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Messages - GemWolf

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Oh look another rant..
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:36:02 pm »
Excuse me?
Why do ppl use multiple Accounts...
Okay, one, this is Death The Kid's SISTER. And I mean sister as in THEY LIVE TOGETHER AND SHARE THE SAME COMPUTER so they're gonna have the same IP. Don't assume things out of nowhere.

He thinks the Game can live without a good organised Staff.
This is laughable. NO GAME is going to live with an organized staff team.

The Report-Button ingame: Does NOTHING. Because Kov thinks it dont needs to do -anything-.
His exact words are: If there is a Report-Button, User will feel more save.
Okay. I don't understand this. Yes, there is a report button, people WANT to report bad behavior, they click the amazing "report" button, and it does nothing. Tell me, Tigg, how is this supposed to make people feel more safe than scared for the game?

So we are based down to your own help in telling us with Screenshots whats happening.
Oh, so, after all of the threads about this issue, you still haven't any idea what's going on?

Honestly, this is why I left. You guys know what's going on ingame, and yet me and a lot of others don't see you guys doing -Removed by Moderator- to stop it. ALL THE THREADS ABOUT TRYING TO HELP MAKE THE COMMUNITY BETTER END UP GETTING LOCKED.  We are - trying, it's YOU GUYS who won't accept our help. Feel free to argue with me, I'm keeping my eye on this thread.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:51:41 am »
(LOL. I expected that. Don't expect it to work though LMFAO.)
You look around the room, and you find a phone. The Ghostbusters theme song was playing in your head, so you try to call them. As you are trying to call the all famous Ghostbusters, the shadow approaches you, it touches the phone, and the line dies.

Health: 88
Sanity: 74
Luminance: 76

B. Run away.


Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 16, 2011, 05:21:16 pm »
You stare at the shadow, and suck in your pride and walk inside the door. When you enter, the shadow starts to walk towards you. You have no way to defend yourself if this thing could possibly hurt you.

Health: 90
Sanity: 75
Luminance: 76

A. Try to find something to attack it with.
B. Leave the room.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:00:29 am »
You turn to your left, and walk towards the door. You then see two huge windows showing what is inside the room. You stare inside one of the windows. You see a TV with a show of some sort running and a couch. There appears to be a human-like shadow on the couch. You squint your eyes and press your face against the window to see if your mind is playing tricks on you, when the shadow turns around and stares directly into your eyes. You see a pale, faded face with two black holes where the eyes are supposed to be located, and a devilish grin across its face. It starts to get up, and as it stands up, the TV screen starts to get more and more deformed. What do you do?

Health: 90
Sanity: 75
Luminance: 78

A. Walk inside the door.
B. Turn around and find another way.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 15, 2011, 04:03:42 am »
You turn back towards the cage and walk up to it. You put your hand on one of the bars, it is practically frozen. You out the other hand on the exact same bar, and you get burned. Despite the pain, you keep switching hands to see if it is all real, and it is. Getting in the cage is out of the question right now. You then walk towards a door, and then stop in your tracks cause you feel like you're being watched.

Health: 90
Sanity: 75
Luminance: 79

A. Go into the door.
B. Look for the thing that tapped you earlier.
C. Look for whatever is watching you.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:26:07 pm »
After the sudden tapping on your shoulder, you pivot on your left foot and quickly spin yourself around. After you turn around, you don't see anything, but the growling starts again. You walk away from the cage, and it gets softer. You walk towards the cage, but when you are turned towards it, it stops. You then turn around so your are not facing the cage, and it starts again.

Health: 98
Sanity: 78
Luminance: 79

A. Walk away from the cage.
B. Turn back towards it and try to get inside.
C. Search for what tapped you
D. Go inside a door.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 14, 2011, 05:19:53 pm »
 You look around this room, and you see what appears to be an empty cage. You notice that this house is not normal, but approach this cage anyway, the growling has stopped. What you see is........ Nothing. You search high and low in this cage, but there seems to be nothing in there but a few bones on the floor of it. Then, you feel something tap you on the shoulder. What do you do?

Health: 98
Sanity: 78
Luminance: 79
A. Turn around.
B. Search the cage more.
C. Dash to one of the doors.

Forum Games / Re: Haunted House Time!
« on: July 14, 2011, 05:29:14 am »
You decide to follow the odd sound, as it is poking at your curiosity. You slowly walk up the stairs of this abnormal house, and as farther up you get, the sound gets louder and louder. Once you reach the top of the staircase, you enter a hallway with a door on your right, your left, and a cage near the end. What do you do?

Health: 99
Sanity: 79
Luminance: 78

A. Door on the left.
B. Door on the right.
C. Turn back.

Game Help / Re: Several FH problems.... MUST HAVE HELP!!!
« on: July 13, 2011, 02:16:42 pm »
I'm gonna answer these the best I can...
1. Ask for the files to be uploaded or re-install the game.
2. What's your rendering mode? Direct3D9 or OpenGL? If it's OpenGL, I suggest switching.
3. Don't run. Don't jump. WALK. Hold down shift, look at the sky, and walk. It works, I promise.
4. If the game lags, this will happen if you face a large group of people some times.
5. How old if your computer? And what rendering mode are you using?
6. You have to download the new maps and the portals appear in the cape.

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