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Messages - Machungwa63

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Discussion Board / Re: what joke makes you laugh??
« on: April 04, 2019, 04:25:05 am »
I used to cry when my dad chopped Onions. Onions was a good dog, I miss him.

Media / Re: Tell me your YOUTUBE channels!
« on: April 02, 2019, 09:58:48 pm » - 10-minute long Feral-Heart movies following the adventures of Lenny the lion and Shairi the lioness.

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 18, 2019, 04:14:40 am »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
CaptainWolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
CaptainWolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!
DancingWithDeath: They found a volcano that looked like it was about to erupt, and looked in horror.
ArkhamScout: But they was also confused by the volcano erupting........
Ame88: Kentucky friend chicken by the thousands. Everybody around started to...
SpicyDirt: Pick up the Kentucky Fried Chicken and throw it into the water as an offering for the fish god.
Notorious.: The fish god was very pleased with the offering, but at the same time wasn't too satisfied with it. The fish then wanted everybody to...
ArkhamScout: dance the YMCA dance but.....
FlyingGrass: An evil witch put sleeping potion in the air and...
DancingWithDeath: Started stealing the chicken.
ArkhamScout: but someone stop her and it was.....
Machungwa63: Jeffrey's dad, Stanley, whose robotic hand made him immune to the sleeping potion.
VortexAlive: They then agreed to build a new taco stand and decided to...
Kerriki: also start selling mac and cheese.
Ame88:This was a big hit alongside the tacos. Not long after releasing the mac however, everyone started...
CaptainWolfskin: to only buy Mac and cheese, the  people were so addicted to the rich and creamier taste that they began to...
ArkhamScout: sing and dance around, singing about how good the Mac and cheese but......
FlyingGrass: The Mac and cheese was secretly part of an evil plan to...
Ame88: hypnotize everyone, forcing them to dance until they couldn't dance any longer. Nobody noticed this until...
Michen_S: a cola geyser suddenly erupted right behind the mac and cheese stand.
FlyingGrass: That explosion blew a piece of paper out of the Mac and cheese stand, that note contained details about the evil plan and someone picked it up, it read:
Machungwa63: "While you've all been dancing, I have bought every pizza place on Earth and now I own all the pizzas! You shouldn't have forgot about me. Signed - Mushroom Monster"
CaptainWolfskin: Chuck gasped in horror while reading the note, Jeffery began screaming like a dying gazelle and promptly past out after also reading the note.
Michen_S: Thank goodness there also was a vampire present that was immune to hypnotisation. He quickly grabbed a bottle of...
CaptainWolfskin: hot sauce boldly proclaiming...
Machungwa63: "My Uber is running late!"

Media / Feral-Heart in real life
« on: March 17, 2019, 12:38:51 am »
Everything about this video screams Feral-Heart... except they didn't start dancing.

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 15, 2019, 03:52:07 pm »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
Captain_Wolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!
DancingWithDeath: They found a volcano that looked like it was about to erupt, and looked in horror.
ArkhamScout: But they was also confused by the volcano erupting........
Ame88: Kentucky friend chicken by the thousands. Everybody around started to...
SpicyDirt: Pick up the Kentucky Fried Chicken and throw it into the water as an offering for the fish god.
Notorious.: The fish god was very pleased with the offering, but at the same time wasn't too satisfied with it. The fish then wanted everybody to...
ArkhamScout: dance the YMCA dance but.....
FlyingGrass: An evil witch put sleeping potion in the air and...
DancingWithDeath: Started stealing the chicken.
ArkhamScout: but someone stop her and it was.....
Machungwa63: Jeffrey's dad, Stanley, whose robotic hand made him immune to the sleeping potion.
VortexAlive: They then agreed to build a new taco stand and decided to...
Kerriki: also start selling mac and cheese.
Ame88:This was a big hit alongside the tacos. Not long after releasing the mac however, everyone started...
Captain_Wolfskin: to only buy Mac and cheese, the  people were so addicted to the rich and creamier taste that they began to...
ArkhamScout: sing and dance around, singing about how good the Mac and cheese but......
FlyingGrass: The Mac and cheese was secretly part of an evil plan to...
Ame88: hypnotize everyone, forcing them to dance until they couldn't dance any longer. Nobody noticed this until...
Michen_S: a cola geyser suddenly erupted right behind the mac and cheese stand.
FlyingGrass: That explosion blew a piece of paper out of the Mac and cheese stand, that note contained details about the evil plan and someone picked it up, it read:
Machungwa63: "While you've all been dancing, I have bought every pizza place on Earth and now I own all the pizzas! You shouldn't have forgot about me. Signed - Mushroom Monster"

Other Games / Re: My hobby/Lenny the lion goes racing
« on: March 14, 2019, 11:40:32 pm »
Hey guys, thanks for your comments. Unfortunately there were technical difficulties with the link I posted yesterday but the full broadcast is now up here:

I finished 15th/42 cars which isn't a bad way to start a championship campaign (there are 24 races through December). And... for those of you just wanting to watch the wrecks... they happen on Lap 1, 45, 68 and 78 >D

Other Games / My hobby/Lenny the lion goes racing
« on: March 13, 2019, 06:04:01 pm »
If you've watched any of my YouTube videos you've probably figured out that I love motor racing. Well, I'm also in an official iRacing Series called the Lionheart IndyCar Series. What makes iRacing different from a regular racing video game? Well, it's made to be as realistic as possible. Professional racing drivers use it to practice, professional mechanics use it to make car setup changes, artists use it to design car liveries and video people use it to create broadcasts. Every car on track is another person playing somewhere else in the world.

The Lionheart IndyCar Series is one such series that is broadcast and there's lots of cool prizes on the line. The champion (who will probably not be me, I finished 13th/50 in the points last season) gets $300+. Our series starts Wednesday night and the race will be broadcast live here:

My real name is Samuel and I will be driving an obnoxiously loud orange and yellow car with green wheels so it will be hard to miss (picture below). I also may run a race later on in the season with my Machungwa63 logo on the car if possible. Just wanted to share this here in case anyone is interested in watching later tonight (broadcast starts at 10:45p ET). Here's mah ride:

And yes, I'm totally calling that yellow lion on the side, Lenny.

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 12, 2019, 04:14:05 am »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
Captain_Wolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!
DancingWithDeath: They found a volcano that looked like it was about to erupt, and looked in horror.
ArkhamScout: But they was also confused by the volcano erupting........
Ame88: Kentucky friend chicken by the thousands. Everybody around started to...
SpicyDirt: Pick up the Kentucky Fried Chicken and throw it into the water as an offering for the fish god.
Notorious.: The fish god was very pleased with the offering, but at the same time wasn't too satisfied with it. The fish then wanted everybody to...
ArkhamScout: dance the YMCA dance but.....
FlyingGrass: An evil witch put sleeping potion in the air and...
DancingWithDeath: Started stealing the chicken.
ArkhamScout: but someone stop her and it was.....
Machungwa63: Jeffrey's dad, Stanley, whose robotic hand made him immune to the sleeping potion.

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 08, 2019, 05:23:54 pm »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"
Captain_Wolfskin: Chuck and Jeffrey were very confused by this and shouted back.
Ame88: "But if you take all the tacos, how will everyone else eat? Go take some spaghetti from the supermarket!" The mushroom monster then...
Valar.Morghulis: said ''Well, I DON'T LIKE SPAGHETTI! I'd rather have some pizza with..''
Captain_Wolfskin ”anchovies or pineapple before i’d eat spaghetti!”
GeekyScout: Stanley cough. "Alright, kid. Let go to Hawaii."
VortexAlive: The mushroom monster agreed and they all went to Hawaii where they then...
ArkhamScout: met an giant fish monster, she told them...
Machungwa63: I can get you your pizza, but first you must help me stop this volcano from erupting!

Forum Games / Re: Let's Make A Story!
« on: March 07, 2019, 05:02:41 pm »

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Re: Let's Make A Story!
« Reply #13 on: Today at 02:27:34 pm »
SpicyDirt: There once was a chipmunk named Chuck.
VortexAlive: Chuck had a friend, a small yellow duck.
Lotorshot: The duck's name was Jeffery
ArkhamScout: And Jeffry owned a taco stand
Ame88: that he inherited from his father, Stanly. Jeffry loved to sell tacos to his friends and strangers alike, until one day...
VortexAlive: Chuck and Jeffrey got lost in a forest.
ArkhamScout: They wonder around the forest to find their way back.
Ame88: But upon their return, they find a humongous...
VortexAlive: mushroom monster that ate all of the taco supplies.
FlyingGrass: Chuck and Jeffry thought hard, and after a few minutes they came up with a plan:
Machungwa63: "Mushroom Monster, you must buy us a new taco stand or else we will..."
Ellen11v: Call Jeffery's father, Stanley, who can take you down with his one robotic hand
ArkhamScout: Jeffery and Chuck both was amazed but confused as well
Valar.Morghulis: because the Mushroom Monster screamed and
Machungwa63: shouted, "But I need all of these tacos to feed my pet owls!"

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