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Messages - DimensionGal

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/keeps getting lost |D Do you have a map for the place?
Uh, I guess I could make one. Depends on how many other people need one, too. XD

Where on feral heart do you find it cause I can't find the awsome map!:)
You must download the file, unzip it, then follow the instructions in the READ ME. After that, just start up FH and head to the Cape of Distant Worlds and you're home-free.

Kerrigan, I cannot put this into words...IT'S SO FLIPPIN AMAZING. Hope chu dun mind me starting an RP there?
Be my guest. Just beware if I come in to lurk. I like to see people using my maps for rps, it's what they're made for. XD

Where did you get that cave/den that is underneath the water? there are 2 two of them underwater I want to know where you got them from. I realllllyy would like to use that brown one under the water for my rp map. :3
From here, I believe.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: August 04, 2012, 12:18:22 am »
Hope you don't mind me trying to squeeze in. :3

Name: Erich
Family: Unknown
Group/Loner: Cloud's Pride
Species: Lion
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Personality: Narcissistic, egotistical, and very posh; Erich isn't the biggest lion around, but he more than makes up for that with his mastery of words and swiftness. There's some question as to whether or not this is his natural-self or a rehersed-self, as he's very rarely truly taken by surprise emotionally or personality-wise. His motto is: "If something happens that's not part of the plan, find a way to make it part of the plan."
History: Erich's past is his business, and what's his business is... Well, it's his business! Sure, there are rumors of infedlity, death, dishonesty, and losing a dear family member - but he assures that those are mere rumors not worthy of this time to disspell. No one's quite sure where he came from, just that he skirts around as if he's always been around.

RP Example:
The sun was shining and the grass was green, it was a wonderful day to be alive and well for a lion... especially if that lion's name was Erich. Which - oh my - it just so happened to be! Erich padded down towards a small pooling of water, stopping at the edge and turning his head this way and that; inspecting himself. "Another day, another day of me~" he murred, liking his paw and running it over his head to style his mane.

Bravo, Kerrigan! This map is simply spectacular! o3o The map is downloading as we speak. Once again, great job! -Clapclap.-
I love Your Map!

Thank you for such compliments! And you're both very welcome. :3

I didn't get to explore the map until today, been busy, u know, but when I try to enter it, it says 'failed to connect to map server' but when I log in again, the server is fine. help?

The server is probably having trouble again. This is a server-side error, it has nothing to do with the map. All you can do is wait to see if the server restarts. Sorry. >.<

It's wonderful, I'm already exploring it :)

Hope you're having a fun time. :D

epiic maaap -eye candy paralysis- O-O its epicness is just so... EPIC!

Firespirit~! :D

And thank you very much. I think I put much more heart into this map than I did any other before... XD

With what FH is like now, I'll just say one word.


Deer lawd, I agree with this.

So much potential for abuse. So. Very. Much.

Plus, this is a feline/canine game - not IMVU or Second Life.

Screenshots / Re: Kerrigan's Scrapbook
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:49:34 pm »
Thank you~ :3

Screenshots / Re: Kerrigan's Scrapbook
« on: June 02, 2012, 06:56:23 pm »
Been quite a while since I posted in this thread... Hope no one minds me reviving it; just call me a necromancer.

Gonna change the layout a tad...

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