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Messages - Hakumi

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 502
Game Help / Re: Friends Not Able to See Presets
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:36:12 am »
Are your friends downloading and placing the preset in the Preset folder in the main FH folder?
Are they also making sure the file matches with the file you're using when it comes to the preset file? ( The name changes, etc )?
I know sometimes even something as small as that can cause issues when it comes for others to see the preset correctly.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Lend me your Children-
« on: March 21, 2020, 05:01:19 am »
Your artwork is gorgeous!
I love your use of colour for backgrounds, they really make the character stand out!

If you're able to, I'd love to see my girl Hana in your style!
Even if you don't, I can't wait to see all the other finished ones!

Oml, what a unique and absolutely charming character. I absolutely love her colour palette and design. I hope to possibly do fanart of this beauty.
Also thank you kindly for the compliment! Your art is just as gorgeous <33

I'd be interested in seeing what you'd do with my characters! I'd love to have one drawn of Delilah! Thank you for the opportunity. ^^

Okej wow-
That colour scheme and the design??
I'm absolutely in love c': I see this as a challenge that I have to try to do for sure!

Ohh Hakumi I love your art!!

If you have the chance, feel free to draw my character Brisbee <3

Regardless, I hope to see more of your work in the future :)

That face marking tho-
Sipping on that mountain dew-
I can already see myself drawing this beaut. Also, thank you so much! Hopefully I can share more of my art with the community as time goes by <3

Forum Discussion / Re: MOTS Year Names
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:48:16 am »
Now that's pretty interesting! Thanks for linking, would've completely missed that.
With how things are at times, it could be a little 'Easter Egg' or even some significant event as the community and even the game has undergone with changes.. Some of the names would make since while others might a small little hat tip during those 'major' moments that is hardly spoken of.
The one that really stands out to me so far is 2O2O and that's Apocalypse and that can be what's going on at this moment at the start of the year. With past cases 'linked' with the '2O in the years, etc... It makes me wonder what the future years will hold.. Another one that stands out to me is 'Sacrifice.' I see it as the year where a lot of members ( especially the well known ones ) have either became less active or had ventured elsewhere from the community.. Or just a lot of members giving up their time and efforts to pay the way for future gens.. ( if that makes sense ).

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Lend me your Children-
« on: March 20, 2020, 08:36:23 pm »
Cheers ~! Long time no see huh?
Especially forum wise that is-
I'll try and make this short and sweet and hopefully this is the correct thread to post this here...
I plan on opening commissions in the future and to get me going, I would like to draw other characters other than my own ( if that makes sense ). I want to be able to see where my limits are and test various styles that is right for me. Human or Animal, they're welcomed..
Also please note that I may not get / used EVERYONE'S characters. I have posted this on another social platform so having variety is nice.. Plus, taking a break from anymore requests since I've done requests since I can remember... this place being the first <3... But ANYWHO,

So if you're interested in possibly having your baby drawn, feel free to leave a reference below. Even if you have to use a maker so I can have a visual and get the colours right that's fine by me. Once the work is done, I will of course credit you and post my prices whether it be on here of even on other social platforms c:

And to be fair, here's some examples of my works / sketches / wips. If you wanna check out more works, feel free to check my Instagram & Twitter. I'm becoming more active on there now. Thanks again!

@VirtuousEffects < Twitter
xhaku_hakux < Intstagram

Other Mods/Creations / Re: leda's texture master post
« on: March 20, 2020, 07:00:54 pm »
Whoa, I'm absolutely floored right now- <3

A true saint. Bless you !

Game Discussion / Re: FeralHeart Has A Lot More Players On, What's Up?
« on: March 20, 2020, 06:57:43 pm »
Seems to be the norm, just depends on the day and time.
Although I stopped checking the count awhile ago.
Just having any members on at this point is good enough.

Finished Maps / Re: Sprucewood Ridge || Public Northern Map
« on: January 27, 2020, 10:31:11 am »
I might just have to download this map.
It seems like a nice and peaceful spot just to collect your thoughts and enjoy the surrounding area ~
Awesome work and thanks for sharing !

Introduction / Re: introduction :>
« on: January 27, 2020, 10:28:44 am »
Hopefully it was worth all that waiting in the end!
Welcome to the community, Hope to see you in-game!
Have fun!

Introduction / Re: My Return to FH
« on: January 27, 2020, 10:21:40 am »
A big ol' welcome back to ye.
You sound like a lovely individual ~
Hope you to run into ya in game!

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