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Messages - toasterkitty

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8
Game Discussion / Re: Biggest "Why" moment ever?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:57:21 pm »
there was two people buttswinging on each other.... why?

Game Discussion / Re: Biggest "Why" moment ever?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:23:46 pm »
there was a skittle cult in bonfire and i came along.... i ate them all XD

Presets & Markings / Re: //Softie's Preset Gallery// ~ !REQUESTS OPEN!
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:17:44 pm »
feline/canine: canine
just a basic australian shepard dog ^.^
textures?: just basic fh fur texture
can i request that the left eye is green and the other is blue? (the sort of blue where on feral heart colours you just have blue and green with no red x3)
i cant exactly add a referance but.... here i guess? XD all i did was change the eyes XD (please dont to them as messed up as i made them XD just do them as the normal fh style eyes)

Presets & Markings / Re: xXSilverWolfXx's Dog Breeds
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:06:09 am »
i just love the australian shepard x3 all of these are great i havent got ant breeds i can suggest but good job on these :3

Request a Preset/Marking / dog preset request (read more)
« on: April 14, 2015, 06:38:35 pm »
hello i would like to request either an australian shepard preset or a AWD preset? x3 if anyone could make me any one of these i would be very grateful thanks! :3

Game Discussion / Re: Character Inspirations
« on: April 11, 2015, 11:01:22 pm »
i actually have quite a few characters some names i have no idea where they came from i will just think of them like kymura i feel like ive seen the name somewhere but i havent (or i just dont remember)
ive also came up with tamaki (who i named after a lm soundfile XD )
and of course my main fursona afkinz the idiotic oversized antlered tabby cat...
i usually base my characters personality off myself and their backstorys i will just try take any normal thing (such as both parents are dead) and i will twist it (quite often i will have the character such as tamaki and afkinz to be results of animal testing so they wont have parents but then theres warrior who woke up in the middle of nowhere with no idea where he  came from

i think one of the weirdest things thats happened to me so far is i was on my hiro character talking to another person (that just happened to have a character named tadashi im a big hero 6 fan ok? and we were just chating and then some wolf came and started buttswinging on hiro XD i just walked away and continued talking to tadashi XD

Game Discussion / Re: Your opinion on FNAF OCs?
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:03:22 pm »
i dont really mind the ocs and stuff i just leave them alone (even though i did kill a 'vincent' character once... long story involving a car...) i even used to have an oc myself even though it was before i joined fh but really all the ummm.... rude stuff i guess i would have to say.... ruined it for me but the game wasnt scary... yeah the jumpscares would suprise me a little because they were unexpected but overall im quite neutral on fnaf

Game Discussion / Re: Opinions on Mate Centers?
« on: April 11, 2015, 09:37:02 pm »
well i mostly see them as fun places to go get my car and troll XD but what i think of mate centers is quite neutral its just finding someone to roleplay with but then there are those few people that will try to be rude and 'mate' which ruins the fun for alot of people

Game Discussion / Re: most random thing you've done?
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:42:01 pm »
i also found tadashi o.o

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