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Messages - bluemushrooms

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Game Discussion / Re: Oh no D:
« on: March 05, 2013, 12:59:01 am »
I finally did the advertising and the map... after 3 hours of work, here it is!

Join the group of Endangered or Verge of extinction animals! We are animals that are protected by humans in the Feralheart National Park! We have a map, and are currently accepting these animals;
Birds; Brown pelican, Crowned eagle, Brown kiwi, Ivory-billed woodpecker, Puerto Rican Parrot
Water swimmer animals and such; River otter, Monk seal, Amazon river dolphin, Kemp ridley's sea turtle
Felines; White tiger, African lion (Occasionally), Bengal Tiger, Cheetah, Leopard, Snow leopard, Iberian Lynx
Horses; Shire, Dartmoor, Canadian, Hackney
Wolves: Grey Wolf, Red wolf, Maned wolf
Small animals; Black footed ferret, Alabama beach mouse, Pygmy Rabbits, Volcano rabbit

                             Do your research on your character before choosing what you want to be!
Yes, you have to do research on your character, whether if its a feline, bird, or a otter, you have to see how it looks like! (And by research i mean like, study its looks before you create it.) We are realistic, semi-literate. We want your character to look as realistic as a penguin! (Sadly we cant have penguins in the National park, hehe)

                                                                        The National Park
We have a national park named the Feralheart National Park, (How original xD) Its a place full of trees and plants, (I think the humans mighta planted too many Acacia trees though, heh.) and tall grass for the lions and tigers to prowl in. The climate is good for all animals, temperatures in the 80's and the 90's, occasionally the 100's. (Its never very hot where this place was built..) The water never ices over, during the winter its usually 40 degrees to 50. So all animals are adjusted to the climate immediately when it turns to winter-time. Well enough of the chitter-chatter, Shall i show you some screenshots?

The portal is located at the heart of the park, so dont worry about finding your way in and out!

Theres a forest on the WAY left of the park, it has lots of trees and its the best place to get protected from rain when you dont feel like getting wet!

This is what i was talking about with the humans planting alot of acacia trees around the lion area.

Heres more forest on the right side of the park, its only Pine trees here so its very covered from rain, but its not COMPLETELY covered from rain, you find raindrops plop onto your head every now and then.

Well thats all about my group, send me a Private Message on the fourms telling me what you want to be, and if you want to join, I will then send you the mediafire link to the nice National Park map! Sadly I couldn't place in music for the map so bear with me. XD
Thanks for reading and chao!

Game Discussion / Re: Oh no D:
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:14:42 pm »
I just made a tiger character and i have a group named Save the Bengal Tigers! Im going to start on the map right now, if you guys would like to help me spread the word, actually, i think i should make the group more bigger so that its for all animals that are close to extinction, you guys wanna help? :3

Game Discussion / Oh no D:
« on: March 04, 2013, 08:54:22 pm »
I found out at school today that Bengal Tigers are going extinct, so i wanted to make a map thats like a national park for bengal tigers... What do you guys think about this?

Request Maps / Re: EXPERIENCED Wolf Map Maker?
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:40:50 pm »
I would like to c: just PM me in game when you can, my user is bluemushrooms.

Finished Maps / Secret Sanctuary
« on: March 03, 2013, 10:39:49 pm »
Hey guys! I made a little map thats supposed to be a underground/secret Sanctuary xD.
Well i hope you guys like it! Instructions are in the readme.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: I need a map tester
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:11:44 am »
I would love to help! :3

Finished Maps / Feralheart Rave
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:15:51 am »
I just made a rave map i was bored and stuff, I hope you guys like it though!, instructions are in the Readme xD


Game Discussion / Re: FERAL HARLEM SHAKE!
« on: March 03, 2013, 12:14:20 am »
I wanna join too :D im usally on everyday XD so name the time and ill be there

Finished Maps / Re: DJ Trances Palace of Disco
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:10:01 pm »
Ah, theres something wrong with the map, imgonna take the links down

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