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Messages - Chunky_Squirrel

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 262
Leaving / Goodbye y'all! :)
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:48:02 pm »
Hello There! ^-^

You might be wondering why I haven't left yet? Well, because I didn't want to leave my friends alone, I am very loyal to my friends, but some aren't. ;)
Anyway. I loved FH from the first day I joined this community! ^-^
While I have to say, this community is like my second home. :) Why? Because there are warm and honest people out here, not to mention creative and talkative ppl! ^-^ I love all of you guys! ^-^
But, unfortunately, I am leaving FH, for many good reason! While I do like the stay here, I have grown apart from my so called 'child' statement and I have been looking at my life more concernedly. :)
No, don't take this as a wrong thing, take this as a good thing! ^-^ Why? Well, for one, I love my life and I will not just sit and play fun games, while there are certain things I can do in my life. No offence, though. I love this FH community and I love the MOD's that work here! ^-^

Also. Guys. (Soulstar_the_dark, River and many more!) I give you permission to play all my characters, if you want, and re-create my made-up Rp's or re-made Rp's so you guys could have fun playing! ^-^ :)

Anyway. I hope you all have great time and lives as well! ^-^
Have a nice and beautiful day, my fellow friends! ^-^ I hope everything goes well and this game be up and running for a very long time! :)

Now, goodbye y'all, I'll miss you! ;) <3

Guys. I will make this Rp inactive for a few days. But, don't worry. I will bring it up and when I do, I'll let you both know! ;)
Sorry, again. :/ ))

Sorry, I don't really have the time to post. School is up the shell! Haha. :D
Anyway. I'll post when I can. ;) ))

Haha. Computers can think too! Remember that! ;) ))


The tom looked at Rowansong. "We need to keep Spiritkit safe from BluePelt, otherwise, she will kill Spiritkit, with the first sight of no protectiveness." He explained to his mate. "Now, how about our kits, love?" He asked his mate curiously.

Lol. That tottaly matches, haha. ^-^ :D ))


The she-cat nodded, but looked at the tom. "Darkstar. If you die and WolfHeart dies, who will be the next leader?" The she-cat spoke up curiously.

(Srl? Who will be. owo xD )


The tom nodded. He turned to BearHeart and asked him. "Could you and RowanSong take care of Spiritkit? I fear that Bluepelt will try to kill him!" The tom asked nicely.
"Sure thing, SilverMoon!" The tom answered ammideatly. He walked into the den and plopped near the kit. "RowanSong. C'mon." He said with a chucle.

Ask Me / Re: Ask A Fangirl Writer Artist Whatever You Want to Know
« on: November 03, 2014, 11:27:52 am »
What's your fav color? Why?
What is your fav animal? Why?


The she-cat awaited the tom's responce, as she huffed. She closed her eyes and heard a voice. Deerstar's voice. "Two clans will attack, one who attacked and the one who did not. Dark will be lighten by Sun and Cloud's shall be scattered around." She quicly opened her eyes. "Deerstar!" She yelled out, infront of the tom. "Deerstar told me a prophecy: Two Clans shall attack, one who attacked and the one who did not. Dark will be lighten by Sun and Cloud's shall scatter around." She finnished. She knew what it ment. "DarkStar. Deerstar said: 'Dark will be lighten by Sun'. She ment that Sunstar will kill you!" She was worried. She continued. "Cloud's shall be scattered around..... Hmm.... I wonder what that means. I will go to MoonPlace tonight, to know the truth." She left not even waiting for the answer.
She went into the medicine cats den and took the herbs that cats used to take when they were heading to the Moon Place.
She turned to SilverMoon. "Two clans will attack, one who attacked and the one who did not. Dark will be lighten by Sun and Cloud's shall be scattered around. Deerstar told me this...." She left not waiting for an answer.

She headed towards the Moon Place.

Arriving, she went quicly inside and lyied down. She fell asleep in no time.

Awakening, she saw Deerstar. "Deerstar. Wait!" Deerstar lingered her tail for Lizardleap to follow. She followed the she-cat.
Deerstar showed her the Cloud's. The cloud's scattered relieving SilverMoon with Spiritkit.
"They are the only one's who can save the clan... Protect them at all cost!" Then Deerstar dissapiered and Lizardleap woke up.

She headed back to camp as quickly as she could. She arrived back at camp and rushed to Darkstar's den.
"Darkstar!" She didn't even asked for an invite to the den. She spoke up. "Deerstar showed me what she ment about the scatering cloud's." She paused, soon after continuing. "She showed me SilverMoon and Spiritkit. She told me: They are the only one's who can save the clan... Protect them at all cost!' Then she dissapiered..." She ended. She was panting very loudly.... She sat down and looked at the ground. "Sunstar must be taken down...." She whispered.

(Sorry, but since Lizardleap is a med. cat. She can know from StarClan.... Sorry if I rushed, though. owo xD )

Uhm. Bump? owo ))

Ask Me / Re: Ask meh ;u
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:14:26 pm »
Bump? owo

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