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Messages - DungeonSiegeWolf

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 27, 2013, 02:23:16 am »
 Klein smiled lightly back. "Thought I'd meet you again. Long time, no see, hasn't it?" He rubbed the back of his head.

 Blend groaned in agony. "Geez, I wish I could get more col." she looked up and stomped the ground. "I mean, I could go on a dungeon raid or something," she looked down at her nails. "but I would need a party, and I don't good with parties. Guilds..." she shivered. "Guilds are even worse."

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 27, 2013, 12:22:45 am »
(XD I know, I can't either)

 Azun had managed to skin some experience off of a Killer Mantis, not if the several, stray players had not saved him first. "Keep your ass out of trouble." said one of the players upon leaving, lending Azun ahelth potion. Azun huffed, feeling defeated yet agin. He hoped to single-handily defeat an enemy rather than having the mere help of other players, besides, it would lessen the experience for all of them. He decided he would go to the nearest town, that if he ever found one. He tried going north or west, as he had only traveled several miles east and south for half of the day.

 Blend decided she would send the rest of her col on another dagger. Her old one was gong bad and was rather ram-shackled. It was a finely made weapon, it had a small ruby in the golden hilt. "I'll take it." Blend called to the blacksmith. She handed him the currency and tried her new blade on the air along with checking her weapons' durability before leaving. She loosely thought about how she was going to get more money.

 Klein headed into the diner his friend had told him to meet in. He recognized hid freind's black robe anywhere. "Hey, Kirito!" he waved at his old fellow player.

(I had finished the amazing Skyrim not to long ago, so.. may I join?)

-Name: Shy'en'ak
-Gender: Female
-Age: 22
-Race: Khajit
-Personality: Shy'en rarely ever lies or slanders, but she can curse like a salior. She doesn't mind to kill any living thing, as long as there's a reason to and it has something worth taking. In her free time, she makes potions and armor/weapons. She likes to help those in need, and is often a tad soft-spoken. She is very outgoing when near people she has seen at least one time. She also likes and studies dragons (*cough*wyverns*cough*), believing that they should not be killed
-Description: Shy'en has a tanish-pale colored coat with markings of a cheetah. Her eyes are a bright, wide green. She usually has her black-ish hair down with her ears periced with simple rings. She wears iron head to toe, and sometimes will wear steel.
-Profession/Organization: None; travels, hunts, and fights alone
-Bio: Shy'en loved her orginial home, but she loved Skyrim even more. Once she traveled with a caravan to Skyrim, she fell in love with it immediately.
-What do you think of the war?: Netrual, she likes both sides
-Where, in Skyrim, do you live?: Does not live anywhere in particular, but likes to stay in Whiterun
-Weapon: Dual-wields one-handed weapons of various enchantments. Her most commonly used weapons are an Ancient Nord War Axe of Cold and a Steel mace. Sometimes will use a bow with Fire enchantment  

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:31:06 am »
Blend watched as the man with tatto sleeves and girl next to him went their way. She turned her attention to other people scattered around the diner. After a while, finding no one in her interest, she got up and payed the bill, and walked carelessly around town. She needed to check her weapons to see if they were in good shape, but she would rather hold that off until tomorrow.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 25, 2013, 04:00:59 am »
(Sorry I haven't been active, I find it more legit to type on computer than a hand-held, and I edited my charries' bios a bit too. This line will be long)

Blend finally arrived in a fairly large town, unfortunately not running into any enemies along the way. She had been wanting to level up for a while, but luck never seemed to be on her side. She felt as if a warm meal would tend to her dissatisfaction. She walked into a diner, awaiting to be seated. She ended up in a booth near a creepy guy with tattoos all over his arms, along with a blue-haired woman. She ordered a bowl of soup, deciding it would be better to eat something light while she would listen to other people's conversations, a very bad habit she had.

 Azun strolled around the forest floor. He was aimlessly walking about, hoping to run into something devious or tough he could get a good lot of experience off of. He heard something rustle in the distance. Azun squinted a bit to see what it was, not daring to use night vision, he usually saved that for more drastic measures. He picked up a small pebble off the ground and hurled it at a tree nearest to the site of the sound. The bushes moved more dramatically, and a few hushed, unintelligible voices could be heard. Feeling devastated, he unsheathed his dagger, the only weapon he had at the moment, a threw it at the same tree with his aim purposefully off.

 The weapon struck its target, and its target was apparently stronger than Azun, as it didn't disintegrate into shards. It was a player, angry that he had been struck by an unidentified user. "Hey, what's your problem?!" he yelled at Azun. The man wore a red headband of some sort, wielding a katana. Seeing the accused enemy player as a child, he lowered his deadly weapon. Azun stood paralyzed with fear, not expecting a player. "M-my bad..." he attempted to stop trembling, but he only regressed. The man blinked, then sighed. "That's fine, my bad for startling you." he gave Azun back his orient knife. "That's a nice piece of work you have there." the man commented. "By the way, I'm Klein." Azun took back his weapon and sheathed it. "Thanks, I'm Azun. Nice to meet you." Azun loosely held out his hand, Klein shook it. "You too." Klein stepped back a bit. "Well, I need to go meet someone up in town. it's up that way." he pointed to the north, as soon was stepping backwards that way. Azun smiled as Klein left, this was one of the the first friends he had met in a while. He still lounged about the undergrowth and clearings, still hoping to find something to skin experience off of.

(As I said, I can't roleplay someone else's character very well. (And, Yumi, because Klein is labeled your favorite character, my deepest apologies for failing to do a good job at it.))  

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 24, 2013, 05:03:40 am »
(I'm going after this, so I'll start my characters off in Neverland or something)

 Blend had finished selling her cooked products to a passersby in the forest, a boy whom looked as lost as she was. It had been a while since she had last seen sunlight, artificial, more precisely. She wanted to go back to reality, not be cooped up in a game of death. She wanted to throw rocks at a real bird's nest and annoy the living heck out of a bee by poking  the husk of its real home, but unless she became superior over the others and reached the highest floor of the game, she would not advance to her own realm.

 Azun was busy eating a nicely made morsel a woman he had passed by in the forest had given him. He had no need to get anymore food, though what she had freely sold to him smelled and tasted delicious. Sure, it's dangerous to stroll aground in an cautious area like this, where anything or anyone could jump out and dice you at any second, but Azun didn't care the slightest.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 24, 2013, 04:07:35 am »
(Okay, I'll probably only post once though...)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 24, 2013, 04:00:37 am »
(I have to go to bed soon as well, but I'm ready at your command)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 24, 2013, 03:52:52 am »
(All right then, I'll play as Klein, not that I'll do a good job at it. >3> When do we start?)

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Sword Art Online RP (Open and Accepting!)
« on: September 24, 2013, 03:31:31 am »
(I fail at acting out as another's character, but I'll try at Klein or Asuna, whoever Rainbow picks first.)

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