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Messages - Fantasia_Cross

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 22
Thank you so much! I am now narrowing in on your Tutorials! (Nice Logo by the way)

How do I apply these to the Material File? Do I overwrite text or just paste it at the bottom?

Request Maps / File Island Map request
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:02:53 pm »
Someone Requested a Map from me, and I tried, but I do not have the time to finish the map. To take up the task of finishing this Map, please contact Inariblue of FH and if she agrees to let you, please contact me for the height map and Height mask. I would not suggest taking on this task if you don't know much about Digimon and File Island. If you don't, I would suggest looking here, at her RP Website.

Is he allowed? He is a Snow Leopard Mix, his father was one of my (C) species Shape-Shifters, and a Big Cat/Tiger, Sabertooth mix, and his mother is a Snow Leopard/Liger mix. He does not look like a Normal Lion, but he needs a Pride.

Name: Diablo Norris
Gender: Male
Rank: Medic (In Training)
Kin: Ryder Norris (W.I.P)
Mate: None
Personality: Calm, cool, calculated, occasionally flirty, but often very aloof and kind. (W.I.P)

ROLEPLAY SAMPLE: He stood at the edge of the Canyon, watching the breeze blow sand across the ground. He knew he had to find somewhere to go, and he couldn't be a loner, it was dishonorable. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out onto the sand and headed towards the encampment. "Be respectful and pose no threat" he muttered to himself as one of the lions pacing the area made Diablo's prescence known.
Username: In-game: Cardew ||| On Forum: Cardew

Game Help / Re: Something Isn't Right
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:11:48 pm »
I hope so, I miss RPing!

Game Help / Re: Something Isn't Right
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:03:38 pm »
Nope, I can't get into any of them, and fluorite won't work either. This never happened before the Map Limits. I sure hope I don't have to re-Install, I have a ton of stuff I would have to save.

Game Help / Re: Something Isn't Right
« on: October 06, 2012, 04:31:44 pm »
And Cape won't function as well, it being at 54/160. I'm not expecting an answer just yet, but I don't believe it's me.

Game Help / Something Isn't Right
« on: October 06, 2012, 04:17:17 pm »
OK, I am aware of the Map Limits, that the limit is 160, but I tried to get into Fincho at 70/160, and I crashed. I just used Reds Tutorial on how to make FeralHeart run better, and it still crashed.

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: How to: work with Blender
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:08:02 pm »
That's the Problem, I have python, and I go into Blender and click on Import>Ogre (mesh.xml.) and it says, Python Script Error, check console

Modding & Meshing Tutorials / Re: How to: work with Blender
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:29:23 am »
Would you happen to know how to open one of the FeralHeart models in Blender and put it into a certain pose?

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