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Messages - FelFeyn

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Member Bio & Journals / Re: ~The Bio of a Weirdo(FelFeyn)~
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:54:11 am »
Ahh omg me too!! The new season coming out makes me want to re-do my Allen cosplay xD I hope its as good as the first season was, the "ending" to the manga was a little disappointing.
I cosplay as Cross currently, but I need to track down someone to be my Allen at cons! ;-; I need my idiot apprentice dangit!
The manga has been continued as well! (If you didn't already know...) ...Which I need to catch up on cx
But we can only hope!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: ~The Bio of a Weirdo(FelFeyn)~
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:33:29 am »
Gasp!!! Another D.Gray-Man fan!!!? I'd never think I'd meet one, the anime is so not mainstream xD
Yussshhhhh <3 D.Gray-Man is my favourite anime! -clings to- Fans are so rare ;w;
I'm so hyped for the new season this summer! >w<

Introduction / Re: Hullo Everyone!
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:23:55 am »
Thank you for the warm welcomes everyone~ <3
From my two or thee years of forum stalking, I can say I'm happy to be part of such a wonderful community ^^

...I've just been really lazy about dragging my butt here cx
also D:<<< -turns Azura/ArcticGalaxy into a potato and uses her to power a lightbulb-

Member Bio & Journals / ~The Bio of a Weirdo(FelFeyn)~
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:04:15 pm »
Oh dear, oh dear... This is just going to be an overview really, since there's too much to recall off the top of my head... but feel free to ask any questions you might have ^^

General Stuff
Name: Axel
Nickname(s): FelFeyn(Fel), Shikyorei(Shiki), Shishi, Radium, Shuu
Gender: Female
Age: Legal Adult (that's all you get! c;)

Likes: Reading, Drawing, Watching Anime/Movies, Playing Video Games, Cosplaying, Making Friends, Learning about Animals/Mythical Creatues
Dislikes: Sports, Bullies, Art Thieves, Losing Friends

Anime: D.Gray-Man, Parasyte -the Maxim-, Tokyo Ghoul, One Piece, Natsume Yuujinchou
Books: Harry Potter, Splintered series, Dragon Champion series
Movies: Harry Potter, Avengers, James Cameron's AVATAR, Studio Ghibli films
Video Games: Assassin's Creed franchise, World of Warcraft, Don't Starve, Okami, the Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts
Animals: Cats, Wolves, Hyenas, African Wild Dogs, Dragons, Gryphons, Mishipeshus... (Ima stop here lol)
People: Reccewolf, ArcticGalaxy, Mahealani, xXCenticBloodXx, Kikiorylandia, Dave

     There really isn't a ton to say about myself, aside from the fact I'm an incredible weirdo cx I grew up in a rather small town, and was raised as one of the guys. I had a pretty happy childhood, until my body started changing and people started picking on me for it.. then I became as emotional as a brick wall. Middle School was pretty rough, was bulled a lot and didn't have many friends, but things had started getting better by the time I started High School.
    Nowadays, I have a great group of friends, and a wonderful girlfriend, and I couldn't imagine my life without them. I know they have my back, and I've got theirs, through thick and thin. I spend a lot of time gaming and messing around with them, and picking on each other playfully is pretty common too cx

I might update this more later, but I'm gunna be lazy and just post this as it is for now ;P

Introduction / Hullo Everyone!
« on: April 19, 2016, 09:13:53 pm »
Guess who's finally posting on the forums?
ME! 8D

But yes hi hello~
I've been here for a few years, pretty active in-game, lurked the forums for a good long time...
But never posted here

Anyways, I'm FelFeyn(in-game and here), nice to meetcha!

Other Mods/Creations / Re: OHHH YES!: A Mettaton mods for Undertale Fans
« on: November 12, 2015, 03:10:14 am »
This is so fricking beautiful oml

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