClan going. But, if it's not allowed, well, don't have much of a choice here, do I?)
When can you be found in-game?: Eh, anytime after school or weekend usually. MST timezone, by the way. I'm not the most active person in the world, but I'll try if I find the group interesting.
A small roleplay sample (No wolfspeak whatsoever):  (Assuming I'll be put in GladeClan, this RP sample would be if Rainleap was in GladeClan))
The cold air awoke Rainleap. Yawning, she lifted her head to look around the den. Aside from the morning patrol, no cat cared to be awake. Realizing that sleep wasn't going to come again anytime soon, she swiftly moved out of the den, trying her best not to awake her new denmates. Tilting her head up to the star-filled morning sky, she quietly wondered if this was what she was meant to do. Did she belong in GladeClan? Or any clan, for that matter? She was so used to the rough city life, that clan-life seemed almost peaceful to her. Glancing into the nursery, she saw the shadowy outline of two queens whispering back and forth. Though she couldn't hear them, it relaxed her. She was safe here, because of this clan. The brown tabby quietly promised that she'd keep the clan safe too, as a quiet "thank you".

aaa this looks awesome! My FH activity level certainly isn't what it used to be; I'm much more busy this time around, and certainly don't have time for a high-rank at the moment. However, I still would like to join! The maps look beautiful, and, despite you guys being new, I can tell you guys are gonna be an awesome group! I'd make a character for the group and fill out the form, but first, I'd like to know a bit more about the clans themselves. I'm interested in BrookClan; but I'd like information about each group before I decide. I hope the group doesn't demand being active. I promise to be active on the site, but I can't promise I'll be active in-game all the time, as I have many other things to do. I will appear in-game, of course, but not all the time.

I don't currently have a specific WC OC in mind, so if you have any queens wanting me to be a kit, or would prefer me to play as a certain gender (because of a lack of that gender in a specific clan or something), then please let me know, as it'll help me design a character for sure! I do have a design in mind for either gender, so yeah, it'll help a lot, just that little piece of information!

Hi there! Thanks so much for your interest!

If you're wanting to join BrookClan, you'll have to wait until we've found a Clan Leader for it who will have filled out the form accordingly on our forum and followed through on its said regulations.
BrookClan, in comparison, is similar to RiverClan in terms of personality and living conditions. The camp itself is surrounded by water and mainly rely on fish as their bountiful prey source, so with this, most of its cats are known to be skilled with swimming and fishing, having the patience to do so, etc.

DuneClan, in comparison, is similar to ThunderClan and even slightly WindClan in terms of personality and living conditions. Their camp is shrouded in rock, and so with this, they have to rely on highly active climbing and agile skills as to prevent from any sort of loose stones tumbling down and causing and "Oopsie". Excellent in this sort of field of skill, they're able to track and hunt down any sort of small and quick critters like squirrels and hares, even a few birds.

GladeClan, in comparison, is similar to ShadowClan in terms of personality and living conditions. Their camp and territory consists of a somewhat marshy and forest-like area where you can expect frogs, salamanders, birds, and even the odd duck that's found swimming around the area. They excel in stealth and overall hunting during the night in order to allow their generally darker coats to blend into their surroundings.

I'm saying in comparison as the original Clans each had their own personalities and it's easier to explain for those who want to know the general idea of each of these Clans. These Clans' intentions may not be the same, as well as their personality CAN change due to this being an entirely different area and different cats and clans. As far as we're concerned, the original clans are far far away from Yosemite National Park and so are basically inexisting.

As far as activity goes, we have a rule on this actually:
If you are going to be gone for a period of time post an absence so we are aware of your situation. If you are missing for more than two weeks without any indication of why then you run the risk of being kicked from your group.
If you leave the roleplay or have been absent for over a month without warning, your characters are automatically presumed dead and will be removed from their clan group."
Basically, so long as you provide reasoning of your absence on the forum if you're going to be gone for as long as or more than two weeks, you should be alright. c:

All we want is complete originality with your character. We don't want anyone coming in naming themselves as Hawkfrost or Bluefur. Infact we're very lenient as far as the naming process goes, so long as it's not something outrageous such as "Mammoth___" or "Edge___" (I've seen both of those at some point.) But it still needs to hold meaning towards your character. HOWEVER, we will not accept cats that will not realistically survive in the wild. This includes sphinx cats. Yes, they may be unique, but they would freeze their naked tails off in the colder seasons and suffer hugely.
Exceptions will be things such as albinos or melanistic cats - but you must check in with an Overseer, such as myself, before creating that character with those rare genes.

Currently our male/female ratio has been held pretty well overall, and we have yet to see any Kits join, however, if you'd like to join as a warrior and later on become a queen when we find that we have interested Kit character that would like to join, we can work that out as well. Overall we've had a fair flow of GladeClan Warriors join from the cause of it being the only Clan currently open, with the reasoning stated above.

Note that you're allowed to have 2 clan cats in the same clan and 1 clanless (ie loner/kittypet) cat in our map as well so that you're not always stuck in one place. c:

Hope this answers everything!

Alright, thanks! I won't be able to confirm which clan I'll be joining or anything for tonight, as I have to get ready for tomorrow and I'm not feeling the best (as in sick) at the moment, but hopefully Monday afternoon/evening I can let ya know if I'm joining :3 I'm interested in DuneClan now, actually, but I'll wait until it has a leader. Or, until then, maybe BrookClan and DuneClan cats can just say that their leader, deputy, and whoever else could be in charge (like a medicine cat) has been killed/missing/ect, and someone will stand in for the leader until they find one? -shrug- I would discuss this in more detail, but I should get off the computer for now, not feeling well, sorry -w- We'll continue this later, hopefully? :3

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