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Messages - Pridelord

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Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: The Seceret World Of Sonazea (Accepting)
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:30:34 pm »
Seems its only the two of you, hope I can liven things up a bit, please let me know if my character is good enough. Gonna use a fantasy animal if you dont mind. Dragon to be exact but ill just go ahead and do the little form thing. :P

Username:  Pridelord
Name: Pride
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Breed: Dragon
Info On Breed: Dragon sizes vary depending on the area the dragon is from however, with the use of magic, size changing is not a problem.
Description: Pride is small, about the size of a medium sized wolf. His wings span about 5 feet from wing tip to wing tip. His leathery wings allow him to fly better however do not provide much protection. His scales are black in color with blue markings spanning his body. His tail follows behind him, approximately 4 feet in length.
Personality: He is shy at first. Pride prefers to avoid fighting, but will if the need arises. He is very defending of friends and those who are close to him.
History: Pride was born near the ocean on a beach. All dragons are taught the basics of magic from birth however it is up to them to continue their search for the knowledge and secrets of magic. Being used to the cool touch of the ocean, and swimming deep under its embrace, Pride prefers the darkness and is accustom to the cold. He doesnt remember much of his past, nor how he ended up in the land of Sonazea
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Kin: Unknown
Magic: Yes

Pride....Pride.... The name continuously repeated in his mind. Suddenly he awoke, startled. Sunlight ebbed its way through the tree leaves, beaming into his now open eyes. He felt panicked. He quickly looked around, trying to catch his bearing, trying to figure out where he was. He tried to think back to the events that led him to such a place, but to no avail. The only thing he remembered was one word that kept on floating around in his head. Pride. "Pride..." he whispered to himself in a hoarse voice, seemingly unused for so long. He felt a connection to that word and knew that it was his own. "Pride," he repeated once again "My Pride"

OC: Well I hope that was good enough, please let me know if there is anything that you would like me to change or anything else you would like me to do to enter into the RP. If you want Pride to have any more attributes or certain ones, please dont hesitate to let me know, im always open for ideas :P. Anyways, hope you like him and that I am able to join, Thank you.

Introduction / Re: Hi
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:24:23 pm »
Will do ^^

Introduction / Hi
« on: November 11, 2012, 03:20:01 pm »
Hello everybody, obviously im new and i just wanted to say hello and say that i will enjoy playing with you all.

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