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Messages - FlewToTheCity

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 46
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Eclipse Pride
« on: July 10, 2017, 06:21:10 am »

Introduction / Re: Happy
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:58:58 am »
Welcome to Feralheart AyumeGoff!
I hope you have a wonderful time playing in game and chatting to our wonderful community members.
Please remember to read and re-read the rules before jumping online.
Again, Welcome to Feralheart!

Introduction / Re: Hi, I'm a returning player!
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:54:34 am »
Welcome back Keegan!
I completely understand the craving for some good ol' Rp. Especially when you are on a very long break from the game.
Roleplay back in the old Feralheart days was the best, It thrived with so much life.
We are slowly getting back to our old values, but we have come back better and stronger.

I hope you enjoy the recent update with the new maps (Took myself a while to adjust, RIP old maps), I also hope that the members of our community treat you well.
See you around, Floof.

Introduction / Re: Hello from a returning player!
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:49:44 am »
Welcome Back!
A fresh start is always the best after returning from a long break.
The new maps are very beautiful and well created thanks to the staff, a lot of people seem to enjoy the beauty they hold.
I hope you have the best time back here at Feralheart and that the members treat you well.
See you ingame fellow Floof.

Introduction / Re: returning player yoo
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:45:45 am »
Welcome back fellow Floof!
I hope you enjoy the dramatic change of the game and that the members of our community treat you well.
ps. fall out boy is life

Introduction / Re: Hello!
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:42:47 am »
Welcome to Feralheart!
Please don't hesitate to say hello to any of us here, I hope the game treats you well and the community treats you even better!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: smxshmouth's bio :^)
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:02:43 am »
snakes, geckos, tarantulas, doggos and birbs.
many interests in common, much intrigued
anyways, your bio is beautiful. <3

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Would love some art of my bab
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:54:23 am »
i can give her a go for a headshot when i get home ;o;
such a gorgeous character <3

Art Gallery / Re: Arreze tries art - REQUESTS CLOSED + GREAT NEWS
« on: July 09, 2017, 05:51:35 am »
oh my lawd so cute. i'll have to slide in when you are free next time ;o; +Floof <3

Art Gallery / Re: [ Night's Art Dump ]
« on: July 08, 2017, 05:44:48 am »
holy hecker, your art is so beautiful what the heck. +floof

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