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Messages - Tearless

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Yeah... it's possible with some work, though, maybe try to create a seamless texture that you can move across a little with each frame in photoshop and get a smooth loop that way... that might have made no sense, sorry.

The only way to achieve that effect would be to use the animation code and make each individual frame; kind of like making a .gif or animation. Tedious, yes, but there's no way to combine the scrolling and transparent codes that I'm currently aware of.

Game Discussion / Re: Adopt me! 8D
« on: August 18, 2013, 07:08:02 am »
I guess it might be more difficult now what with the overall decline in active RPs, but I really wish more folks would try finding parents/cubs/mates through roleplaying instead of wandering around semi OOC and asking random people they find aesthetically appealing. One of my characters once adopted a cub completely by accident (I never intended him to have family; he is not the fatherly type) while in some pride in Fluorite. The pride ended up getting weird and we left it a long time ago, but those two characters have stayed together for probably two years now and multiple now-long-dead prides, and I ended up making a good friend as well. Honestly, having a genuine basis for RP relationships is underrated, and it's just hard to get that by walking up to someone and saying 'adopt me.'

I'm also strongly in favour of never making characters who must have a mate/pup/etc. to funtion properly in RPs (because what do you do with them if you don't find one or your RP partner isn't around?), but that's just a matter of personal preference.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 17, 2013, 05:34:20 pm »
Do you play/like minecraft?
Favorite color of fire? (red, yellow, orange, green, blue, white)
What was your reaction to winning Summer MOTS?
A tragic accident causes all your characters to be eaten except one. Which one do you save?
- Oh yes, very fond of Minecraft. I mostly play singleplayer because I mod it all to heck and as a result am always behind on updates, but I have a very nice city going of which I am both sole resdent and mayor (the vote was unanimous).

- My friend and I having frequently abused the bunsen burners back in high school chem, I can safely say that all of the colours are pretty sweet.

- My reaction was something along these lines: Accompanied by great surprise.

- Oh my gosh I don't even know how to answer that... I love them all so much... assuming this tragedy only affects FH related characters... Maybe Kivuli, since he's got an adopted cub to look after.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Tearless!
« on: August 17, 2013, 05:28:40 am »
What's your favorite color(s)?
Favorite song/band?
If you were being chased by a rapid squirrel, what would you do?
If you could transmorph into any animal (whether it be mythical or some animal you see in everyday life), what would that be?

- Probably darkish blue-grey. Especially mixed with this certain shade of gold (y'know the way the sky looks when the sun is almost shining through dark storm clouds?)

- I'm gonna assume you meant rabid since these questions rarely ever involve non-rabid squirrels... the answer, naturally, is send my pocket Jaeger to go fight it while I make my getaway!

- Have to go with gryphon. Gryphons are the best.

Ask Me / Ask Tearless!
« on: August 17, 2013, 05:14:35 am »
(I have a vague memory of possibly making a thread here before, but that was over a year ago and I can't find it so... here we are. So much has changed since the last year or two that it's probably all irrelevent now anyway)

Anyway, yeah. *throws question-mark-shaped confetti* If I have somehow tricked you into thinking I'm an interesting person (who is definitely not an escaped experimental positronic android), and you have any random question you'd like to ask, now you can. I can't think of anything within the forum rules that I wouldn't answer, so go forth.

Game Discussion / Re: We can't RP together? [Species clumping issues]
« on: August 11, 2013, 09:18:39 pm »
I've noticed that as well; it's really too bad. Understandable if it's an RP group that's specifically geared toward one species, but I've had some fun times in the past with spontaneous multi-species RPs, they can make for some really interesting character dynamics.

Game Discussion / Re: Too realistic?
« on: August 07, 2013, 09:16:28 pm »
Now, I'm speaking as someone who actually likes realistic RPs (which, so far as I know, has had no impact on my intelligence), but to me it seems rather narcissistic to expect an already established realistic lion RP to bend its own rules and let in an impossible hybrid that won't fit in with their theme just because you want to join it. If an elemental snow leopard wanted to join my post-apocalyptic dog RP, it wouldn't matter how good they were, or how few elemental leopard RPs were advertising at the moment, or that I actually like snow leopards a lot, I still couldn't let them in because it would throw off the entire theme of the group and everyone who actually joined because they wanted to RP city dogs would have to work around a giant elephant in the room. I know being rejected isn't pleasant (and seeing as I'm fond of robot characters, it happens to me a lot), but its doesn't fall on the people who run their own themed RPs to make exceptions and go out of their way for you.

Game Discussion / Re: Making your character
« on: August 05, 2013, 05:25:22 am »
For animal characters, I generally start with a colour scheme I like, and then markings/details of appearance until I like the look of it and it all seems balanced and harmonious because I'm slightly obsessive about that. Then I work out backstory and personality, then go back and if necessary tweak the appearance again (in case I need to add or remove any markings/scars/accesories to match up).

Media / Re: Wolf animation i am makeing!
« on: August 03, 2013, 06:09:55 pm »
Guys. Might I suggest that you start up a new thread in the right section of the forums instead of continuing to post in this one? You're going to bump out actual game threads.

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