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Messages - Satsuki

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Media / Re: Need another helper with a music video...
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:00:03 am »
If you need anymore actors or helpers, I'd be glad to be one, since I usually like acting if that's what you mean. ^^
I'm Eastern Time myself. I have a male wolf character with a preset, but the preset just shows a few details you don't need. hurr.
I'd be glad to see it in the future even if you don't need anymore actors or helpers. c:

hmm... I guess another guy can work but I don't think you will have a lot of parts in it. Are you okay with that? The only reason why I said no preset is because I may not have that particular preset your character has downloaded in my file... So on my screen you will just be a white wolf model and I do not want that D: unless you give me the download file of how your character looks like. :P

Media / Re: Need another helper with a music video...
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:37:19 am »
Are you in eastern time? I can do tomorrow but I'll need to know what time to be there. Oh, and as for the color I meant is there a specific color the wolf needs to be? Like brown with black markings, blue eyes, etc.? One last thing, (I promise it's the last question x3) what map shall we meet in, and where? ouo

Yes I am in eastern time so I should say 2 p.m? xD The the wolf color you said is fine. We can meet flourite plains N/Z tree. I will whisper you in-game to let you know that I am on if you are willing to give me your username so I can whisper you xD

Media / Re: Need another helper with a music video...
« on: July 04, 2013, 03:11:16 am »
Thanks. You do not need any color codes, just no neon colors... Also no presets unless it is mask markings. ^^ I will tell you what to do in-game, but since it is getting late here do you think we shoot for tomorrow? If your not busy on the game or in rl?

Media / Need another helper with a music video...
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:30:40 am »
I have been doing a lot of video game editing... and I wanted to actually give feral heart a shot. I have been lacking motivation in it... but if anyone is willing to help me with it I will appreciate it. ^^  I just need one helper... the helper must be patient and is willing to cooperate. The helper must role as a wolf and it must be a male character.

for those who are females and would like to join... Do not worry because I am planning to do a male version of the song I am doing, sometime in the future. I am not giving out anymore info about the preview until the real version is done. You can check out the preview here:

If you wish to join just reply here.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 03, 2013, 06:07:34 pm »
I said what I said because it's been 42 pages of anger or sadness or "I'm leaving" Or arguing. 42. pages. That's 611 post, arguing or being mad or sad or quitting.
I have been reading exactly those 42 pages, and you were one of those who were arguing and saying the game is going to die because of this decision. So I am guessing your going to continue bickering with the mods until one of you break? I have agreed with some of your posts and their some of your posts that I do not agree with. You kept saying the same thing that your role play is dying because of this. The only one who can keep it from dying is you. If you are not the leader of your rp and whatever reason that she or he refuses to recruit more members. Then you should really convince your leader to recruit or just leave the group and find another.

I will surely miss general.
Some people are shy to go up to people and say hi.
And as many people stated, the movie advertising is tough. Much less players will be bothered to click on every movie clip.
Trolls and spamming in general?
Hahaha, that happens in every chat, local, movie etc.
General was the main target of trolling, which was good.
If people do it in local, mods can't be everywhere to check out users.
On the other hand, in general mods could be there to warn users that spam.
Not everyone has the guts(or maybe the person is just lazy? xD) or knows how to report someone.
As for movies, I honestly don't think anyone cared when general was up about the movie spamming, but just simply turned them off. After all, from what I have noticed, the movies used to be mostly about people derping and dancing in them. Now, trolls can troll people much easier with the movies, as they only have to click a button multiple times to spam.
So, all in all i have to say that trolls and spammers are everywhere, not just general.

I didn't mean to be rude or anything.

I do agree with your post but there is a little parts I do not agree with. I am one of those players who do not go up to others and say hi. I am also one of those players who do not care about reporting unless it is my business. However if you wish to make friends on here you have to break out of that silence unless you invite your real friends. Those who did not know how to report, how hard is it to ask someone how to report or get on the actual website for once?

People need to tell their opinions.
It's not anger or sadness, well maybe some. But not all, some are just plainly telling their opinions xD(Most I believe)

I am not saying keep your opinions to yourself. If you have your opinion then let it out so everyone can see how you feel about this.

Mhm, I agree with you Party except for one point.
In my opinion, I do believe it concerns people because it's the game they play.

I am glad some of you are actually taking my advise, that makes me a bit happy... I do not get what you are trying to say here though...

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: July 03, 2013, 05:46:50 am »
Guys, I know this is hard for a lot of you... I have not gotten over the fact that general is taken down, but I am not going to let a chat bring me down and rage quit, or complain about it to the mods. You are just going to make it worse then it already is... Like Raz said as soon as you guys calm down that's when the mods will make a decision.

You can always make a party chat group to talk to your buddies... Good thing is you can be far away from them and you can still talk to them. If you are looking for a group in fluorite but cannot click the movies, for whatever reason whatever players are constantly spamming movies, an error pops up your cannot click them. Then your best bet is to go out to the populated areas where advertising is usually held, which is at Stone Bridge, N/Z tree and Cape portal. For those who have old computers and say they will actually crash if they go to a really laggy place like the three populated areas I posted above, then you should whisper friends and see if they are in a role play your interested in.

Their has been literate role plays advertising in Stone bridge and cape portal, but most of them require you to download maps. For those who cannot download maps why don't you make a group and advertise your specific literate group for the people who cannot download maps.  Like the admins said, this is a "test" Tests can go on for weeks or a whole month or more.

The more you complain the longer we will have to wait to see results. Go download a mod/addons and enhance your feral heart game-play. Or just play another game for awhile instead of complaining.  Just bear with them. It has only been two weeks. (I think I do not know because I have not been paying any attention to the general related stuff.) I have to admit I was being one sided about this ideal... but it is not as bad as you all think... If you know your way around the game, you can find loads of way advertising your group or looking for one. You can use the forums or do a YouTube video (>.> that sounds kind of stupid but it is worth a shot).

Game Help / Re: flourite crashed
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:43:18 pm »
Thanks for the help guys, it had worked. ^^

Game Help / flourite crashed
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:25:12 pm »
Fluorite had seem to crash when I had enter and now I can't log onto my character that is stuck in there. Anyone else having this problem? I did a test character just now, cape portal and lonely cave runs smoothly but once you exit cape portal and into fluorite that's when the error happens.

Game Discussion / Re: Why is it that...
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:46:07 pm »
Never notice that  about the maps... especially in Bonfire but in flourite. Yeah I did. >.>

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Bro's Graphics! Versions X and Y Released!
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:38:50 pm »
But hey, thanks for the proof that X still works. xD
But hey, thanks for the proof that X still works. xD

Ha I found out how to hide the green text as soon as I downloaded your mod. I just forgot that I had accidentally re-submit the text when I screen shot. Was X glitching before? O.o Eh  but whatever, your welcome I guess. xD  I will just keep the texture lightening the way it is. ^^ Thanks for the reply :)

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