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Messages - greystar

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Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:44:49 pm »

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:43:27 pm »
My question really is what exactly did they hacked that made it necessary to shut down the online servers?
Got on as MODs. Shut down to keep them from getting on as other users as well, and also to prevent them from incorrectly using mod powers.

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:38:46 pm »

Don't go all Red Scare mode on me, but they seem like they're fighting for a just cause. but it wouldn't make sense unless they had personal grudges on the mods, and they've also stated in the tumblr they don't have those. Even if that is their reason, hacking a game is still an awful way to get your point across. Now they just have everyone mad at them.
Don't worry, I agree with the whole just cause thing (in a sense, it depends more or less on morals, experiences, and preferences, but back to the point) I never really said it was a cause. The cause was, at least one theory of it, for attention. The last two sentences are very true.

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:26:47 pm »
Bouncy bouncy bonyc bouncy

I gave up on the third one.

This time I might just disappear.

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:25:40 pm »
I've been reading the "hacker's" (air quotes due to the fact that this is the internet and people like claiming others work, good or bad, not sure if the tumblr is them or not) tumblr, but they seem to have a bone to pick with the adult members and mods of the game. They say that they are completely fine with the younger members, they just don't like how the older ones treat the younger ones and/or eachother,

That'd be a pretty lame "reason", if that is it. Goes to show just how petty and immature these people are. They're just insecure and have nothing better to do with their lives.
Yeah, they also don't seem to care about the younger members. One of their posts said something along the lines of "the younger members of feral heart are just caught in the crossfire"

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:22:05 pm »
I ban you because we ship the same OTP. We're both Lapidot trash.
I also ban myself for this.

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:20:28 pm »
I've been reading the "hacker's" (air quotes due to the fact that this is the internet and people like claiming others work, good or bad, not sure if the tumblr is them or not) tumblr, but they seem to have a bone to pick with the adult members and mods of the game. They say that they are completely fine with the younger members, they just don't like how the older ones treat the younger ones and/or eachother,

Site/Forum Help / Re: Too many ads
« on: November 28, 2015, 11:17:38 pm »
No problem!
(For me, internet explorer is really slow, this is a 2007 laptop so... XD)

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:58:02 pm »
We could RP in the forums, it just isn't as active I guess.
Edit: Ignore this, this was a reply to an earlier comment and I didn't refresh the page/was ninja'd.

News Archives / Re: Hacking?
« on: November 28, 2015, 10:24:50 pm »
It wasn't anonymous. Earlier in the thread their little 'nicknames' were revealed. Besides, Anonymous is a massive organization, and in all honesty, hacking FH would give them nothing.

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