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Messages - iceheart999

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:19:40 pm »
She blinked, "Erm, wait!" She raced to catch up with him. "I-I have a Digimon too..." She cast her gaze away shyly. "Urhm... this is Dodomon." She looked at the small digimon with a sigh. "But... if you have a Digimon... then can I see it? I-it's not like my parents would really worry once you were introduced to them! They'd actually think it was good for me to have a friend..." She looked back up at him, letting out another sigh. "But, I think it would be best if we-" Dodomon cut her off, "-Go to see this new friend!" Of course, no one was really watching them.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 27, 2012, 11:27:43 pm »
She nodded, "Yes. Or... at least I think...I think they were digimon." By now, Dodomon was itching to introduce herself and go see the tamers digimon and have new friends, but- oh, wait. Now she was itchy. She had no way of scratching it either Grah! She thought, This is just great! Airi, hurry up! I wanna go back to our playhouse!

Stories / Stories of legends. ~For the O-W/WW3BE/WR crossover~
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:04:28 pm »

The Creation of the universe

"Momma, we can't sleep..." A small, white pup complained. The brown wolf who laid beside her pups blinked in surprise, "You can't? And why is that." The male pup beside the white one, with a striking resemblance to his mother, whined, "We need a story." "Alright then. Why don't I tell you about the creation of the earth." The brown she-wolf began her story, "Long long ago, when the universe was new, there was nothing. No stars, just an endless amount of space. Until a wolf pup was formed from space itself. This pup was named Space, and for a very good reason. She had many black swirls in her white fur, and when she looked out at the endless amount of space, she imagined tiny lights and one big one. For a small while she was amused, but soon began to grow bored of the twinkling lights. Space began to arrange the twinkling lights into constellations. When one constellation waas made, another pup was born. He was called Time, and he had fur black as night with the only exception being the white swirls in it. Time looked at the ever-growing bored Space, and began to create things. He created Sun and Earth, two other companions. Earth's color depended on the season, and Earth created the very planet we live on. Sun's fur was a firey orange and red, and he gained control of the big ball of light. Time, Space, Earth, and Sun all came together, and the created Moon, the youngest. Moon had white fur that let out a shine. These five created their feline, bear, and other species equilvants. Each of their species was created on earth. Soon, things began to grow out of control from lower made creature emotion rulers, such as Agony and Death. Time and Space split their souls in half, despite the arguing of their siblings, and began to rule as a white wolf with blue eyes and a black wolf with red eyes. Each species god did the same, and if one of the two go missing, or both, is signals the soon to be death of a species, for the soul has gone to its original body."

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 24, 2012, 10:47:51 pm »
She nodded, "I thought i saw you with another person and you had two creatures that were fighting..." She looked at her feet, still a bit shy.

((Shortness. : P))

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:57:27 pm »
Airi looked at the boy, "Erm, uh, thanks..." She mumbled. "My names Airi." She got up, smiling slightly. Dodomon, currently in the girls arms, blinked a few times. This human smelled slightly of digimon. Sure enough, the smells of the human education place had covered most of it, but it was still there, like stink on a... well, Dodomon didn't know. Yet, she knew to stay still for the other humans that were there. Dodomon, she thought, you are a doll. Not living right now. so you must act like one. Stay still, even if he's a friend.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:34:25 am »
((I'm not going to really reply till school is over in the rp, since Airi is in elementary and no one else is, or if someone posts seeing her))

Game Discussion / Re: New animal body shapes!
« on: April 21, 2012, 05:56:05 pm »
The last thing Kovu would put in the game would be a snake or kangaroo. Feral Heart, as said by many before me. Is supposed to be a Lion and Wolf MMOPRG. Not a Kanagroo, Snake, Muffin, Man-eating monster, Robot, Wolf and Lion RP.
And when you think of the word "Feral" three, maybe four things pop into your mind.

and maybe an Owl

I might see Kovu putting owls in-game. But dinos will never come to FeralHeart, trust me. And Kanagroos don't i repeat, DON'T fit the word "FeralHeart"at all. When you think of Wolves and Lions. You thunk of FeralHeart, if you thought of Snakes and Kangaroos, meh, your probaly looking at Webkinz XD.
Although, I believe Kovu might put "Kangaroos" as prey, that is, if we get that update XD. But, theres a extremely slim chance of Kangaroos and Snakes ever entering the world of Feral Heart. :P

This is extremely true. Horse models, and maybe a bird model (Or three, considering there are the owls, raptors, and regular birds) and a new feline model (More for regular cats, like Siamese and Tabbys) would be fine. But snakes and kangaroos? Wouldn't those be better as things that attacked you/ you could hunt, or NPCs? You wouldn't get items from them, but still. Maybe even a rabbit or mouse body, but kangroos and snakes, just no. No. Possible ways there would be new models on list would be-

Rodent (Maybe)
Rodent2 (Maybe)

In all of these, the most possible of new additions would be Bird and Equine, no snakes, no kangaroos, and DEFINATLY nothing mythological.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: Digimon
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:03:36 pm »
Dodomons ears flicked. It jumped from Airi's lap and raced to the door. "Come on! I have a feeling new friends are out there!" Airi blinked, opening the door. As soon as she did, Dodomon darted out, sending the young girl on a wild goose chase, "This way!" "Come on!" "Could you be any slower!" Dodomons voice echoed down the streets until it stopped close enough to see the light of flames. They were at the park. Dodomon recklessly charged in, "I scent them! Other Digimon!" The Fresh level Digimon said with glee as her trainer chased after her. They finally stopped at a small clearing, where there were three trainers, two battling. Airi scooped Dodomon up, watching in fear and awe.

((And now i must wait til Christina posts. Until then, an interlude from The Grell Show's channel!

Lizzie vs Laser Pointer))

The ball let out a few shakes before stopping, letting out a ding. The small zoura inside it was still unconcious and would most likely remain that way for a while. But for now, she dreamt. She dreamt of nightmares, not a single good dream.

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