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Messages - LakeStep

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8]
Game Help / Re: ~!PRESET HELP!~ can other people see my preset?
« on: January 03, 2016, 09:49:21 am »
oh sorry i didn't know it was considered talking about bans sorry :) ty

Game Help / Re: Preset Issues
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:26:09 pm »
thanks i had a feeling that export button was for something :)!!

Game Help / ~!PRESET HELP!~ can other people see my preset?
« on: January 02, 2016, 12:21:01 pm »
I've been wondering, can people see my presets when I get unbanned? Because, I was banned about almost a year now, and um to play i've been making presets, so now i'm wondering if people can actually SEE my presets, if they can just say yes if they can't explain for me please, thanks guys!!



k bai :P

Game Help / Preset Issues
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:31:40 am »
Hi! Im LakeStepand i have been having trouble with getting presets into the game, all my presets infact WORK but i cant put them into my game ty for your help,

-LakeStep  ;D MY PRESETS!!

Game Help / Please, Renew My Ban.!. I can't live without FH
« on: December 07, 2015, 07:52:13 pm »
Ok, I was banned a while ago (my user is LakeStep) and I was using the bathroom when someone walked up to my character, Cookie, they were butt-swinging in front of me, now yes, I was afk  :'( and i got banned for a YEAR and i'm here to ask you to renew it, I can't take life without my Feral Heart anymore... Please, PLEASE, renew my account!//LakeStep  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

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