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Messages - BlazingJosh

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Screenshots / Re: FH Movie Night Screencaps! Plus another thing...
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:50:32 am »
I didn't get to see the movie as I was busy doing requests.
But I'm glad you had fun watching it!
And do what Morgra said, make your pictures private. We don't want you being sad.
It was a very good movie, I would recommend seeing it if you can.
As for Imgur, I have it all figured out! Thank you very much for the concern!
That's good to hear!
Feel free to PM me if you have any other problems.
Will do! Thank you so much, Plant!
No problem.
I'm always willing to help other floofs.
I'm glad to hear that~

Screenshots / Re: FH Movie Night Screencaps! Plus another thing...
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:25:39 am »
I didn't get to see the movie as I was busy doing requests.
But I'm glad you had fun watching it!
And do what Morgra said, make your pictures private. We don't want you being sad.
It was a very good movie, I would recommend seeing it if you can.
As for Imgur, I have it all figured out! Thank you very much for the concern!
That's good to hear!
Feel free to PM me if you have any other problems.
Will do! Thank you so much, Plant!

Screenshots / Re: FH Movie Night Screencaps! Plus another thing...
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:20:42 am »
I didn't get to see the movie as I was busy doing requests.
But I'm glad you had fun watching it!
And do what Morgra said, make your pictures private. We don't want you being sad.
It was a very good movie, I would recommend seeing it if you can.
As for Imgur, I have it all figured out! Thank you very much for the concern!

Screenshots / Re: FH Movie Night Screencaps! Plus another thing...
« on: January 22, 2017, 01:13:44 am »
Nice pictures. I unfortunately didn't make it to this one. Hope it was a good one!

And there is a way to make the pictures and anything you upload private. The only way anyone will see the pictures when they're private is if they have the url of the image.

Hope this helps!
Thank you very much, MorgaWolf! I'm feeling a bit better already!

As for the movie, it was really good! If you didn't catch the title it was "One Stormy Night." I'd recommend seeing it!
These screenshots are sooo cute!
Sad I couldn't make it but nonetheless.
Hope you all had a fantastic time!

Thanks for sharing.<33
Thank you very much!
I hope you'd be able to make it next time! It is certainly fun!
I've been discovered again. Nice screenies!
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the movie as much as I did!

Screenshots / FH Movie Night Screencaps! Plus another thing...
« on: January 22, 2017, 12:53:36 am »

This is just me sitting and waiting for the movie to start.

Me sitting with some other floofs.

And something else... I registered for Imgur about 20 minutes ago, and I only submitted these two pics... They've already got hate on them... It's making me kinda sad... Any tips..?

EDIT: Imgur has been taken care of, I'm better now! Thank you all for the concern!

Wow, that was such a blast! The movie was great! Thank you so much for hosting, Sura! It was great!

Eee! I'm so excited! This is going to be the first time I've been on the Cinema map watching the movie! I'm very excited!

Leaving / Re: Midterm Pause
« on: January 19, 2017, 01:24:12 am »
Good luck, Sam! I'm in the same boat, my last two exams are tomorrow. So good luck!

Forum Games / Re: I turned the lights on and off game!
« on: January 16, 2017, 01:34:08 am »
I turn the lights off because it's okay, I'll be fine. I'll live. maybe.

Forum Games / Re: I turned the lights on and off game!
« on: January 16, 2017, 12:33:46 am »
I turn the lights off because I agree, I'm just not feeling up for it right now... But that's life.

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