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Messages - Insoholic

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Characters / Re: Silence Immaculate|
« on: July 29, 2019, 07:40:40 pm »
Jazzzzzzzzzz <3 I just love this boyo.

Leaving / Re: no i'm not going forever you're not that lucky
« on: July 27, 2019, 08:51:00 pm »
I am saddened to hear of the troubles you are having! I hope everything goes smoothly. <3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Game Improvements
« on: July 27, 2019, 08:41:54 pm »
I really like these! Reminds me of how Elder Scrolls Online works. Hopefully these will get implemented!

Thank you very much!

I love all of these suggestions! Especially the chat tabs cuz hell I always loose track of my whisper convos. I have one thing to say about the report system though.

In-game report systems are almost always abuseable. FH had one before but I think it was removed because it didn't really work. If it was re-added, I'm afraid people would just use it if they have some sort of grudge against someone, and it would be hard to find the legit reports. Also people could mass report someone when they didn't do anything wrong and the person could get punished for no reason. I think it just adds another step to the current report system.
"You will gain 1 Floof/Karma point for every reported player who is banned." Yeah this is very exploitable. People would go on mass report rampage for the smallest things just so they could get points, not for the safety of the community.

Thanks for your kind words! As for your concern about what might happen if this system gets implemented, in my defense, I have to admit that I was just throwing ideas around and didn't think through the idea. Most games let you report abusive content, players and cheating right in the game - it's the best way to report issues because it would automatically grab some of the information the staff needs to investigate.

Yeah I'm a bit wary of the report system myself. Honestly, with enough moderators around and players to report bad behavior, I think we're good. Everything else though, heck yeah. I especially love the chat tabs.

As long as the players who are caught abusing the report system get punished, I also think we're good. Thanks a lot, Azura!

These suggestions sound awesome! Especially the chat box buttons. I’d love to see these implemented into the game some time if it’s 100% possible :)

Thank you for the feedback, JellyFreeze!

I'd love the idea of separate tabs for whispers as well. In fact, I'd personally enjoy it for any type of different chat (local, party, group). Perhaps with a toggle-able option to let buttons light up or slowly flicker when a chat you're not looking at gets a new message. Chat commands (especially /silence and /silence*) and game localization also sound lovely.

However, I also agree with WolfQueen and Azura about the karma system. Even if it's not intended to reward players, a counter that goes up for "good" reports (even if it doesn't do anything) may just make some players unecessarily eager to rack up a sort of "morality" or "staff's pet" score. It might help if this was implemented in secret and only visible to staff, but even then it's hard to decide how trustworthy individual in-game reports are at times since ways to supply evidence in-game are a lot more limited, so I'm not sure staff would get much mileage out of it.

Thank you very much for the feedback! As for your concern, I will repeat myself by saying that I was just throwing ideas around and didn't really think through the idea.

Chat tabs would be a life saver. Can't count how many times I've accidentally typed something in the wrong chat while whispering someone ahaha. All of these sound like very nice quality of life changes.

Thank you, Wylder. That’s very kind of you!

I really like these! Reminds me of how Elder Scrolls Online works. Hopefully these will get implemented!
Yup! Reminds me a lot of ESO as well.

@Deucaliorn I love the commands and the chat tabs. Excellent ideas!

In regards to the report feature, proper evidence needs to be provided for any bans to be placed so within that report feature would have to be some sort of screenshot interface after pressing the report button. The screenshots would have to show the details of the offense and if the offense was inappropriate character biography content, it would have to show that as well. Requiring screenshots for the report to send would also help us sort through the reports and be able to tell if a user is abusing the system (say, if they repeatedly sent screenshots with no offenses within them).
An idea:
A user clicks "Report"
then a dialogue box pops up that requires at least one screenshot to be taken but can allow for more.
Then the user can click "Done" after the screenshots are taken.
After the screenshot menu is closed, another dialogue box pops up allowing the user to type up a description of the incident and then send it. The screenshots from the screenshots folder then are sent off to the staff. Maybe this can be done! I'm not sure but it would be nice

I'm all for making reporting more accessible and user-friendly. ^^

Am I the only one who hasn't played ESO? ;D I would like to clarify certain points regarding the concept you're proposing.

On the mod side, it would be probably possible to view the reported chat logs (as they'll be for using inappropriate language), but when it comes to players representing sexual behaviour (for example), a chat log wouldn't really help and a screenshot would be needed. Also not sure if it's implementable, but it's definitely a nice concept.

Thank you for your response, it's much appreciated!

love the first two options sm. commands remind of me dd actually and all the times during like. parties where people would mess w/ em and be like xuser has eaten a cookie
love to see smthin like that in fh tbh

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

I really like these! Reminds me of how Elder Scrolls Online works. Hopefully these will get implemented!
Yup! Reminds me a lot of ESO as well.

@Deucaliorn I love the commands and the chat tabs. Excellent ideas!

In regards to the report feature, proper evidence needs to be provided for any bans to be placed so within that report feature would have to be some sort of screenshot interface after pressing the report button. The screenshots would have to show the details of the offense and if the offense was inappropriate character biography content, it would have to show that as well. Requiring screenshots for the report to send would also help us sort through the reports and be able to tell if a user is abusing the system (say, if they repeatedly sent screenshots with no offenses within them).
An idea:
A user clicks "Report"
then a dialogue box pops up that requires at least one screenshot to be taken but can allow for more.
Then the user can click "Done" after the screenshots are taken.
After the screenshot menu is closed, another dialogue box pops up allowing the user to type up a description of the incident and then send it. The screenshots from the screenshots folder then are sent off to the staff. Maybe this can be done! I'm not sure but it would be nice

I'm all for making reporting more accessible and user-friendly. ^^

It would be possible to automatically send the chat log with the report. Also I believe sending screenshots wouldn't be a problem neither.

To keep people from abusing the report system,  I would just simply say that if a report is just made because of "hate",  it could backfire. So the reporter would get a smaller ban if their report was just made to "get rid of someone". (For example for reporting someone without a real reason or just because they don't like someone, they could get like 2-3 days)

Just as I thought! Glad to hear that Morgra's concept wouldn't be hard to implement.
I want to thank you for taking time to provide us with your valuable feedback! It's greatly appreciated.

I like the idea of sending the chat log and or screenshots, as well as how Morgra put it; it being sent off to staff to review and log before action is taken.

If someone continuously tries to report someone simply out of hate, action could be taken appropriately since staff would be able to review the data.

I imagine it would show up something like how the PMs works. You'd click on "Report Logs" and be brought to a list.

User 4's Report Log {New!}
User 1's Report Log {New!}
User 3's Report Log
User 2's Report Log

When you click on either user, it's like opening a thread or viewing your messages on the forum with a date and time of when it was sent. Once you click on a report (message), it would bring up all the data sent in the report.

Many thanks for the response, I like the sound of that!

I am definitely feeling that in-game report button and the chat tabs lol

Don't we all? ;D

Im mostly wary of these ideas because of these reasons.

I believe the chat command options would cause more players to leave the game because its 'new' and too complicated for the game and themselves. It would at least cause me and my friends to quit. If it an't broke don't fix it, thats my opinion anyway. Not to mention a post stating 'hey this is how to use these' would have to be made. New players would be deterred from the game or not even know how to chat. Plus more wrong chats would happen, causing spam and possibly even warnings and bans.

As for the whole in game report system I'm not sure how it could work like that? If there is no screenshot attachment how would the mods be able to tell if it actually happened? Not to mention some reports may result in an innocent player being warned, kicked, or even banned for something they didn't do.

Chat tabs are fine, but the chat interface may need to be fixed for the scrolling of them.

Thank you for raising your concerns, but I don't really see how useful chat commands would cause more people to leave the game. As for the report system, I will repeat myself by saying that I didn't really think through the idea and just thought that it would be probably possible to view the reported chat logs when it comes to players using foul language. But when it comes to players representing sexual behaviour (for example), a screenshot would be definitely needed.

Chat Commands
I'm really digging both /clear and the /mod commands. I feel the /clear command will eliminate the time it takes to relaunch the game just to clear a cluttered chat, and the /mod command would help users understand that there are mods around even if they're hidden. I'm not sure I am fond of either /silence command just for whisper because I don't feel there is any good reason for it when there's a block button, but to save people the time maybe there could be a /block or /unblock command if people don't want to struggle to click characters that are lying down ('cause we all know that's a pain in the butt). However, both /w [username] and /g [message] are also really good commands. Also saves the effort of clicking characters that are lying down or submerged in piles among each other. Perhaps a /p [message] could be an addition as well. /info would also be a very productive thing to have, especially if a moderator needed to check out someone's bio when they're offline to check the legitimacy of a report or something. Generally extending variety to those who prefer to use commands rather than trying to click a character, buttons, or clicking through menu options seems rather like a bonus feature rather than it being an attempt to "fix something that doesn't need fixing".

Report System
As for the report system you suggested, it just doesn't seem as efficient enough for what is needed when it comes to evidence. I mean, I DEFINITELY think a report button should be included, however, the idea needs improving (not that your idea wasn't already a really good start). I vaguely understand what Morgra suggested, but from what I understand of it a user could take screenshots of the incident, hit the report button, type in the reason(s) why, and attach the screenshots taken already.

However, as straight forward and efficient as this sounds, it still isn't as close to 100% as it could be. If a report button were included, this means that anyone can make a report. Which of course is great. But my concern lies in those who take screenshots with their General/Local Chat Arrival settings set to 'Character Name' only, and how the actual report will reach the moderator's inbox on the forum. This is where the idea would now need to be improved even more just to prevent possible invalid reports when they could have so easily been valid reports if only the settings were correct.

From the top of my head, the most effective options I immediately see would be to:
  • remove the 'Character Name' option from the 'Local Chat Type' and 'General Chat Type' settings under 'Interface' within the in-game options menu (which might be hard for people to let go of since they like the appearance).
  • make it so when Arrival Chat Types are changed that they also update in the chat's history (a better option, if it's possible). Maybe with this, when someone clicks the report button a "have you remembered to..." reminder pop up list makes sure people are constantly reminded that usernames need to be visibly clear in the chat within the screenshot, thus encouraging the option change and hopeful success that it changes within the chat history, AND people can always change it again after to how they like it. Everybody wins.
  • or a last resort, have the report button take the user to the How to Report In-Game users thread where both old and new users can learn how to report an in-game user if they didn't know how to already and the reporting system can still work the way it does through the forum using the tools we already have.

Chat Tabs
Absolutely yes please very much thank you. I would love these. Though maybe an exit X to remove tabs that you no longer need? Other than that, I would genuinely appreicate this feature.

Smashing suggestions, Deu. +floofing to this for sure.

Chat Commands: Exactly my thoughts, thank you for your prompt response to the questions raised above!
Report System: Thank you for taking the time to point out both the positive and negative sides with such insight! I will repeat myself again by saying that I didn't really think through the idea and was just throwing ideas around, but I really like the sound of your third suggestion (the report button taking the user to the thread).
Chat Tabs: How could I forget mentioning an exit X to remove the tabs that you no longer need? ;D

Game Suggestions & Ideas / General Improvements
« on: July 26, 2019, 09:51:59 pm »
\\ General Improvements //

  • Chat Commands
    Chat commands are commands a user may enter into the chat box to perform certain actions in-game. A chat command is signified by starting with a forward slash /.
    Any messages starting with a forward slash won't show in the chat box publicly, even if the command isn't valid.

    /w [username] [message]=> Allows you to message another player privately.
    /friend [username]=> Adds the user to your friend list.
    /block [username]=> Adds the user to your block list.
    /info [username]=> Opens the user's player info.
    /clear=> Clears the chatbox.
    /mod=> See how many moderators are online.
    /g [message]=> Sends a message to group chat.
    /p [message]=> Sends a message to party chat.

  • Game Localization
    How many of you think it would be a good idea if the game was translated into other languages? Due to general thoughts that have been popping up over time regarding game translation and localization, I started working on a project that'd support the including of players from many different cultures and backgrounds. I wanted to ensure a truly authentic experience for our players - regardless of their nationality. It'd be great if we could have the option to choose the language of our game or something of the sort implemented in the upcoming patches. What's more, game translation and localization also opens doors to advertise FH worldwide!

    /langue [language] => Changes the language used by the game (must be a valid 2-letter language code). I.e. /langue es.

    • Report System

      By clicking it, the button would open up a window where you will be asked why you would like to report the player and where you must attach at least one screenshot. Diversely, it would take the player to a "How to Report A User" thread where both old and new users can learn how to report an in-game user if they didn't know how to already and the reporting system can still work the way it does through the forum using the tools we already have.

      /report [username] => Opens up the report window where you'll be asked why you would like to report the player.

      If you're caught abusing the report system to spam and/or annoy the mods, it could result in a warning, kick and in some cases a ban from the game.

    • Chat Tabs
      Whispering is a feature that allows you to send private messages to another user. You could whisper by using the /w [username] [message] command, or by clicking on someone%u2019s username and then clicking the Whisper button in their Info tab. It would be amazing if we could have separate tabs for every single whisper conversation we have with other players.

    • Sanctions Section
      Whenever an account is banned in-game and this account logs in the forums, a pop-up notification saying "Your account has been banned. Click here for more information." would appear. The link will lead them to a section in their forum profile with previous and recent sanctions. The section will be composed of information about the type of the sanction, the reason, the duration and when does it end. The only issue I would see here is if a user is also banned on the forum, preventing them to see the aforementioned section.

      Example (Outdated):

    • Small Announcements (Monthly Newsletter)
      I suggest the creation of a thread for small announcements that don't need a brand-new thread, such as what is going on behind the curtains, as well provide updates on game server downtimes, staff resignations, promotions and absences, updates on rules and topics, transparency on current discussions, teasers for upcoming events, community statistics and charts, etc. It would remain locked and only staff members would be able to post.

    • Community Portal (Player Submitted Content)
      It'd be amazing having a large selection of player submitted fan art, game fan fiction and screenshots. Great community contributions and fun content may even be highlighted in update threads, monthly newsletters and livestreams (Fan Screenshot of the Month, Fan Art Spotlight, etc). The finest creations would also be showcased throughout official FH social media.

    • Bigger Item List
      Back in 2018, Disgustedorite had made a modification, which made it possible to enlarge your item list. Tired of difficult pixel-perfect scrolling? Make it an implementation in the upcoming patches.

    • Variety of Biomes
      First and foremost, I would like to start off by saying that Impressive Title allowed for exploration of a massive world with a wide variety of biomes to explore, from a frozen tundra to a roiling volcano. The public maps need different styles and forms, some additional fun elements, and last but not least, a variety of biomes. The community, as roleplayers, needs more environments, such as a tropical rainforest (jungle) biome, a desert biome, a swamp/bog biome, a savanna biome, a tundra biome, and maybe even a volcano biome. The idea of biomes would provide different habitats for all kinds of unique characters, species and roleplays to fit the needs of players with social interests and love for different environments. It's less boxed in and looking back at the aftermath of previous map updates, I feel people prefer when maps aren't connected by walls but rather by water.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion thread. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment field below!

Leaving / Re: Back in the saddle again.
« on: July 23, 2019, 07:57:49 pm »
Thank you for the good times and sweet memories that we shared together.
I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourself. <3

Leaving / Re: aight bro i'm boutta head out
« on: July 19, 2019, 09:26:40 pm »
Wish you much happiness in all that you pursue! <3

So sorry to see you go, Saggy, and we'll sure miss you. Remembering you and the impact you've made to our community.

Thank you for the update, Raz! You can never be too sure of unforeseen circumstances, but you can always be prepared to better your chances.

It gives me great pleasure to extend my warmest congratulations to you four on your appointment as moderators!
Management can’t help but see that you are the natural choice for the position.
I trust that you will continue to work for the improvement of our humble community.

Leaving / Re: Geeky is now Hiatus
« on: July 17, 2019, 08:12:32 pm »
Be sure to take good care of yourself, and if you ever decide to return, just know that we'll be here to welcome you back with open arms. <3

Leaving / Re: It's Been Fun Guys!
« on: July 17, 2019, 08:07:42 pm »
Sorry you’re leaving, may your future be bright and your life full of good things! <3

News Archives / Re: The Future of Feral Heart
« on: July 17, 2019, 07:27:32 pm »
Thank you for enlightening us, Raz! It is greatly appreciated.

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