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Messages - Owly

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Forum Discussion / Re: Where did you get your sona' name?
« on: September 11, 2014, 08:07:57 pm »
Just gonna say that I just got mine from...
Jumbling letters together and thinking of the word Kawaii.
So original right?
Some of the BEST names are made that way!

I have always been known for my love of owls many years before FH was even born. I was known as Nightsoar by tons of people, then people started calling me Owly, it wasn't until I got to Feral Heart with the username Phantom Owl that more people called me it, so I adopted the username Owly. So people named me other creative [pretty awesome] nicknames, but Owlus was what struck me the most. So when I got the account Owlus, [plus some not so great things happening with Owly's account] I switched over to Owlus. [I use Owly's forum account because why not]

Game Discussion / Re: Death to the Parents?
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:41:14 pm »
This isn't just Disney, mind you. Animes have a ton of it. Various video games, other movies that are not related to Disney as well.
It's the number 1 kick starter for any "amazing" character. It is the most common thing used when making any character. Which is why most people are drawn to it. They are familiar with it all too much that they use it. Even if it is twisted up, it's kind of like a reflex to some people to explain why their character doesn't have one.

Especially on FH, having an actual parent that is still alive, still active, etc is REALLY difficult to obtain. Yes there is always the whole: parents left option, but if you say "my parents are dead for [insert reason]" it's 1: a conversation starter [even if they are seeking attention], 2: A way to give their character certain tragic traits [extreme determination, motivation, want for revenge, closed off and doesn't speak much, more hostile, the want to be someone good, or even bad, the possibilities are limitless!] Yes there are always other ways to achieve these traits, maybe they were born with it, maybe they had it thrust upon them by some tragic event. However, to fill in blanks without spending ages on making some elaborate story as to how you are who you are now, parents death will always come up first.

It may be annoying under some [okay maybe most] circumstances, but what can you really do about the matter?

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplaying Pet Peeves
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:28:46 pm »
I role play a ton, I lead role plays as well. I have gotten a lot of peeves by role playing. Some are pretty dumb, but some are legit.
The whole "taking awhile to reply" going BOTH ways. I'm not fond of being rushed, especially since I'm a pretty fast typer, or being cut off for that matter. But I also don't like waiting over 10-15 minutes for a post when the post happens to be only 3-5 sentences... You couldn't have warned me you were away doing something else? It was only a few sentences...
I do not like how a WHOLE GROUP clusters in the camp. Therefore you have about 20-30 people posting over another. Spread out and role play if you want to just socialize, goodness! [Mapped role plays...]
I do not like post orders... I'm sorry but anything over 4 role players in a spot isn't worth a post order because of the length it may take to role play. I only find a post order useful is ONLY WHEN the characters are posting AT YOU, unless that is happening, I throw post orders out the window.
Call me a grammar nazi but it peeves me when people get wander and wonder mixed up, to, too, and two mixed up, there, they're, their mixed up, etc. I've even debated posting a proper grammar thread on some of my role play sites so people get which way is right...
I loathe wolfspeak, if you use flank, canines, things that ACTUALLY represent a part of your body, then I'm fine. The moment you use something that is NOT part of your body, that you are only using a "synonym" for I warn them to not use them and kick them if they continue [after like 3 times of being warned]. [Really this is if I'm getting complaint whispers, or the posts in question have heavy wolfspeak].
I REALLY dislike the role players that: Always find ways to get hurt, get hurt because someone else is getting hurt, only pay attention to one or two people out of like 40 members, people who don't actually do what their rank job is, try to butt in on a private role play [after you told them not to and are in a remote location], and lastly, which is my favorite, when role players keep killing off their characters in role play.

I think I'm done now... Lol

Game Discussion / Re: What Kind Of Designs Do You Like For Your Characters?
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:05:38 pm »
I like to mix it up, unless the characters are related... Even then, I have to add unique features in there. I don't really have a color preference... I guess it depends what looks good to me!
I bring the 'crazy' to 'crazy characters' though, they look pretty different than what you may find elsewhere.

Discussion Board / Re: But first, lemme take a selfie
« on: September 06, 2014, 04:22:47 am »
I wanna play!

Hi, I'm Owlus, and I thought I'd actually post a selfie on the FH forums for once in my life! Woo!

Just to let you know.
Just because people can't spell righ, dosen't mean you have to be rude.
You say your not 'rude', but you are!
And also the rules are too harsh.
It's a game for fun, not for just saying: "Oh! You sayid it wrong! Your kicked out!"
You say your nice and all, but you're not!
I know I sounded rude, but feel the pain, as you're rude on others, now I'am on you!
Good day! .-.

As noted above, please refrain from making negative comments on this thread. Let the role play run how they want to run it. You, yourself, are being quite rude and inconsiderate for making your opinions public in a spot they need not be.

This role play is unique in their own way and are just trying to advertise for it. Now let them and leave your bad comments out.

Praise / Re: Christmas Praise for a bunch of Wonderful Friends<3
« on: December 18, 2013, 08:06:19 pm »
Buffy you're truly an amazing friend I am so honored to have been on that praised list!

While your points seem pretty interesting, there are some flaws.

First off, "Why can't we just get the source code from the game itself?" Is simple. KovuLKD made the game so the base coding files to run it could not be altered. Hence why when you find modifications, the texture files are simply named after the default ones. The files that probably have the source code in them are hidden away, I'm sure.
Have you ever seen IT server files? Or downloaded them? They're put in a file that cannot be opened. Why? Because the general public could mess with the game. Only the owner, and probably a few trusted admins, can edit the files after being given them.

For the "Simba must have found it" bit. From my understanding, after meeting him when FH+ was FIRST launched. KovuLKD gave him the source code for his own devices. So Simba, by my accusations, is a close enough friend of KovuLKD to get the source code.


From knowing Kov when I first started, I was able to learn one thing.

The game itself is more different, FAR MORE, than IT. Some of the coding wouldn't work for him. He had finally figured out the wings, and a dash button sure. However, he had also claimed that prey would lag so terribly that it would crash the game altogether.
I mean, it seems pretty accurate when you think about it. What happens when a bunch of models gather in the game? Insane lag, at least for the majority. So when you have prey running around with complex and moving models, as well as health and other gaming content you get an overload of lag that would just crash the game.

There is no explanation as to why Kov left, many think he became board, the community was terrible, he got a better offer somewhere else, etc. I wouldn't really assume any are right because no one knows. I'd leave rumors as just that. Rumors.

"Editing without the source code" while you can easily make more markings, more items, even more emotes and possibly actions. To put it in a patch that everyone can easily download, like a game patch or to even make it a part of the game, still needs the source code. Hence why we have to download from media fire and manually put them in.

In regards to the situation, the poor staff are really stuck on the matter. Believe me when I say, if they could update the game, they would have done so the summer of the last update. Which was last summer, mind you.

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 18, 2013, 04:20:36 am »
I am actually rather annoyed with this.

Not ALL of us want to watch MOVIES of advertising. No one sane or a veteran of this game ever uses such an absolute silly way of advertisement. I am sorry that the mods are tired of doing their jobs in, yanno, modding and everything, but spamming will happen, whether in general OR in local chat. Your attempts to stop trolling and spamming won't help for beans, to be honest.

I am frustrated because this is what keeps the game alive. You cannot just TAKE AWAY the one thing that helps a game blossom. Instead, you limit the way a person advertises packs or prides to punish others who actually use it. It's how others make friends and find new places to be.

This is unfair, and if you want to crack down on spammers, at LEAST make a button called "Advertising", so at least you know advertisements go there, and if anyone spams it, they are warned, and if it continues, banned.

Give the rest of us a break here.

This will most likely ruin the game for a lot of people, because now they have to go into a CROWDED PLACE, which causes LAGGING to find a pack or pride to be part of. We can't ALL fit into the portal area, or the bridge, or even the cave. That is unrealistic and problem-causing to say the LEAST.

Please reconsider this rather rushed attempt and make a poll to be fair. This is a game we ALL contribute to, and if there is hardly anyone left, what is there to even be proud of in the game? Dwindling members just because you FELT like taking out General?

I vote a poll, and base your choice on that instead of abruptly making this decision with no say-so from, yanno, the people who RP and want to keep RPing going. :I

Just to point out that, again, Feral heart staff can't update the game without the source code. So making a button that says "Advertisement" can't be added without the game maker. Which, hah, by a lovely coincidence has abandoned the game. So no, they can't just make a button.

I'm sorry... Unrealistic? Don't you usually gather to those areas any way, in the long run? [Yeah, some may advertise while sitting on their rump in a remote location, but the majority still advertise in the three locations. I do get your frustration, though, as I get lag as well. And pretty badly too... It just may start to happen where they spread out a bit, while still in the same area, or even go wandering the map to recruit "loners" in. That's always a little fun, right? Again, alternatives. Maybe 1 person recruits, while the group leader is away from lag to take samples, or add them in. To tell them to whisper the leader. That can be a possible way to at least -help- with that lag, instead of having every member in the group, and their mother there.

And to add now, since I saw the update:
Most of the members didn't know about it either. I was even baffled when I heard about this. Yet I adapted quickly, and I get the fact not all of you agree. However, can't you at least try to think up a nice, new, creative way to make use of this?

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:59:36 am »
Normally, I'd stay away from commenting on the forums. Out of the TWO YEARS [or more] of being with this game, see how many times I've posted. Even if this account isn't the two old, my original one is.

 For all who oppose this idea, like those stated above me, you really need to look at both sides to your complaints/dislikes.

Most of the people that dislike the idea have posted about two key features, at least in all of the one's I've skimmed. The facts they "can't advertise as well" and "can't socialize like they used to on the chat". You're missing the fact this leaves you with many new ups.

Like Crin posted, which she posted about MY role play, Abandoned Paradise, I would go out, for 4-5 hours ON END and just post advertisements. It annoyed me, because I would post some detailed stuff and get about 3 people. Today, we sat out for an hour, and people came up to us and asked about the role play. I was able to give a bigger description to them, because I didn't have to worry about my post being cut off by the constant chatter, and that they took interest in my role play first than just reading another ad. They got to see us, and hear about my group. We ended up with, what, 4-6 new members in that hour alone. Probably had about 8 or so interested in that short time.
What's more is, movies. Seriously, yeah it's a way to advertise, but it's not the ONLY way. I know a few have stated this above, I just want to touch base. People, in general when they advertised would be at one of three general locations: N/Z, Stone Bridge, and Cape [for mapped]. Rarely you would get one at the plus, but it's died down since then. However, those are the KEY areas. If you want a role play, chances are you would want to GO to that spot. Now it encourages members to as well! Now they get to see you instead of getting a random whisper where you had NO idea if they were the type of group you would vision, or met your standards. They get to ask more questions, which may be seen to other people further [but in range] back, and have them click and go: Huh, I like that. I'd like to join. Instead of hearing a same type of description in general.

Now, on the base of the socialization. Wouldn't you like to actually see the person you're talking to? I'd like to see some of the people I chat with on general. You know, see their characters and get to actually snuggle their pixelated body? While it was nice to have some random chatter, I would usually see nothing but pointless spam to cause the poor advertisers' ads to be swept away. Some times it would get so bad, advertisers were afraid to advertise! Some of the topics were pretty inappropriate too, at times. Some even made others upset and offended. Some of which, I remember, have even made me to the point of tears. Yeah, TEARS! I've seen some terrible things posted on there, and I know it's not common it happens, but it has happened quite a few times in the past year. "Turn general chat off then"- Well why should I have to turn off a chat when you're tampering with it; may it be from flooding it or talking about a bad subject? While you're entitled to opinions, some of these things should be kept for more private chats. It could very well upset others, as seen in mass arguments in general.

All and all, I don't mind the fact general is gone, as long as we have it in private maps, which I use it to torment my poor members and make announcements. The public map use of it can be very well adjusted to.
Yet, even I know people won't stop complaining, or even feel any different after reading this. I'd just like you to see some of the alternatives, rather than making a swift pass at going: OMG IT'S GONE! WE'RE GON' DIE NAO! K?! -Poofs-

That's just my two cents,

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