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Messages - Raxoremys

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Game Discussion / Re: That One Wolf...
« on: February 28, 2013, 08:59:09 am »
Sometimes I entertain myself by doing little social experiments to do with this sort of thing :P

- I take along a well-designed character to the MC(thoughtfully chosen markings and colours, something I spent time on to make him look interesting and original, and preferably no black in sight), and nobody bats an eyelid.

- I spend a minute whacking together an awful abomination with a black pelt, white underfur, red scars and red eyes, and suddenly I'm a regular Casanova.

Game Discussion / Re: FH's dumbest/funniest people of all time!
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:12:33 am »
A mare and her foal were lying on the coastline, and some pup came up to attack them. I pointed out the absurdity of their intentions, given their tiny stature, and after a few minutes of arguing their blatantly flawed case they gave up and became bigger.
For around half an hour, they then proceeded to chase another horse all over the island and kill them, despite the player's multiple requests to leave them alone. I told them, "You need to respect someone if they say they don't want to RP with you, [name]." and they said "i dun wanna rp wit u i wanna kill u". *facedesk* That makes it any better? I think not.

Bonfire. The greatest, most sophisticated centre of class and nobility in the whole of Feralheart.

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:32:55 am »
I saw the same thing happen to some poor guy playing as a stallion in Bonfire. He was just lying there, not talking to anyone and enjoying the view, and suddenly a mare pops up who looks exactly like him, and obviously starts trying to RP with him and flirt with him. Poor fellow.

I have been working on this RP for a while now. The map making, the species design and the website all took quite some effort.
This RP is based upon the concept of four tribes/species of desert-dwelling creatures.
Take your time reading through the site, and let me know if you think you would like to lead one of the tribes.


And, here are a few screenshots of the maps just so you know the kind of thing you can expect.

The Central Barren Lands


The Scarab Caves

Harp Valley

Forodren Cirban

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:18:30 am »
Fun story, joined a dog pack a few days ago, came on today and everyone was in the middle of RPing.
One of them(who I hadn't met yet) was using fluent wolfspeak. We all told him we couldn't understand a word of what he was saying, and he ever-so-graciously agreed to tone it down. I made another joking comment a bit later about his use of the words "optics" and "luminaries" instead of just "eyes", and suddenly the whole pack went off at me :I
The guy even said "It says semi-literate to literate in the group bio, I'm within that". I so desperately wanted to tell him that wolfspeak is definitely not the same as literate RP, but I wasn't too keen to get kicked out of the group.

I'd completely forgotten about this thread :D well, I have another story, as it happens.

Yesterday, my pack and I were in the South Pole, happily RPing, not getting in anyone's way, when a group of vampires suddenly appeared and asked us to leave. I mean sure, if your group has used the same den in Fluorite for weeks or months on end, I can understand a little more about your concerns. But in SP? Seriously? Everywhere looks the same.
We refused to leave, they claimed to be mods and threatened to ban us, we told them where to stick it and eventually they gave up. Good times.

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: February 06, 2013, 12:35:31 am »

Game Discussion / Re: If you were one of your characters: who would you be?
« on: February 02, 2013, 09:19:33 pm »
Very hard choice there D:
Who I'm trying to choose between:
Azizi. She's the guard of a prison which spans a whole city, and keeper to her best friend Mentis.

Ax. She's the character I made who was actually meant to be me, so...

(Couldn't get a picture of her because I left her in Fluorite, and she is therefore irretrievable until about 8pm -_-)

Sasayaki. He's the reborn version of my character Whisper, who was born into an apocalyptic wasteland. Sasayaki, however, is lucky enough to exist only in a peaceful future.

Sandspeck. He's a wren(canine creature I invented for the purposes of a massive RP I'm working on) with an adventurous personality and an eagerness to travel the world.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU play Feralheart?
« on: January 31, 2013, 01:32:27 am »
Back when the map limits were higher, I would spend most of my time in Fluorite, trolling the den claimers and joining RPs. As of late, I've been doing more and more maps, and spending my time in Bonfire mainly. I still join groups, I try to get my pup characters into families, but I'm beginning to find it all a little tedious, especially since most groups die after a day or two.
Recently I've started a few bigger map/group projects, and I only wish I could stop procrastinating and finish everything so I can just release it already.

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: January 30, 2013, 12:40:58 am »
Oh, the joys of Bonfire.
Within the last five minutes, the same person has sent me three group requests even after I told them I never accept random requests, another person has sent me a group request and been incredibly butthurt when I told them the same thing, and some random lioness asked to be my mate and is now whispering me in a rather passive-aggressive manner because I rejected her.

Dayum, guys.

EDIT: Make that four requests from the first person.

EDIT AGAIN: And now the matebegging lioness is whispering me like nothing happened. I think I'm gonna go change accounts.

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