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Messages - angelre

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Silver flashed her tail at a squirrl trying to tempt her into eating it. "Wow, pretty immature, isn't it?"
She walked along, her white body glimmering in the sunlight. She saw something shiny and she heard someone-or something behind her. She turned and saw some meat behind her. And, well, she was dumb enough to eat it. Then, she heard a bang. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF-" She stopped. She saw five hunters looking at her. "Huh, well, you aren't gonna catch this wolf." She gracefully jumped over  them, doing a roll in the air, and started to run. She heard stomping in the distance where she was going. "Stampede!"
She turned the other way and ran back to the sides of the meadow and passed the hunters- they were wondering where she had gotten of to. "Phew, that was close."

no cussing
no harrasment
no disobeying the rules (xD)


2 1/2
 Alpha Female

Ok, I hate when some weirdo starts trolling or stalking me.  I have an idea I want everyone to read.

 Okay, here it goes::

Should we have buttswinging taken out?

Well, I think yes. I don't want anyone buttswinging over my character.
This is a common move that people use to make things gross.
Who likes a troller??

Should we have a chat filter like in Free Realms?
YES!!! I do not want anyone cussing while I am trying to RP.
I do not really like having people cuss and while I can't see anything. >.<

Should we have at least two or three mods per map in FH?
I would say yes.. I don't want anyone do anything to me unless it is in Role Play.

Should we have a spamming thing? Like a limit like this:
If a person says something, shouldn't it have like a 17 second timer before your message can be sent?
I would say  so. I don't like to say something, look up, and someone types so fast that it is gone in 2 seconds.

Well now, I have a question....

Is it okay if someone just lays by you? It isn't really weird.... like what if they are playing as your mom or something?

Can we put in some of the former dance moves from I.T? I really liked them. >.<

Can you like make this group thing where it shows the home of the group?? I don't like having to go to Cape all the time. >.>

Answer please...  ;D

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Suggestion for Emotes and Actions
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:17:06 am »
I can du tat. >.<  All yu haf tu do iz go on control thingy-whatever and hold it down by a button then click wat number or letter you want it to be on. I set howl on the  {H} Key.

I would love to be a dolphin. ^_* I could stay in atlantis. XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / New actions, new animal creations.. ect.
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:00:49 am »
I've been having these ideas, and I really want them to be added!!!

Action Ideas:
Stepping  backward, like the moon walk.
2. Growl
3. Bare your fangs
4. Snarl
5. Jump on people and make them fall down..? (Maybe XD i just luv da idea of tackling ppl XD)
6. Swish your tail.


Animal Ideas:
1. Deer, people like deer, right?
2. Horses, a lot of people want 2 make herds.
4. SNAKES!!!!!
5. Fishies >u<

Marking Ideas:
Maybe like a fish.
2. Dragons??
3. Umm... maybe a gazelle?

Emotion Ideas:

Maybe like if you pull your head back like you're affended.
Eye rolling, doesn't like tick people off? Lol.

"That's all! Do you like?"
(Plz post if u like) (plz do both and vote)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: New species to play as
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:49:22 am »
O.O Yeah, if i waz a human... i wouldnt wanna b naked XD.

DX WHAT CANIE DO?!?!?! *Freaks out*

WOW WOW WOOOOW!! YOU'RE REALLY GOOD!!!! :) Keep up "da" great work! :)

Ooh, can I join??

Pic: Ugh, stupid glitch. Ill get one later now, theres some stupid glitch.
Name: Fang
Age: 3  1/2
Desired Rank: Alpha male, but if taken it's fine.
History:    Fang was born in a horrible war against two packs, trying to fight for the territory. His scar on his left eye reminds him when he was first born.

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