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Messages - AuraSky20

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Species / Re: ~The Moon Crested Lion~
« on: May 21, 2016, 02:04:01 am »
nice job, but id try to add some flaws to it. like what's worse compaided to a lion. are they worse at fighting, or maybe some aspects of the subspecies hunting are like. Because of its smallness it can only hunt smaller animals, like warthogs, and their prides are usually smaller, because of this fact. It makes a more interesting kind of lion.

also more with the pride dynamics, are they the same as a normal lion, or are they not even close?

I'm not trying to hate, just a little constructive criticism. These things take a lot of thought you know?

Ask Me / Re: Ask AuraSky
« on: May 19, 2016, 10:16:59 pm »
Favorite type of music?
What do you like most about FH?

well I don't really have a favorite, id say a tie between country and pop.

I like to roleplay, the look and feel of the game, and its community.

right now my group is in despite need of active players so heres the gist.

this is a long trem rp as you gessed it lions right now it is mappless
we both RP in game and in forum,
in game we mostly rp in FP in a cave near the entrence form the tunnels

the reason why we need new members is that most of the members have been inactive, or been kicked for inactivecy

the RP is mostly a slice of life of a pide founded by my Character Nyxen, and co-founded by another lion named Aqua,
its semi-realistic, just the pide dynamics are different than real life. (like the males arnt all the fathers of the pride etc.)
I'm hoping to keep this group as active as possible. so that's why I'm advertising here.
there will be events happening in the group, like an attack on the place, or a fire. (I will notify people through the forum or the groups bio)

also try and keep your characters at least 50% lion

so heres what you have to fill out to join
Characters name:
Characters Gender:
Characters Age (in human years):
Basic personality traits of said character:
How active you are on the game and or forum:
Why you want to join:

if I accepted you go ahead and whisper Nyxen when I'm playing him, or request a join. (the join requests are recommended)

I hope you have a wonderful day!  :)

Ask Me / Re: Ask AuraSky
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:49:17 pm »
What is your favorite fruit?(If you have one)

What is your favorite movie?

a tie between Spirit, and Felidea

-whispers- what's your favorite color?


Do you prefer indoors....or outdoors..?


Ask Me / Ask AuraSky
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:14:49 pm »
Ask me any question you wish, I have no clue what else to put here...

so the more I look on how some people make certain Canine characters like foxes, coyotes, etc. surprises me. most of them look a lot like wolves. ex. jet black full size coyote

 trigger warning: this may go into some evolutionary detail  please if you don't believe in it bare with me and skip parts like that if you can take it

just a rule for all of these: No Neon unless your character strayed into a die shop they shouldn't have hot pink on them.

so due to 1 year of research of the Canidae line. here is a Guide to the most commonly used. if you want me to do another one of the Canidae family then just ask.

Lets start with the most common, the grey wolf
Compered to other members like the coyote grey wolves are much bigger and heavier which makes since because it was adapted to the wide open parries and grasslands. So they are the apex predators of those areas that means they have to hunt bigger animals in order to feed their packs.
They have a brod snout, ears are a bit more on the smaller side.
id say keep the size sliders (length, height, weight, and width) on the right of the sliders. this also goes for everything else besides cheeks, ears, and eyes keep those half or less, but only a bit.
also for the size sliders I wouldn't make them all the way to the right. endless you want a Dire wolf.
Keep the ears normal
Tail would be wolf or thin (depending on the weight of the wolf)
Keep it mainless (wolves don't have hair tufts on their head in real life)
Any tuft you want

Wolves don't typically have spots, or stripes, though there may be acceptations its vary rare
try to sick to more of the larger markings like the back splotch, or less existent ones.
no slit eyes

just no

Grey wolves have a verititey of colors. Keep the coats around shades of brown, tan, and Black
eyes basically have the same verititey as humans form what I could tell,

Member Bio & Journals / Re: AuraSky20's bio
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:51:22 pm »
thanks guys and I hope to see yall around too!

Member Bio & Journals / AuraSky20's bio
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:09:57 am »
alright ill just get right to it

I've been gaming ever since I could remember. I remember playing nasscar on the PS2 with my bother. Just to see the animation I'd watch put my car through the pit stop every single time. I was born in a small-ish town in Iowa,USA, and am still living there today. The town didn't really have much stuff to do, so I stayed in and played video games with my bother.

You might not think so if you saw me in real life now, but back then I was really extroverted, but with that people were annoyed by me. They thought I was creepy and gross, so I didn't really have many friends back then. I didn't mind it, heck I highly doubt I knew they didn't like me, so I kept the annoying little bugger I was back then.

Flash Forward into second grade when people gave me a reality cheek. Back then I barley could read a picture book with 5 words per page let alone a page of a chapter book. It was out of no where when the teacher asked me to read junney b jones, but then again I saw kids in 1st grade do it how hard could it be. Needless to say the kids were laughing at me. I started to tear up not because I was sad, but stressed. you see I was born with clogged tear ducts. so I had to have sergury to get them unclogged, this made it harder to keep my tear ducts closed, so I got called a crybaby a lot.

I'm just gonna fast forward some more. I made some friends. Lost both old and new ones, made peace with some enimys. made siguurations worst the likes. I had three friends that wernt just my friend because they pittied me, and in this time I discovered deviantart. it was all I could dream of, finnaly I could share my drawings. what turned form a fun way to pass time, I finnaly knew what I wanted to do in life, that's something that I'm passionate to do now. Making art, looking back on my art from back then. I sould of practiced a bit more before I posted stuff but hey it was fun.

then I found this site while just browsing youtube, I wanted to play it  ADMETETLY, but then I realized I couldn't get it because my computer at that time was older than me, so I was stuck to youtube videos of it just to feed into my hype.

But I finnaly got a better computer. and whent to the site in seconds. and I was greeted by 'resistraiton closed please try again latter.' i silently swore in the room i was in. Then a week later i saw it was up. so i did it admittedly.

and that's my story up until this point. But first i want to explain my username.
Aura Sky is the name of my persona, witch i choose based on the northern lights. ive always wanted to see them in person.
20 is my lucky number. Because it was the day of my birthday 11/20.

and that's about it that i have to say about my self, sorry it got a little sad in the beginning.

i hope yall have a wonderful time!

Introduction / Re: Heya Peoples
« on: May 18, 2016, 12:58:22 am »
thanks guys ^-^

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Avatar
« on: May 18, 2016, 12:07:01 am »
I really love how insane he looks.

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