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Messages - Griimmjow

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Finished Maps / Realm Of Gods. It's done! Now to testing^^.
« on: April 11, 2014, 10:32:35 am »
Realm Of Gods!
IT'S DONE! Now to testing yes!. This might take some time though but i will try my best to be fast ^^
The gods are already taking a liking to their home!
<Byakko looking over.
<Suzaku with her motherly warmth!
Genbu and Seiryuu is open.. Whisper farengor on FH too know more..

Plains of genbu. As said, genbu is the black turtle with a tail of a snake, also the god of water and is known to have great wisdom!. Those who might live in his realm will be wise.

Jail of the plain. And the two small caves behind, you can only get in from underwater :'D.

Finished Maps / Re: Warrior Cats : my first map
« on: March 25, 2014, 09:20:01 am »
Thats a great looking map, for your first try!... Keep it up. I love it! ;D

Finished Maps / Celestial Plains /Okami map FREE to use/
« on: March 23, 2014, 06:08:47 pm »
This is.. One of my very first maps.. I had it for so long, just laying around and in the end just.. Why not?.

I'ts free to use for all and have all 13 brush gods, PLUS their kids and the other new ones in the other okami game if anyone know that one. It's easy to find out what place belongs to who. And no.. It's not big.. I know.. But it fits with the game in my idiot head.

Have fun and don't ruin it for others who might rp in there... Thats my only rule..

There is no music added to it.. Not that i didn't WANT too but it whould be too big then.. Theres sounds everywhere tho!

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Shanderlia Manor. New dawn!
« on: February 07, 2014, 04:33:23 pm »
It may take alot time to make but so it did with the other i made.. I love throwing my ideas out in the map!. If ya have some ideas to a room Tell me!.. And i will see if i can fit it in!. And be sure to tell whos idea it was!

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Shanderlia Manor./Update, 24/8/
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:00:41 am »
                                                                Shanderlia Manor

Alright, here i go again. So i went to look at an old map with a pretty cool rp that i still rp in and has been around for... About a year or more now!. Full out and kicking BUT.. The map i have spent (Alot of beep here) making has gone to crash.. Might be me who totaly did NOT mess up FH files while doing something x'D. SO anywho i'v made up my mind to make a new manor/map to this lovely rp.. It's a closed map, forgive me. But is open to take more rp's in, maids butlers gardners keepers,guards and so on. It's gonna be huge, with a gaint house of a manor...  

The building is at long last done. It did take me a heck of alot time to get the look i wanted.<3

Don't say staff people on manors are bad.. They get spoiled here.. Very much spoiled<3

One of the staff rooms, almust all have 3 beds. but a few rooms only have 2 beds

Main Kitchen, where also the staff, miads and all those eat.

The main dinning room has got a lift up, now that there has come a lord into the rp. plus a little nips on the walls.
library. Love it<3

THIS IS GONNA TAKE A HELL OF A ALOT TIME! Dig a grave for me will ya.
Yes... I didn't keep op the work for this map for some time but.. Eh.. I had work and irl life to keep op with -cough-

Finished Maps / Re: Island Of Seriyu. Done!. With more pics too
« on: February 03, 2014, 02:53:20 pm »
>///<... And AlphaEclipse those water lillis are from dreks meshes, easy to find! ^^

Finished Maps / Re: Island Of Seriyu. Done!. With more pics too
« on: February 02, 2014, 06:36:33 pm »
Uhwaaa -Bows head in table- Thank you miss^^. Also i'v seen it's goes well for the map. Seiryu and a another one is always on in the map by evening so plenty of rp!

I simply love the style of your map work!^^. <3

Request Maps / Re: Looking for a Ginga Map / Requesting one.
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:59:42 am »
[/img]           Meow    <____> .... Hope this one fits

Request Maps / Re: Looking for a Ginga Map / Requesting one.
« on: January 16, 2014, 01:07:37 pm »
I chould fix something up!. With or without a human place?... (Not the best at humen places). But it's gonna take a some time.. Do to the mountians and rivers.. I will look into to it^^. Also.. Winter or sommer? :o ....How meny dens, packs loner dens'n stuff

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