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Messages - CosmoFursi

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 188
Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: May 14, 2017, 12:36:46 pm »

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: May 13, 2017, 05:00:21 pm »

Forum Games / Re: I turned the lights on and off game!
« on: May 13, 2017, 04:59:38 pm »
i turn the lights on because i smacked myself in the face by accident!

Art Gallery / Re: .art
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:26:15 pm »

your art is amazing! do you think you can draw my lil' bean Cosmo?

forum name:

character name:
...Cosmo Fursi!

Fusior (custom species made by me, you'll see)

gender: [male/female]

headshot: [yes/no]
whichever one you feel up to!

full body: [yes/no]
same as above, do whatever you want!

background: [transparent/anything] free to choose!

extras:[if u want something added in or ur character has specifics, put it here]
well, Cosmo has very large ears (search Fennec Fox on Google), so those should be included.
along with her ears, she has a short muzzle (also like a Fennec Fox)
she can also ignite herself at will, but you can add that only if you want.
her visor is also a summoned item, so you can include it if you want too.
her tongue is also pink. didn't include that in the reference :(

reference: [add ur link or image here]

thank you!

Forum Games / Re: Guilty Or Innocent
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:31:27 am »
ahem yes uh
definitely Guilty bro
my poor cat smells of feet


is the next person Guilty or Innocent for having a horse at some point in their life?

Praise / Re: i can't not make another one, okay?
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:25:43 am »
Ferra, you are the BEST!
Yes, please!
You have no idea how amazing you are.

you know exactly how happy this makes me feel.

thank you!

Praise / i can't not make another one, okay?
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:55:03 am »

*clears through* ah *ahem* i mean

yasa you are so awesome man

everyone send this angel some love, man. she's so awesome theres not even a word to describe how much i love her.

you guys all know how i still have major Depression, right?

well, i also have other things that increase its intensity. such as:
Autism, Anxiety, ADHD, extreme mental instability, etc. etc.


she nulled all those just today.

now i don't even care that i have all these mental disabilities.

she's a guardian angel for someone who has no religion.

please send her some love.

Yasamin, i can't even describe how much i care for you. you were sent to help me by the one you and many others believe in.
i'm not one of those others, but i was in need, and He set my lack of belief aside and sent me the best angel he had.

That angel was you, Yasamin.

i told you this before, in our chat, but i need to say it again for everyone here to see.

Yasamin is my Guardian Angel.

she deserves only the best. she helped someone close to suicide, without even realizing until i told her.
staff, if you freak out and lock this for the mention of that, we're gonna have some problems.

i love her so much words cannot even describe.

she is the truest of friends i have ever had. my term "True Friend" doesn't even come close to describing her.

so, Yasamin, answer me this:

will you stay with me,
in a Queerplatonic
A queerplatonic (or quasiplatonic) relationship is a relationship that is not romantic but involves a close emotional
connection (platonic) beyond what most people consider friendship. The commitment level in a queerplatonic
relationship is often considered to be similar to that of a romantic relationship.

i know this sounds sudden, but it's nothing like you think.
click the spoiler under the word, and you'll know what i mean.

i understand if you say no. it /is/ pretty close to a sin in your religion.

i'll understand, don't worry.

Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:27:50 am »
my mom buys Starbucks for me and my sister

even though i'm probably too young for coffee but no one here cares man coffee is good

Forum Games / Re: Guilty Or Innocent
« on: May 13, 2017, 02:26:28 am »
well one time i accidentally misspelled "add" on a minecraft server...
didn't get kicked or yelled at, though, so Innocent!

next poster! are you Guilty or Innocent for drinking Starbucks?

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: May 11, 2017, 04:46:05 pm »


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