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Messages - Hamilton

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Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: How to: work with Blender
« on: September 27, 2011, 06:49:19 pm »
Judging by the screen-shot, you need a python version of 2.5.5.

Does it list anything else that might be similar to documents and settings? My computer only uses XP so I'm not at all familiar with vista or windows7 set-ups o.o;;

You could try running a search in the C: drive for a folder labeled "blender foundation" or heck, ".blend" to get even closer. (bonus, after you open the folder you can hit the up folder button to backtrack out of it and learn it's location for future referencing~)

Game Discussion / Re: Your Opinion on Cross-gender RPers?
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:15:56 pm »
All I could say, without damning myself, has already been said.

I've never encountered this type of person before. It almost makes me want to. Just to see how they really are. As an outside observer, it sounds like they are mixing up their character and player relations. Secretly hoping that they will have an internet fling with the player of their characters mate. I wouldn't be surprised if those people are also on the younger end of the age scale.

Personally, I will never play a female character seriously. It just cannot be done.

Though I've had players assume I was male. I don't bother to correct them. I have my reasons.

I'm.....I'm gunna stop typing now.....


So I noticed I never answered the actual question. While it's probably obvious: I find no qualms with cross-gender anything.

Finished Maps / Re: [1.09] Noynac Dnarg (Fixed//App open)
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:03:18 pm »
New download is live. If you already downloaded the map, you only need the weather fix. If you haven't downloaded the map yet, just take v1.5. it has the weather fix already in it.

The application is now up as well. Fog looks forward to mea....meeting you~

Finished Maps / Re: [1.09] Noynac Dnarg (Woo! It's open! OMG!!!1)
« on: September 25, 2011, 05:39:24 pm »

Hymn...well. That's odd. Actually.....come to think of it....

ffffuuuuuuu missed a file. FIXING.

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / How to: keep temp objects at bay
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:26:55 pm »
So frustrating, isn't it? You've been working on a map or two for a while when out of the blue, something you played with in object maker shows up in them!

Sure, you could just select the objects and delete them. Or you could delete them from the file itself.

But what if you could completely avoid them all together?

Take heart! There is a way!

See, every-time you do anything in object maker and map maker, the game saves it was a temporary object file. And occasionally, it pops up in other maps for no real reason.

But if you clear the temp file before you get to your map, then the only thing that will load is the objects you want to be there!

It's very easy. And you don't even have to leave the game!

Every-time you use object maker, when you are done, delete the objects. Then hit the clear button (it's in the first tab). After that, hit the test button.

Confident the objects are thoroughly gone, you can go to map maker now (though i usually hit the clear button again for good measure).

Likewise, when you are finished working in your map, go to object maker and clear the scene. Even if there is nothing there.

Now, mind you, your maps object file may still display a [temp/temp] object. However it will be a non-object! Completely invisible! No longer gumming up your work.

Also, when you export, you may end up with a temp.fho file. It's harmless and can be thrown away.

Viola! A little round-about, but no more randomly appearing objects! All within the comfort of the game!

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: How to: work with Blender
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:15:32 pm »
I use version 2.48.1

Finished Maps / Re: [1.09] Noynac Dnarg (Woo! It's open! OMG!!!1)
« on: September 23, 2011, 04:53:51 pm »
Fixed some spelling and grammar issues.
Fixed some minor coding issues.
Fixed missing link. OMG there's a download link now!!!!

This map was not subjected to testing. Please let me know if something isn't working right...

Aw poop. I forgot the music section. Fixing. Also fixed.

Finished Maps / [1.09] Noynac Dnarg (Fixed//App open)
« on: September 22, 2011, 08:26:56 pm »

Shut up! It's a totally original name!

Dnarg is a medium-large sized map. It is a canyon styled map with the vast majority of its features being in the lower level. The canyon itself divides two forests. Though not as cleanly as you'd think. Peculiar...

Your first site when entering the canyon is pretty daunting. High walls surround you while a river lazily continues its eternal task of eroding the earth beside you. Is that a bridge over your head? Are these steep walls scalable? Perhaps you should get a better look...

Some of these ... formations ... look habitable. Old boundaries linger on the breeze. Clearly you aren't the first to explore this land. But what has become of the last?

The walls are unstable. Looks like they've come down in some places. A sure-footed creature, such as yourself, might be able to use this as an advantage.

The risen lands are considerably greener. The view below isn't half bad either. Perhaps you'll stick around for a while...

Dnarg boast dens of many shapes and sizes. From enormous ones carved from the land itself...

To smaller, less navigable ones.

Not all are fully furnished. But at least 1/4 are rather inviting looking.

Some show evidence of having been lived in....very recently. It's probably better to avoid those. You never know who might be lurking in the next hole you stick your nose into...

Laws of the land!

  • When you enter the map, greet it! A friendly "hello!" in general to alert others to your arrival.
  • When someone enters the map, greet them! A friendly "hello!" in general let's them know you're here.
  • General will be for chat. Unless agreed upon by all parties.
  • Local will be for roleplay. Unless agreed upon by all parties.
  • Your tawdry love-affair isn't appreciated by all parties. Keep it local, keep it private. There is more than enough space.

There are 10 large dens to this map. (and about a hundred small ones). You may NOT claim dens permanently. You MAY claim them for the duration you are in the map. HOWEVER when you leave the map, for ANY reason, you forfeit the den. No exceptions! This means logging out, changing characters, or navigation away from the map!

There are 4 established territories to this map. Scroll to the bottom for a form to apply for a territory. You may NOT claim a territory without filling the form and being APPROVED. Only established groups may apply. No one character may claim a territory for him/her self. Territory owning is permanent and remains your groups land until they move or disband.

Boundary lines are suggestive. Applying groups may extend or diminish the boundary line as they see fit. HOWEVER, boundary lines may not contact other territories or the river.

The northern most territory is reserved for a later group.

The eastern territory is open.

The western territory is open.

The southern territory is open.

To apply for a territory:

The person applying for a territory MUST be the current group leader. Sub-ordinates will not be permitted to apply.
The territory you are applying for MUST be available. Check above to be sure it is open.
ROLEPLAY with Fog. Fog holds all the cards. You, as group leader, must prove to him that you and your group are worthy of living in his domain.


Are you the leader? (if no, stop now!)
What is your group? (link please!)
Are you established? (more than 4 members/users)
When can you meat i mean "meet" with Fog? (any time between noon and 4 pm EST. sunday-friday)
Which lands do you seek? (east, west, or south)

About the music

There are 5 tracks in this maps playlist. Interestingly, the game only seems to like playing three. It will pick 3 at random for it to shuffle. So there may be a different list each time you enter. A spiffy mistake to stumble upon~

The overall tone picked for this map is medium paced travel music with a dash of adventurey confrontational and sad romantics. Some tracks may be slightly louder than others, but not enough to blow out any eardrums or anything.

Music by

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Free Markings (taking requests)
« on: September 15, 2011, 07:45:14 pm »
Completed Requests

Request a Preset/Marking / Free Markings (taking requests)
« on: September 15, 2011, 07:44:10 pm »
Guys, you need to really think about the requests you are thinking of making here. Markings can not be one-sided and are always one color (unless kov makes a change to the markings coding, which so-far he has not). If you marking does not fit that, it is not a marking it is a preset. I am not doing presets.

I am open for marking requests!

So long as the request:

-is original. there is no other marking like it.
-can not be achieved in part by existing markings.
-may be shared freely.
-is not a preset.
-can be mirrored cleanly.
-is not two-toned.

So if you've got a marking you've been dying to have made real. And it fit's those three things up above. Then this is the thread for you!

At this point, I don't really feel a reference is needed. I mean, come on. 667 of you have downloaded and are using my markings pack right now! If that's not proof enough that I can handle your request, I don't know what is!

I feel obligated to tell you that while you will receive a download for your marking (and your marking only), the marking will be subject to be included in a future marking pack.

But hay, free markings! For YOU!

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