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Messages - Ruby1234

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Forum Discussion / Re: An Honest Rant
« on: August 04, 2016, 02:36:41 am »
Needless to say there are and will always be people, both here on our boards and outside in other circumstances, that will do things for their own personal benefits rather than for the overall good and well being of the majority. None of this is some new trend. It's unfortunate if people are falsely recognized and encouraged when their intentions are anything but pure, however I saw it mentioned a few times that those who deserve praise never get it while those who don't do.

When you're off doing good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds you never stop once to consider the pay off for your actions, nor do you act as though you are deserving of such, you are simply happy to help whether you get "paid off, recognized etc" or not. If you're feeling some how unappreciated it was because you expected something in the beginning and that in itself is making the person no more different than those who do things for the sake of some kind of personal benefit. What should matter is that you are happy to help and find joy in helping others even if they reciprocate it or not.

I don't like the idea of people assuming others are posting "overly nice" posts or "helping" for the sake of attention or personal benefit either. There may be people reading this thread who will be discouraged from being genuinely nice etc because they're afraid people, like those who responded here, may mistake them as "fake" or "attention/ reputation" seeking.

((This is going to be less about specifically this forum and people here, but still applies in general.))

I understand where you're coming from.
I do believe that yes, those who help out of pure intention do not do it for any sort of praise or reward.

But there is a breaking point. You can only do so much for people before you realise how one-sided things can become. If you allow things to lean too far one way, suddenly everyone is expecting everything from you. It can be so damaging, trying to keep up with these newfound expectations.

Sometimes, it's just hard to be selfless when you're helping the selfish. It can only go on for so long. And I know it's something we've all experienced and felt.
At some point you take a look at the situation and realise; I've given this, this, this, and this, when are you going to at least return the favour?
Life is all about give and take, but I don't think for a second that it's wrong for people who've done nothing but give to want to take every now and then.

As for people who may be reading this thread, I don't want anyone to be discouraged, and I'm sure that's not what anyone was going for (I hope). Helping each other is of course, a good thing. That's not what anyone is trying to prevent.
Anyone reading knows their intentions. They know if they have an ulterior motive.
Those people should maybe take something from this thread.

A community isn't a ladder. People shouldn't be so worried with trying to climb to the top. Respect is earned, it's not a given right to people they might see as "at the top."
A community is about the ties between people. We form bonds, and a lot of it comes from helping each other. That is in no way a bad thing, and I never want to make it out to be.

I just hope to see people settle down a bit, sometimes.
You try climbing too fast, you might fall off.

Game Help / Re: Transparent Preset help
« on: August 04, 2016, 02:03:07 am »

I'll have to fix some broken images in a bit, but the text should be enough (hopefully)!

Site/Forum Help / Re: Can't post pictures
« on: August 03, 2016, 01:15:29 am »

Seems to work for me...

Code: [Select]
All links to the actual images will end in their format (.png/.jpg/.gif)

On most browsers, you can right click the image and either Copy Location or Copy URL.
Alternatively, you can open the raw image in a new tab and use that URL, either by right clicking the image, or dragging the image into a new tab at the top.

Game Help / Re: W.S Reputation ENB
« on: August 02, 2016, 02:31:18 am »
Norton removes anything with unknown publishers, or that functions as an addon/alteration of something else.
In my opinion, useless, but it's just a precaution since that's typically how viruses are going to operate, they won't ask to infiltrate your computer, obviously.

In any case, d3d9.dll is safe.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Candy?
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:45:47 am »
Y'all ever tried


My family actually calls them "crack," because they're pretty much a drug. If you don't like chocolate, they might not be for you, but man. We'll go to the store and buy upwards of 5 bags of these at a time. Can have a bag gone in no time. Good stuff.

Forum Discussion / Re: An Honest Rant
« on: August 01, 2016, 03:35:55 am »
Was wondering if anyone was going to say anything.

Funnily enough, a lot of people posting here are rather late to the game, or forum, rather.

The whole pretending to care, being praised, getting all "popular" via being everyone's "friend," has been around since anyone can remember. I think a big reason behind it is that, at least at first, everyone thought they wanted to be a staff member. They wanted power, control, recognition, just, everything that seems desirable about that position, without thinking about what else it entails. Everyone wanted the glory. And it had been said multiple times that staff are chosen based on who's active, helpful, friendly, the like.

So, naturally, you see everyone rushing to the Help sections, trying to do their best to post on every thread. Every single one.
And you start to see it real bad when someone has a problem, and then a solution is offered. What's a user who's trying to impress going to do when their solution has already been offered???
Just repeat it!

It's something you see constantly, and as far back as 2011 (when those threads actually existed still).
And of course the original poster never wants to be rude (usually), so both parties get credit. Even if the second person didn't even know the solution the first person provided, they can pretend.

There's just so many unnecessary and repetitive posts, and not even limited to the Help section, just so everyone can be heard and be out there and be cool.
Which... to a degree is fine, and is expected. It's a social place.

Part of me does believe that it does, at least partially, stem from a lot of the userbase being young, so there's not much sense of "maybe not everything is about me, and I shouldn't be rude and try to take credit for something I didn't actually know anything about."

Because if we're all honest, like, really honest?:
How many of us have actually done the research, the work, the digging, to find the roots of common problems, and then their solutions?
Answer? Not much.
Once the solution is common, everyone just repeats it, and thus the "credit" is absorbed by whoever conveys it the most now.
It doesn't even matter that they didn't technically solve the problem, as long as it looks like they did.

It's extremely frustrating to go to all sorts of lengths to help someone, just to have your post reworded by someone else, who you know had no part in actually figuring any of it out.

It's almost like a passive-aggressive slap to the face, yet somehow from a distance.

I think everyone just needs a new perspective. It's a feline/canine glorified 3D chat room. Honestly, no more or less. Whether or not you help people should be based upon if it's worth it to you.
Is it bettering you as a person, do you enjoy it, etc etc.
Not: will this make me popular, will I be selected for something special, etc etc.

But, alas, everyone is out for themselves. That's how I've come to understand it over the past 5 years of FeralHeart.
Users are quite literally that.
Oh, did you spend all that time doing that? Well, it takes me 5 minutes to pretend I did it.
Oh, you're skilled at something? Can we be "friends" so I can get it for free? Or so you can teach me?

This community has always been want, take, have.
And again, that's just a rather young mentality that is probably just the result of a young userbase.

But that doesn't mean it cannot change.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world," and all that.
Don't be mean, don't be dumb, etc etc.
I'll stop re-ranting your rant.

Stay kind, kids.

Art Gallery / Re: Artzzzz *REQUESTS OPEN!!!!*
« on: August 01, 2016, 02:52:13 am »
Awwh! Your art is so unique and cute!?
Gonna have to commission you or somethin' soon. uwu
You have an awesome style!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Reverse engineer + Clean room design
« on: July 31, 2016, 10:34:44 pm »
And if they are unwilling to let their assets be used outside of FH, we can make our own. If they are redone, how does that not make it its own game? Do we consider FHD or FH+ their own games even thought they have their own assets?
Agreed, and it depends who you ask.
Are IT servers really all their own games?
FHD and FH+ are also different, one is strictly graphics, the other did map changes to base game, etc etc.

Regardless, it's something that can be done, but I'm still waiting to see what a staff member thinks, since I already have to go through them for minor edits to the main game anyway.

Hopefully we'll get a clear yes or no then.

Game Help / Re: screenshots are zoomed in
« on: July 30, 2016, 10:57:57 pm »
Have they always been like this, or is this a new problem you're encountering?
Does the problem persist in both Rendering Subsystems? (Options > Video > Rendering Subsystem)

Game Help / Re: screenshots are zoomed in
« on: July 30, 2016, 04:04:57 pm »
Are these taken with the screenshot function of the game, or something else (third party)?

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