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Messages - HeroOfCanton

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Minimal bandaging is alright. Nothing to overdone since we are trying to be realistic-ish.

WIP = Work in progress

Oh horray! So happy to hear that!!

Oh gosh Higby!! It's been ages since we've seen you!!


We'd be overjoyed to have you join us.

Hate to be a bothersome bother but I had re-done Mikuzi's preset so yarp. Redownload when you get the chance. :3


This is an awesome idea. I'd be more than willing to put together a map for this roleplay if everyone is still interested.

Much free time would also allow me to help spearhead the project with you Tigercubes.

If this group is still active I'd make the map for it.

Introduction / Re: Hello<33
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:52:00 am »
Welcome to the forums Thunder. Hope you enjoy your time here. We are a fun bunch :3


Not a problem. If you download the maps tonight and need help getting around pm me. I'll be online for a few more hours and when you get the chance join the group in-game.

Finally a Warrior. -dances-
Welcome to the group. It won't be a problem if you can't only be in-game on the weekends. That when we are most likely to rp most anyways.

I'll send you a pm with the password for the maps and stuff.

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