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Messages - Jacoby

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8

I Can provide mostly everything
needed for this pack. So please,
don't think you must do, It all.


Hello, I'm currently interested in creating a pack along with some other people. To be more exact, a longterm pack. Not just some one day bulls*it.

Though I do have some Terms And Conditions if I might add, before even thinking of sending a PM;

I. You must be literate, at least being able to create 4 lines. I May ask for a role-play sample on meeting you.

II. You have to be dedicated. Dedicated enough to not give up after three days if it shows too hard. I've had this done to me many a time. So please, be mature about it. I won't mind if you need to quit and/or go inactive for any 'IRL' problems that you might have. Just all I ask is for you to tell me first, and not just bail.

III. As I stated in the previous 'Condition' please be mature about things. And no this does not include being the strictest human being on the planet, because we all know how annoying that can be. I mean being able to deal with, gore, cussing, violence, ect. Because we all like to have some fun and games from time, to time.

IV. Be active. I can't stress this enough. I hate it when people join to help and then after a day or two you never see them again. All I ask is for you to come on maybe an hour to half an hour, to help with things. School is an exception as I also suffer from it.

V. Be prepared for work. By this I mean be prepared to write down information, help with the forums, find information all that good stuff. I know not everybody is like me and enjoys this type of stuff, but by doing even a little can help a lot.

VI. When this pack opens up, if it does. You must also be expected to recruit for the pack even if I'm offline. As proven all of the above, you will be granted with the password for that said account.


Member count: 1


w.i.p { This will be edited, soon enough, but feel free to send over an ol' PM if interested. }

This roleplay looks stunning, I love how it differs from other role-plays.

I would join if my schedule wasn't so packed. Though I do wish you luck on gaining members and/or a large community.

Hello, I'm currently looking for someone to help me start a pack with, well many people if it's possible that people are interested.

Key points if you'd like to continue. You must be;

✖ Literate
✖ Mature
✖ Dedicated
✖ Active

Now a little about this so called pack. Well the information I've managed to gather up;

Pack Name

None right now.

We do not yet have one at the moment, and are in search of one.


The plotline for this pack has been figured out, little will be told about it on this post. Well nothing. Maybe a hint by saying it's infectious to all you canid creatures out there.

Everything will be reveled if you choose to help. Until further notice this remains closed to the public.


I Can provide a site, if I do say so myself a very detailed site. So you'll have no trouble in that what so ever, unless you perhaps would like to help.

But if your looking for a proboards website simply because it is; easy. Well you've came to the wrong place as I choose to work with Webs website builder. But with Webs it does take awhile to make as I do sometimes suffer from complications from time, to time.


I'm an extremly dedicated person, I would put my heart and soul into a pack, but for that pack to fail it's just not worth it.

I don't think there is any?


I have most of the information done for this pack, including ranks, theme and many other things.

I can't provide all the information in the world, so I'll be expecting you to help.

Family Oriented

We're family oriented. We aim to great a large, fun, loving and strong community within feral heart and all it's glory.


Military Themed

We're a military themed pack, expect at least some military ranks.

We will be a slight harsh on you, and you will be sent on 'missions' that being spying, assassinating, or just collecting herbs. But this will all be seprate to one rank line.

Events & Competitions

We shall hold competitions and events as much as we can possible. That being a drawing contest or just a plain old game. It's to entertain our members, give some fun to the pack, but as well as getting the pack to be some what, competitive.

None currently.


We're a literate pack, right downfall to ya'll who ain't? But literate basically means being able to read and write. But within the pack, and every other literate pack, being literate means to be able to produce more than 4 lines of writing. Almost like a story that your explaining your characters vision or what their feeling.

Not everyone is literate, but if you ain't your welcome to come and learn with us anyday or just me myself.


Semi-realistic just means we will not except any type of animal with neon colors, not even if it's with a suitable pelt coloring. But we do except mat / towned down colors of that, being, red, green, orange ever color of the rainbow. Just not in neon, alright?

We'll still get it.

If you do choose to help with a large amount of the pack, including finding a name you will be given half percent of the pack, that being a founder.

Interested? Great! Fill in the application below;


Code: [Select]
Ingame Username: [ Insert Name ]
Character Name: [ Insert Name ]
Character Age: [ Insert Age ]
Character Personality: [ Insert Description ]
Character Image / Picture: [ Insert Image ]
What would you like to help with?:
What position, staff or moderator?:
Timezone: [ GMT, ect ]
RPSR: [ Hunting Prey, Helping Pups or Joining the pack. ]

Good luck with recruiting! Hope y'all grow nice and strongly<3

Thank you!

Hello hun,

this is a beautiful pack that you have here! Along with the website. I Wish you luck on gaining members,  I may also be interested in your pack being Vuvoki Wolf Pack allies in the future if you wouldn't mind? And again I wish you great luck with this interesting role-play!


I love the name! The attributes are also very nice.

Maybe add a website in the future or more information on the ranks to grab members in? Otherwise;
Good luck in gaining loyal members and staff! <3

Thank you!

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