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Messages - Karakuri

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Back up in the world that wasn't a desert, Lorencio was standing next to his sister, before their mother, waiting on permission to speak. The young boy with the hyena mask was highly aware of the intruder lurking in their mistress's dining hall, but made no audible mention of the boy wearing the eagle mask. He was a guest, and guests were to be treated with the manners they deserved. Also, if he insulted the Master...only he'd know what he did to Lorencio.

[Maybe their report to MotG first, then Renia goes to bed or something?]

Elluka just shrugs. "It's harmless. In fact, Allen might call both of them off if Renia repeats what I told her. Idiot probably thought they could just carry her to the Heavenly Yard. He wouldn't purposely hurt a hair on her head, out of any person in the world. But I do propose one thing. If Rillianne is back in this world...what if Allen is, too? But only a fragment of him?" She replies. The witch wasn't really the kind to get worked up over this. After all, giving away her name to a fellow stranger that appeared human wasn't awful. At least Gilda wasn't retarded and gave it to an android. They were humans...they all had targets on their backs anyway. Might do some good to make friends with one of the deities. Especially one of the ones who's job is specifically rip things to shreds and enjoy it.

[Timeskip to later, or nah? And if yes, then to the pair giving the report? Or shall we have a more peaceable run-in between Gilda and Lorencio?]

"Go on..?" Quite different than her usual placidly emotionless self, Elluka tries to wipe the smirk from her face and listen to Gilda's story seriously. After all, it was true Lorencio was rather intrigued by people. But rarely went up to them, as shown by his rather awkward nature around the mortals.

Raising an eyebrow in victory, a smirk plays across Clockworker's lips. "Or...he's met you before, told you his name, and took a liking to you?" She guesses. Boy, she was gonna have fun with this. "So tell do you know the Butler's true identity...if you don't believe in these sort of things?" The witch looks curiously at Gilda, wondering when/how this happened.

"Mmn...greedy? Or just lonesome?" Elluka remarks softly, shrugging. "While I agree on the fact those two should not be reunited in the fashion Allen imagines, I understand his reasoning. Well. Sort of." Unlike the former servant, or even the woman before her, the Vector of Memory hadn't had anyone to consider a sibling since...blinking as if stirring herself from thought, she looks up. "Although using those two as his little pawns wasn't the brightest idea. The maid gets a little...excited with people, and the butler follows suit. But I must ask, though. How in the Master of the Heavenly Yard's name did you get him to change his mind earlier and lie to his sister? That was exactly who they were sent after, and I'm sure he tried to reason with you all. But to just turn around and tell her it was the wrong child? Unheard of." Look at that Philosopher skill, Gilda. You just made ol' Lorencio tell a lie.

"I take from your tone of voice that you believe the tales are for children. Even if you do not believe in any deities, Gilda, please do not think that the event of the Lucifenian Rebellion and the Green Hunting were made up. Those were real parts of history." Moving back to a neutral tone of voice, she continues the explanation. "As you know, many Bolganians put faith in the process of reincarnation. Then there is also the belief that Allen was brought on to be the Master of the Heavenly Yard. As those two buffoons were going on and on about some master that wanted them to bring back Anne, say theoretically, that Anne was Rillianne, and theoretically, the Master of the Heavenly Yard, Allen, was trying to reunite with his sibling. The pieces would fit. Anne is a blonde girl roughly the same age as Allen was when he died, with blue eyes, her name could be a shortened form of Rillianne, and...curiously enough...did she not say she felt as if she were looking for someone, but didn't know who? Was just following her instincts? Then there was Noir's comment about her possibly being a twin." Clockworker pauses to let this information sink into Gilda's mind. She was an intelligent woman, shouldn't take her too long. Elluka herself, having known the princess personal as one gets to a bratty tyrant as one of their closest advisers, had her suspicions about the child from the moment she laid eyes on the blonde, which, if Gilda though hard enough and connected some puzzle pieces, explained her talking to herself the previous night. Recent events, the appearance of Renia and Lorencio, had assured her this was what was going on. However, she waited patiently for Gilda's logical look on this. The witch was a logical thinker herself, but got too carried up sometimes in predictions and personal emotions.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:07:27 am »
Meanwhile, still on his lonesome, and hideously plain in comparison to the brightly colored, decorated denizens of Gehana, the hyenaman lumbers through the throng of humans and beastmen alike. Mutters of "Sorry...sorry" and "I 'poligize greatly, marm.." were heard from the heavyset foreigner as he tried to navigate through the revelers. Eyes scanning the crowd for any signs of what was going on, the ruffian was almost blinded by the swirls of light and color, almost like a flock of little birds, the pretty kind his sister read about in books. The mercenary himself couldn't read, but it had always entertained him to listen to the younger Brock to describe the world that was not theirs in any tattered books she could scrounge from book shops. Shaking himself from the memory, Sulza Brock started blinking rapidly to get used to this change. Getting used to the sights of Gehana, but his eyes still staring in wonder, he felt like an awkward young'n again. Shifting his bag on his shoulder, he took a gander at the various people. Scantily clad maidens, vendors of all sorts shouting at him to buy their wares, and wild animals roaring and snarling at the crowd, kept in line by their masters. The heady aroma of food richer in quality than he ever imagined assaulted his snout, along with the tang of spices and herbs, of incense, and of general cleanliness. The clatter of hooves on shining cobblestones sounded a report inside his ears. Overwhelmed, the tarnished warrior stands in the middle of the crowd, not moving, overwhelmed by all of these new sounds, sights, and scents.

After a rough, but not unfriendly shove by one of the party-goers, Sulza returns to his senses and stops acting like a dumb brute. Ducking out of the way with another volley of mumbled swears and uttering apologies, he comes to a stop in a sort of town square, with the crowd roaring at someone who seemed to be disappearing once more into the grand castle. Someone of importance, surely, such as a Thane or...maybe the Jarl himself? The crowd looked frenzied with excitement, an intrigued Brock slinks over to a vendor selling some kind of sweet-smelling bread. Partially distracted by the food, the peasant...who was practically a mere beggar in this state of magnificence, inspected the dark brown baked good, his stomach letting out a plaintive whine, protesting about the fact that he hadn't eaten since much earlier in his journey.

"Right then. You don't seem to believe in any of the deities, so you're going to think I'm a complete lunatic after I explain this mess. I know why those two were after the girl, and it had nothing to do with slave traffickers, or with her hair. Well...kind of her hair." Beginning, Elluka looks over at the Vector of Protection, frowning once more. "Tell me...have you ever heard the tales of the Daughter of Evil, Rillianne Lucifen, and her servant?" Was the witch's first question, making sure the younger woman at least knew of this before she started trying to explain this large wad of confusion.

Elluka gets to her feet, and with a gesture of her hand, she walks out of earshot of the children.


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