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Messages - Cynder-

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I did this exactly as it said to do. But when I open Feralheart, the water still doesn't show up and my colors are not right. Any help, please?

I did this exactly as it said to do. But when I open Feralheart, the water still doesn't show up and my colors are not right. Any help, please?

Guys, I sincerely apologize for my absence. My FH got screwed up when I got a new computer and tried to instal FH onto it. I got it fixed. I hope I can jump into the roleplay soon.

Thank you so so so much for making this! My Feralheart works now! -Huggles in thanks-

Map looks great. 83

Btw, I updated Astoreen's form.

I've got a new computer, and I'm trying to get Feral Heart to work on it. So, I might not be able to get on Feral Heart for a long time. I'm trying to fix it. So... Yeah.

Sure thing, we just gotta figure everyones hours, since im stuck working lots.

 Also Astoreen isnt truly stuck. Delete all the files from the map u downloaded and when u log on her she will appear in a black room, just tele her to bonfire.

Thanks (:

Yea the map is teporaly out of order XD but the document was suppose to open wth notepad, but ive been so busy and not able to work on the map i wanted D: im trying to get it done for u guys
 Also yea ill add u astroeen xD i know ur alrdy in group soo woot :3

Thank you! =D I thought it was my computer and I was screwed. xD Anyway, until the map is back up, Astoreen's stuck... xD So I won't be able to get back into the group for a while if it takes a while to fix. :I Curiosity killed the Cynder.

I redid Astoreen's colors, but I can't take a picture of her... Because, you know. XD And I'm doing her history at the moment. I'll edit/post when I'm finished with it c:

EDIT 2: Finished her history. Now I just need to wait for the map to be back in order so I can get on her and take a screenie. I also tinkered with her form, so you should just recopy it onto the front page. x3

Thanks x3

I'm having problems with the map. D:

I was reading the Readme, and it said you had to open certain files and add some words. When I try to open the file, it won't let me, and says I need to find the program that made it. Help?

I found the map, and tried to get her to just get a quick glance at it, but my Feral Heart totally crashed and when I click start on her, it freezes.

Could someone be kind and help me? I'm kinda new to maps.

Thank you ^^

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