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Messages - barghosts

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1.) What made you decide to use the Feral Heart forum? (Ex. Was it because you came needing help, or users in game mentioned it, or you were searching for game add ons etc)
While I was downloading FeralHeart, I was curious on what the forums had to offer... and then I spent 8 hours exploring all the threads. x'D

2.) What did you think about FH forum community when you first decided to come on the forum? (Ex. Are they friendly or were you intimidated by older users etc)
I was pretty frightened of everyone, seeing as they were of "higher ranks" (everyone I saw was experience, elder, etc). But I noticed the comments they left on topics and I sorta got more comfortable.

3.) What did you think of the site layout? (Ex. Easy to understand, interesting, boring, etc.)
It was interesting, if not a bit hard to understand at the time. Then again, it was my first time seeing a forum layout such as this so I was sort of lost ha

4.) Were you intimidated to post in topics or create topics? If so why?
I was intimidated, but I believe it was out of being socially shy. I didn't know what to type, how to respond and I was scared of what I would get in reply.

5.) Are you a regular user of the FH forum & why?
I want to say I am, but I went on a seriously long hiatus from both the forums and the game. So I can't say I am. ;v;

6.) What do you enjoy most about the Feral Heart forum if anything?
The creativity and friendly community! I love seeing what people come up with whether it's maps or presets or a totally new mesh for everyone to use. I also love seeing the positive responses people give and receive, of course there's always going to be that one person that ruins it but 99% of the time it's nothing but caring attitudes and a place where everyone is looking out for each other.

Forum Discussion / Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:46:48 pm »
FeralHeart has taught me how to be confident and open in what I'm most interested in and what I'm a part of. Before I joined FeralHeart I've always had trouble coming to terms with being say a "furry" (I dislike the term but I've adapted) or bisexual.
However joining FeralHeart I've met so many other people that was just as scared as I was, and we comforted each other in our times of accepting and discovery. I developed more as a person and not just some scared child.
This game and it's community has made me proud of being the human being I have become, to not be scared of trying out new things. To not hide away from what is a part of me.
But that's not all, I've met some amazing people through this game- some that has become one of my closest companions to this day, one of them being my current lover!
Though it disheartens me when I see who was once a good friend of mine no longer playing the game, it's always a rush of euphoria meeting new people and becoming a sort of temporary (or long-term) happiness in their daily life. I get to meet and talk with people that I would've never even talked to let alone seen unless I travelled.
Not only that, I've learnt a lot of "internet lingo" through this game (like the day-to-day emoji's or "omg, lmao" that sort of stuff), even learnt how to RP with confidence. At the start I didn't even know what role-playing was, and because of that I was often scared of talking to others because they'd see me as a nuisance or "attention-seeking". But there are some people in this community that are so willing to put whatever they are doing on standby just to help a newcomer get accustomed to the atmosphere of the game that it makes me get a bit teary-eyed knowing that such good-hearted people actually exist in the world.
It showed me how it's okay to rely on others sometimes, that it's okay to not always agree with someone's opinions or lifestyles. Heck, this game even made me confident into learning how to draw digital without being scared of poor feedback. I'm glad I found this game when I did because if I didn't, I highly doubt I would've gotten to where I am now.
So I want to say; thank you. To the staff of FeralHeart and all of the members in the community, thank you. You helped me discover myself and I cannot stop being grateful for it. <3

Forum Discussion / Re: Custom Titles: What would yours be?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:29:39 pm »
This is probably the heat of the moment, but it'd just be 'coffee mom'. Simple and unoriginal but it has become a trademark of mine. x'D Or perhaps something spooky like 'neighbour in the attic' ovo

Edit: apparently I've been given the title "awkwardly warm slippers" by other members.

Forum Discussion / Re: How much Character Planning do You do?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:22:08 pm »
I do REALLY in-depth planning on characters, even for ones that aren't mine. From a colour code on a paw to their entire life biography I thoroughly plan. With this train of mind it takes me 1-3 weeks to make even the surface of the character I'm designing but 9/10 of the times it pays off - other times I look back and regret my decisions and scrap the character all together. Even though most of my characters look plain and simple, it's their character dynamics (personality and development) that makes them so special to me.

Forum Discussion / Re: Where Did You Get Your Forum/Username?
« on: June 19, 2016, 02:15:16 pm »
Well, way back when I was just signing up I had recently watched the movie "Blade" (which was great, btw!) the movie about the vampire slayer. So my entire username is based off of that movie. Blade - title of the movie, Dawns - referencing to a certain emotional scene from the movie. It was one of those top-of-the-head thoughts and I had no other ideas so that's what I went with. x'D

Which preset # folder?: Preset folder #3
Picture of a reference:
Canine or feline?: Canine
Preferred textures
Wings- No wings
Types of Features
Mane- Side
Tufts- Back mane
Eyes- Normal
Material coding: Nope
May I use this preset in my examples?: Sure!
Anymore info you want to tell me?: Character design is identical both sides, blue highlight on mane fades into the purple

Edit: I'm sorry I changed the mane texture link. ;v; If you already installed the other one then don't worry about it.

Art Gallery / Re: CeramicSoul
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:06:32 pm »
Your art looks adorable. :3
Thank you~ cx

Art Gallery / Re: CeramicSoul
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:35:03 pm »
I love it so much Fay-Bae! So cuuutteee
You're very welcome Seraboo~

Art Gallery / Re: CeramicSoul
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:34:31 pm »
Love your artwork, your style is so cute! Can't wait to see more!<3
Thank you very much! <3

Member Bio & Journals / Re: coffemo's bio
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:32:56 pm »
Ooo, we got a lot of things in common o;

Big crowds don't sit well with me either all that much so I try to pretend that I'm elsewhere to escape it and hopefully it works.
Kinda wanted to work in a game store or work with something involving the electronics, ooo ~

Anyways! You sound like a real awesome floofs, thanks for sharing so much about yourself. Hope we get a chance to chat someday o;

See ya around ~!
Working in a video game store is quite the experience, meeting fellow gamers is a gem in life. And thank you, you are welcome to talk to me anytime! c:

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