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Messages - Telluric

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 [69] 70 71 ... 100
Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« on: December 18, 2019, 03:44:35 am »
i've only had consistent and [healthy] transactional friendships for three years.

Forum Games / Re: the avatar above is fighting you, how screwed are you?
« on: December 18, 2019, 03:42:42 am »
bruh my guy he's too holly jolly to fight anyone, he'd probably just gib u cocoa -

Introduction / Re: It’s been a while
« on: December 16, 2019, 04:04:34 am »
welcome back to fh! i can tell you that a lot has indeed changed since 2012.
-we no longer have the map-wide general chat
-all the maps that were in the game around that time have been changed and/or removed, essentially giving you a bunch of new ground to cover!
-i can also tell you some neato stuff has been added with the source code that makes character creation a blast!
-there are plenty of varied roleplays, both mapped and mapless, ingame and on discord that are always willing to lend an ear to a wayward floof.
-last thing to consider, a lot of fan created content like item packs, markings, maps and presets have been released by players, you can find them here on the forums!

it ultimately is your choice but i say yeah! c'mon back and check out the changes!

Leaving / Re: Retiring
« on: December 16, 2019, 03:56:58 am »
thank you for your dedication to fh, we won't forget all you've done.
take care of yourself, yeah?

Introduction / Re: my return xx
« on: December 15, 2019, 03:17:25 am »
welcome back to fh! glad the update could rope you back in uwu

Member Bio & Journals / Re: How’s your day going?
« on: December 11, 2019, 03:59:11 am »
pretty great. final class of the decade transpired, had good food, good memes and occasionally sneaked onto ig to see the overwatch winter wonderland stuff that got released.
pretty hype but i'm drained now lmao

very well thought out and well articulated points here, thank you for putting this out here +floof.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: All about that Birdie (ツ)
« on: December 06, 2019, 04:45:25 am »
nice to know more about you, birdie! i've seen you around a fair bit and it's cool to get more background stuff on you, thanks for sharing<3
--takes cookie owo

..Since when was roleplaying in Local chat a big deal, and since when did players start fussing about it? First, people complain that there are no roleplays going on in the game, yet when one comes up in Local Chat they want it to stop?! Many local chat roleplays went on in old Bonfire Island, and no one batted an eye. Same with Fluorite Plains. Now when a local chat roleplay is happening, people complain? What has this community come to?
..Most of the time these players who complain about local chat roleplays are the same people who complain that nothing really happens in FH. Which way do you want it?
What are your thoughts on this?

mostly want to highlight these here points.
i've gotten this a few times[and just by looking at the typing style of some of the jeers, i can wager a guess to who these people might be, in which case yeah, figures they'd be like that.]
but yeah, this has happened to my overwatch group plenty. people will go ahead and spout how chat is dead and the second we get in character and start interacting, they'll complain that we're annoying or say stuff along the lines of "can you move it to party? you're clogging up the chat." y'all who do that sort of stuff in the same breath, shame on you and knock it off.
some of us are here to have fun and naysayers don't affect us in the long run, but it's the spirit of the people who say that kind of thing that gets old fast. the spirit that says "i want everyone to cater to what i want to see in chat." the attitude that says "i'm entitled to control what the current topic of local is"

i have a question to raise to the people who whine about this sort of thing:
if we don't rp in local, it's dead. if we do, it's obnoxious and disruptive to a chat you can disable/block us.
what do you WANT local to be?

if you don't understand an rp, read some of the posts, get the gist of the characters and world or whisper one of the people who are rping- they might even offer you join them for pete's sake!
if you don't want them there, tough. there's plenty of other maps you can sit in silence in, after all, a lot of you debby downers are on about how the game is dead.
if there's simply nothing else going for you in your life, please for the love of god stop taking it out on people trying to enjoy some downtime with either friends or strangers. you don't want someone to start yelling at you at a coffee shop for ordering and drinking a peppermint hot chocolate. we don't wanna get yelled at for doing something we enjoy.

..i'm very tired of this happening, if you forumgoers couldn't tell.

in short: if you complain abt rpers in local: don't! : D

Introduction / Re: Well This is unexpected! Mystic is back!
« on: December 03, 2019, 03:29:27 am »
welcome back to fh, mystic! glad to have you back<3

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