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Messages - Chipz

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69 70 ... 72
Forum Discussion / Re: What's YOUR color?
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:12:32 pm »
I chose purple aswell because I have purple surrounding my avatar, it stands out without being too bright and it is overall just a lovely color. I may change it in the future.

Forum Discussion / Re: What brought you to the FH forums?
« on: April 04, 2017, 04:06:25 pm »
I really love getting to see what people are like and learning new names. I also love seeing what people come up with and I honestly live to help people which I try to do on the forums :3.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Game registration friend assistance
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:50:24 pm »
I know when I personally tried to register the first time it was just as registration was closing and it was telling me my email wasn't valid. Even when I refreshed the page it'd still show registration as 'Open' but I soon found out it was a glitch, well I assume it was at least.

Game Discussion / Re: What you do if you're bored/tired in game?
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:41:21 pm »
I just love cuddling up with my good friends or making new friends! Although sometimes chat is quiet as people are all AFK (always around the same time) If so then I'll take random screenshots or read others bios they are always fun!

These names are so creative and lovely! Amazing work my friend! I love YukiaFur :3

a lot of people actually create animations like myself. I'll give you the link although I only have Feline at this moment. (Currently working on canine :3) I really hope this helps you out.

Game Discussion / Re: Memorable Quotes
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:23:47 pm »
"Layla, Are you dead again!"               Enough said aha.

Discussion Board / Re: What's your favorite....
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:15:59 pm »
I use to be the biggest fan of Dustep but I can't seem to get into it any more,

-Gasps- Snow Leopards are so pretty!

Guess what I had for lunch :3

Discussion Board / Re: What's your favorite....
« on: April 04, 2017, 03:04:57 pm »
I haven't played Last Gardiner before but I met it is great!

I went crazy when I found out Zane and Taylor sung this, I had no Idea!


Game Discussion / Re: What would you like to see added in the game?
« on: April 04, 2017, 02:48:51 pm »
I honestly love Feral Heart as it is but..

There are other games you could play that are just like it but have fighting etc, I personally see Feral Heart as a role play server or a place to make friends. Although I am still fairly new to this game I can tell fingers were worked to the bones for it to come along.

I'm not use to having the old maps so I don't completely mind them being gone but I'd love to see them back in the Game!

I know this isn't quite what you asked for but Pff xD.

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