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Messages - deemsss1234

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So about one and a half year ago I started a group, called Nara. It got A LOT of members, but it became inactive. About a half year after it became inactive, I started it again. But it became inactive, again. xp But now, I started again. And a lot bigger. I made a map, and a site.

About Nara:
Nara is a group accepting all animals. Mice, lions, bears, wolves, unicorn, EVERYTHING. This means that Nara is not a realistic group. I accept both realistic and unrealistic characters. We now have a plot. It is very interesteting, interactive and unique! It recuires the attention of the members and also a bit of activity! It is complicated to. Here a link to the plot:

Literate? Well, this group is semi-literate. The more lit, the better tho. Some people just have a harder time typing a lot of things, because not everyones mother language is English.(Mine neither.) But I do not accept people who are just not lit at all. I want people to be able to type at least 1 sentence each post(I prefer if you type around 3 sentences each post.)
Mapped? Well, yeah! Maybe we won't always RP in the map, but it is more fun than in flourite or anything. I got a link to the map too: It's a public map tho, because I do not make private maps.
Need more information? Take a look at the website!
The site might get replaced by the forum, which I recommened to look at instead of the site. I like it better.

I want to join!
If you want to join, there are different ways to do this. On the website, you can send me a join request. You gotta type your username there, and what species your char is. I will check my e-mail now and then, and I will send you a group request ASAP. You can also add me to your friend list(My username is deemsss1234) and whisper me when you see me online. The leader of Nara is the character I play most, so I will probably have time to add you to the group. You can also post on this topic that you want to join. I do need to know your in game username, so I can add you to my friend list and send you a group invite as soon as I can.

I want to be a rival!
Great! There are several ways to do this. On the website( you can send a Rival Request! This is a form you can fill in to become my rival. You only have to fill in your group and username, and choose the den you like most. I will send you a friend request ASAP and whisper you all information you need. You can also send me a friend request(Username is deemsss1234). I will accept it(I accept all friend requests) and when you see me online, feel free to whisper me about becoming rivals. You can also post on this topic that you want to be a rival. I will add you as a friend and whisper you ASAP. I recommend filling in the Rival form. It is easy and then you can add all the information I might need.

Do you have rivals already?
Yes! Our rival is :*The Last Of Us*:
Their topic should be in the group advertising board too.

We are daily active. I try to be online as long as I can. And when I am not online, the chance is big that I am adding stuff the the site or anything. We got more than 130 members now! Good god. XD I never expected this group to get so huge. :D When we have around 150 members, I can see if Nara can get a child board. ;3

I hope to see you as a member or a rival of Nara soon. ;D

Hey hey!
So I found this map I once made and since I am going to start my old FH group again, I got to post it again. So this map is called Kishawan Island. It means nothing as far as I know, but I think it sounds cuwl. ;p And I got a few screenshots of the map for you guys! ;D

This is the den which I made for my group, Nara. ;3

This is a beautiful den(especially for flying creatures) It has trees growing out of it. :o This den is not owned by *v*The Aviary Brothers*v*

A creepy den, once owned by a demon pack. But now, it's owned by Ketsueki Hatna

This is a camp with several dens. I made it for everyone who isn't in any group in the map, but who wants to RP here. ;3

This frozen lake is close to the winter dens. ;3

This is some kind of old abandoned castle den. It is not owned, so it's available.

A den on a little desert island. It's a really nice den for a pride, I think. And it is not owned yet.

And a picture of the forest, with my char roaring. Randomly.

So, you know I live and Rp in this map with my group but I do need enemy group! I don't mind if you are a pride, pack or just an other random group, if you need a map just tell me and which den you would like. I would be happy to offer you a bit of territory in this map! Yeah, you want a den in this map? Then whisper me(I am called: deemsss1234   in game. Just send me a friend invite and whisper me when I'm online) Or just post it here. You can also send me a PM. But please note that the map is public, so if there are strangers in it, ya aren't allowed to send them away.


1. Try to be as nice as you can to others when yar ooc.
2. Like I already said, don't send people away exept if they are REALLY annoying. If they keep irritating you, or being mean you are allowed to ask them nicely to go away. If they don't, just block em.
3. FeralHeart rules of course.
4. :I (very important rule)

The .rar file got the weather fixed on 28-6-2014 If ya downloaded the .rar file before that date, I recommend downloading it again.
Dowload link:
Rar file: Kishawan RAR Mediafire
Link without adfly:(Do not click the link, copy and paste it)

Zip file: Kishawan ZIP Mediafire
Link without adfly:(Do not click the link, copy and paste it)

Rar file: Kishawan RAR Dropbox
Link without adfly(Do not click the link, copy and paste it) :

Zip file: Kishawan ZIP Dropbox
Link without adfly(Do not click the link, copy and paste it) :

The link to this topic is:   So if ya want other people to download this map, just give em this link.

I hope to get some enemy and ally groups who want to live in this map, and I hope you all have fun in this map! If there is something wrong with the download, or you are having troubles, tell me please. ;3

Also, I can always use some feedback from people who have been in the map. If you don't like it, I do not even mind if you say it in a slighty harsh way. I can handle things easily. And if you like the map, I would like to hear that too. ;3

Introduction / Re: Hello
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:32:08 am »
WELCOMEZ! I hope you have a fun time here on FH! And imo, it is worth the wait. ;3 If you even need help or just wanna chat with me, feel free to PM me anytime. ^^

Introduction / Re: HULLUWZ!
« on: June 23, 2014, 09:53:41 pm »
THanks BlueCrisis! That FH+ looks amazing. Hope it won't be too long before it comes out. A girl can hope. ;3

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart+ : Preview
« on: June 23, 2014, 09:49:52 pm »
Simba you are amazing!!! I LOVED to play FH+! Endless Plains is so awesome, and the little temple in it inspired me to use in my own maps. I haven't playe FH for a long time, and forgot the way to some places but I still know my way in FH+. Even the way in Endless Plains and man that man is big and awesome! I am really exited about this new FH+ because the maps looks so amazing and those items omg... Now I just NEED this new FH+ xp I hope more people will start playing FH+ when this comes out tho. ^^

Woah, this looks really good. ^^ Not watched it yet, but the map looks like the pictures. ;3 And it just looks pretty. Might be a bit laggy tho, but with such a nice map, most people don't find that a prob. ;3

Introduction / Re: HULLUWZ!
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:03:46 am »
Oh. :/ I always loved FH+ But as far as I know there was a mod named Simba who worked on it. But if he is gone then I guess FH+ is gone too. DX I still have all my old FH files on a usb tho.(So I wouldn't lose my maps and stuff) and FH+ is there too. xp

Introduction / Re: HULLUWZ!
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:55:19 am »
Yeah the staff changed a lot! I have the feeling there are less mods than there were first. I might have been inactive for almost a year. 0.o And where did FH+ go actually? XD

Introduction / HULLUWZ!
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:38:08 am »
Hulluwz people,

So I guess not a lot of people know me, but I played FH a lot for quite some time. I never was very active on the forums tho. So I am planning to start playing FH again, and getting some new friends! Damn, I think I got no friends left now. XD I even gotta download the game again. 0.o But I will start with just trying to be a little more active on the forums. ;3 So for all u guys, feel free to PM me about anything. At the moment, I will probably be a bit lonely on FH. ;p

:)Omg look at dat

Finished Maps / Re: Kishawan Island, public forest map.
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:33:57 pm »
Thank you very much, and I'm glad you like my map. And I really like making buildings like this, and do it a lot so it isn't very hard anymore ;3
Thanks again for the compliments and stuff. Makes me very happy with my maps.

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