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Messages - Jango_Fett

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 432
News Archives / Re: Patch 1.17: Some things are better kept secret...
« on: July 09, 2019, 07:30:14 pm »
Is this the version from github or did you guys use whatever Raz has had?

that's not me being leaky by the way. this was mentioned years ago on the forums. sometime in 2013.

Forum Discussion / Re: you ever just
« on: July 04, 2019, 06:41:03 pm »
Even though I've been a player since 2011, I only started to properly use the forums since 2017 so unfortunately (or maybe luckily?) I don't have a wealth of old posts to look back on. I guess I've been spared.

homie you have no idea how much pain you're been spared as a result of that


i cant look anymore

Game Discussion / Re: :thinkingemoji:
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:04:20 am »
i used to do just a basic template containing the relevant info my character would have
i stopped because it was really cookie cutter and didn't make me feel for them at all
it was descriptive but had no depth

so now what i do is just
summarize it in a few sentences
use my creative writing skills as much as the character limit will allow me.

sure i'll still somewhat use a template, but that won't be the main focus. i like to add a lil somethin somethin that'll incorporate spice and maybe get a giggle out of whoever reads it.

Game Help / Re: Movie clip cannot be found
« on: July 03, 2019, 05:22:47 am »
a way to adjust the chatbox while still seeing movies is only adjusting the top bar upwards, and not widening it

just note that also sometimes it breaks at random without this happening.

Community Activities Hub / Re: Speedpaint Q+A?
« on: July 03, 2019, 01:42:38 am »
What got you into drawing TLK stuff?

How long have you been drawing for?

What are good ways for you to practice the disney style and would encourage others to try?

Why DID Bawfle stop having long hair?

Is there a preference to what you draw and how you draw it?

Color palette of choice?

Do you like doing backgrounds often? If so, what do you like doing more than others?

Stories / Re: The Revival
« on: July 01, 2019, 07:53:16 am »
y'know what

i dont have much going on this week

let's finish the fight

Stories / Re: The Revival
« on: July 01, 2019, 07:10:47 am »
i think i did this as a bit of a short story explaining the slowly declining population of feralheart
mostly because of the lack of updates
i did a horror short for a writing contest for FH along the same lines as well

kinda wish i'd finished this. hm.

Forum Discussion / Re: you ever just
« on: July 01, 2019, 05:46:20 am »
y'all wanna see my high iq first post

as a 12 year old child with no eyes

ok i dont know how this works but if you reply please tell me and others on how to use the forums and make it short ad sweet please XD

Forum Discussion / you ever just
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:10:32 am »
... go through your old posts and die a little on the inside?
i've always been one to go back and look through old threads or discussions, regardless of the community i'm in. or even if i made them.
sometimes it's educational and i learn about stuff that came before my time in said community, or in the case of FeralHeart...

... wonder why my mom let me on the internet, lmao.

been in the mood for this recently. wondering if anyone else has as well.

Stories / Re: The Disappearance
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:04:56 am »
nostalgia bump 2 electric boogaloo

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