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Messages - Oddonelynx

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Screenshots / Re: Some Hina screenies :3
« on: June 14, 2023, 01:18:52 am »
Something tells me Hina might like snow.

Forum Games / Re: Who can post last?
« on: June 14, 2023, 01:17:45 am »

Forum Games / Re: Who can post last?
« on: June 13, 2023, 12:20:41 am »
It's a bear smiley!
: [sometimes =] = The eyes
D = The nose
-) [and variants] = The mouth
Winkie bear... ; D-)


Forum Games / Re: Who can post last?
« on: June 11, 2023, 10:55:16 pm »
Code: [Select]
:D-)What do you guys think my emoticon is supposed to represent?

Forum Games / Re: Who can post last?
« on: June 10, 2023, 03:39:22 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Who can post last?
« on: June 10, 2023, 01:08:23 am »
Dang it, Telluric won!  >:(

Other Games / Re: Conceptualizing a 'Haunted' IT server
« on: June 08, 2023, 01:49:42 am »
With an increase of interest in ARGs & Liminal Spaces in more recent years, this would flourish & spark interest for sure. I like your idea a lot!  ;D
Seeing empty online games doesn't feel eerie to me personally, it just makes me sad.

Game Discussion / Player Increase!
« on: June 08, 2023, 01:44:09 am »
I noticed an increase in players recently! It even went up to the low 20s one day which is an increase from the ~10 players online.  :)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Virtual Dream Journal
« on: May 31, 2023, 12:50:02 am »
6:21 PM 3/9/2023
I was on some kind of really high skyscraper with a pool and I was a tropical bird [macaw to be specific.] I was chillin' there until some crows flew up to me. Apparently they're rounding up all the tropical birds in the area and I'm a macaw, uh oh. They made me face a wall and show my talons because that was the way to tell if someone was a tropical bird. [Some species of birds have 2 toes in the back of their feet.] Then I woke up...
7:17 PM 3/17/2023
I had an ice cream cone with 1 vanilla scoop the size of my head. Then there was chocolate cake and my dad asked me to share some with him... Uh, oops.
139th & 140th:
12:23 PM 3/31/2023
Two for the price of one!!
1. Some black truck was stalking my parents & I and then we went to my aunt's house.
2.  I was in my parents room for whatever reason. I found a garbage bag, filled with rocks with different chemical properties. I remember if you touched this one, it would disintegrate like Spiderman from Endgame. Then this one if you threw really hard against the ground, it made a loud crackle explosion like a firework and then shatters & disintergrates.
7:54 AM 4/6/2023
I was in a K-mart. I also had 3 brothers who got captured by from mafia or something in it and I had to save them. Then I had to kill a robot. That escalated quickly, huh? This robot looked a lot like one of my friends though, but that didn't stop me. I tried to kill it by biting it's neck[R.I.P. Teeth] and just when I thought I had killed it, I hadn't and it came back to life and my dream ended.
7:59 AM 4/6/2023
There were xenomorphs in my house. They got my dad! I'm pretty sure he told me to run so I jumped out the window. I landed on the ground after trying to fly unsuccessfully but the xenomorph ended up getting me anyways. I wish I had fought it!
143rd & 144th:
8:24 AM 4/12/2023
Dr33m marathon epicness.
1. Someone messed with my computer, including my YT channel...
2. I went into the wrong house in my neighborhood after getting off a school bus.
144th & 145th:
7:40 AM 4/17/2023
1. Some kids from my elementary school I think were in my house and my stuffed animals were alive...
2. Object shows. Object show characters in my house, specifically my room. My grandma was in my parent's room for some reason watching the Mario Movie trailer...
7:57 AM 4/25/2023
I was delivering black, tiny eggs and I decided to keep one. It then hatched into a baby ra'zac [From the Inheritance Cycle] that looked like a quetzcoatlus with a few teeth sticking out like a crocodile for whatever reason. It was cute though. It looked at me and somehow smiled despite having a beak. It imprinted on me based on context so far! But then Eragon came in my house and killed it. In front of me.
8:26 AM 5/1/2023
I was in a library with a Lion King coloring book with Scar on the front. Then the next thing I know I was outside in the a snowy place with this other guy. I said "Hey let's go into the shed-barn-house thing" but it was locked and we had to find an entrance through some glass... Pool... Then there was a time skip and we were at my grandma's house.
8:27 AM 5/1/2023
Animal Crossing. Then some weird cutscene of a white spider monkey who was really grouchy for some reason. Then Tom Nook went: "Leave the girl [Me] alone." The dream ended with me vomiting plastic and crashing into the grouchy spider monkey's "webs". Yes, he was a LITERAL spider monkey.
8:29 AM 5/1/2023
Being chased by a quetzacoatlus. There was one on my balcony and it tore it's head off and then reattached it? What? Then it went looking for me. I shrunk and hid under my neighbors' car and said: "Okay I've had enough" and woke up.
7:46 AM 5/9/2023
I was rescuing living French toast but it turns out one wasn't living. So I ate it. Really tasty.
6:39 PM 5/11/2023
I was sitting on the ground in my room with my old laptop from probably a decade ago at this point. I was playing some horror game that flashed creepy pictures every few steps in game. I thought to myself: "Man, this game is too scary." and decided to stop playing. When I looked up my brother was checking on me because of the sounds from the game I was playing. Then he walked in, put on a Spiderman costume, and kicked my TV remote out of nowhere. Rude.
7:35 AM 5/22/2023
I dreamed about a new Strong Bad email coming out! I was watching it on YouTube because it's the modern age, here's what it was about. It was asking Strong Bad about number slang like how "143" means "I love you" or "153" means "I adore you". It was sent by someone called "IDOT [Ignacio]" [Not idiot]. Then Strong Bad goes: "Oh... Ignacio" in a sultry tone for some reason as if he was talking to a lady-type... Sorry, Strong Bad but Ignacio is a male name, so dream person IDOT there was probably intended to be a guy. Anyways, then there's a scene with Strong Mad and he holds up some weird egg thing. It's just some misshapen candy egg inside of an actual eggshell still filled with yolk, eugh! He then says something [probably about the egg-thing] but I forgot. Then the weird egg thing appears in my house. Then other non-SBemail hijinks ensue that nobody here would care about.

Game Help / Re: Help Playing the Game
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:29:40 am »
Did you download the game too?

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