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Messages - Ruby1234

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Reverse engineer + Clean room design
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:16:45 am »
You will always have people that will support or deny the possibility of making a new game/etc.

It's just like the difficulty of making a group on FeralHeart these days. You need to be EXTREMELY lucky = The best and most trusted base of people, the willing-to-be-there active people, sturdy plot lines and even stronger social structure (that would be the models and game design in this instance), and the time to do these things.

So, final note, it would be extremely difficult and you would always be toe-stepping without the permission of the original creator; Kovu. But- it is possible.

If you were to clean-cut the game and revamp it, I would suggest calling it a new game entirely and giving all the respects to the original amount of creation. Which, would include links to all of their public social accounts and things to contact them. Praising them for what they did.

Ruby- If you were to use the original models, I would suggest on using it as a temporary fix while you privately test out the features of the "revamped." new game.

That's my opinion on this matter.
I've already redone almost all of the flora, including a lot of ground textures.
I've run some test renders n whatnot, built hand-sculpted terrains, the like.

I've been using the originals as placeholders for a while now.

I'm at a halted progress stage because I'm not sure whether to focus on trying to implement everything into FH as a mod, or deciding to take everything and run to a new game entirely.

But I digress from the original point of the thread a bit.

The reverse engineering is 100% a thing. A lot of progress has already been made. There's methods to cracking open the game and getting at all kinds of original files, mostly for maps of course.
New features can be achieved, but would they become this FH, or have to become their own thing?
Largely depends on what the staff team is willing to do.
The update was received pretty poorly by a lot of the community, so I'm not sure where they're at with supporting something like this.
I've given as much as I could so far.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Reverse engineer + Clean room design
« on: July 28, 2016, 01:58:10 am »
As I mentioned, ask the creators of the assets for permission to use them. Otherwise, make your own. I never stated to 'take/steal' the original work.
Didn't mean to imply that you did.
I just meant that the creators of most/all the assets have been either silent or unwilling to let theirs be used for other purposes outside of FH.
So that gets iffy depending on if reverse engineered FH is still FH, etc etc.
Hence the aforementioned "toe-stepping."

They've all been asked before about this stuff, from the many attempted "FH Reboot" projects. Silence is usually the answer, so there's not much we can do with that.

I've already been overhauling a majority of the game, and I've had thoughts about piecing it together as something else entirely. I'm stuck on whether or not I want to do that, mostly because of the character models. I want to use them, but I'm painfully aware they aren't mine, along with some other misc models that I enjoy.

They could just be redone, but then at that point, haven't I just created my own "game" anyway?

It's all very strange.

I'm sure just a repiecing of what is here is what most people want, just basically the same game but with more fancy codes for more fancy fun options.
And that's achievable.
I've attempted contact directly to Kov a few times to see if he'd be willing to allow collaboration or adoption of the FeralHeart project by someone else, but I've never gotten a response.
I've been hesitant to make any real progress on anything without his go-ahead.

It's a very grey area, but it's one I've wanted to tackle for a long time. I'm just unsure if I'd be supported or attacked for trying, since it seems to go both ways every time someone starts a pet project involving FeralHeart.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing, or something that people (or even I, for that matter) won't want.
It's definitely something that everyone (mostly) can agree on and want.
But I've had work used without my knowledge/consent before. And it doesn't feel good, even if I wasn't necessarily present in the community anymore.
Doesn't mean your claims on your work are dropped.
The idea is that something was made for you to enjoy, and it was made that way specifically.
Even if they can acknowledge that there's always going to be something better, it doesn't mean that's not painful to admit and behold constantly.

Again, grey area.
Again(x2), still desirable.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Reverse engineer + Clean room design
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:47:00 am »
It's definitely 100% doable.

Some projects have even been started (some I've even aided), but all of them have either faded out or been shut down.
The reason being that most don't think they'll be able to top Original/Legit FeralHeart in terms of members/community, so why bother?

Another reason is that it seems kind of like a... rude move to take a bunch of assets that aren't yours to remake something. It basically sounds like a "ha, I did it better" to the original creators.
Copyright or not, most people aren't willing to step on the toes of everyone who created FH like that.

From a consumer's standpoint, it seems totally fine to want something like this. I want it too. Like I've said, I've even attempted a few things with some people here and there.
Here's SkyX implemented into FeralHeart:

But from a creator's standpoint, it just doesn't seem like something you'd want to do without the go-ahead from the people who put the original time and effort into something that's brought us all a lot of fun.

FeralHeart would be EXTREMELY easy to do anything of this sort with.
The problem is that if this were to be done, would it still even be FeralHeart? How would the original creators feel?
There's been little to no input from them, so until then it's out of everyone's hands, UNLESS there is an overwhelming push to proceed forward without the knowledge/consent of the original creators.

Game Help / Re: Podium problems (PLEASE ANSWER)
« on: July 21, 2016, 12:13:57 am »
Something is messed up with your object groups/exported objects.
Delete the ones associated with the Podium and reinstall them.

Or, install another FeralHeart to a folder, I call mine BackupFeralHeart, and copy the Podium folder, as well as the default object groups over.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: More gender options?
« on: July 18, 2016, 04:06:47 am »
Only '90s kids will remember when there was only 2 factory issued ones, just like in the game.  And nature, which the game emulates.
Only '90s kids will remember a little something called respect.

You must be from the 2000s.

Game Help / Re: Cannot use certain connotations in-game.
« on: July 18, 2016, 03:55:28 am »
Given that your dA says you're Romanian, would it be out of the question to assume that you're not using English keyboard settings?
If your keyboard isn't set to English, a lot of errors can occur.

Game Help / Re: Preset Issues
« on: July 18, 2016, 03:52:06 am »

Game Help / Re: Preset Issues
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:10:37 pm »
If you're making the preset for them, you don't need to export a .fhp and give it to them.
You need to send them just the preset folder, and they need to replace theirs with it, then go ingame and export it themselves.
The folder you give them should include all the images, as well as the .material file.

Game Help / Re: Blender Error?
« on: July 17, 2016, 06:20:37 am »
Non, you answered that part already.
My new question was
Is Blender version 2.49b?

You need Blender 2.49b and Python 2.6.x for these scripts to all function properly. If that's your case and it's still not working, you may have to define Python26 as an environment variable.

Quote from: Phloxenfree
This tutorial assumes you have Blender and the corresponding Python, with Python installed DIRECTLY to your C: DRIVE. If you don't, then get out before you confuse yourself. c:
This may be a tad different for Windows XP/8 but I have faith in you.
Close Blender & Python.
Press Windows Key, and then Pause Break on your keyboard
Click the Start button, and click Computer. While in Computer, right click in the white area and then click Properties.
Go to Control Panel, then System.

Click Advanced System Properties

Make sure you are in the Advanced Tab, then click Environment Variables... at the bottom of the window.

Under the second window, the the one for System Variables, click New... and call it "PYTHONPATH"
Then set the variable value to:
"C:\Python26\;C:\Python26\DLLs\;C:\Python26\Lib\;C:\Python26\Lib\lib-tk;" (yes, the ; is part of it.)

Click OK and then make sure you click OK on everything else, saving your changes and stuff.

Launch Blender, and see if the little black window finds Python. It should. If not, then either:

You may need to reboot your computer.
Python is not installed to your C: drive.
Your administrative settings are too restricting.
The above was not completed correctly.

Game Help / Re: Map Making height map
« on: July 16, 2016, 09:07:45 pm »
Technically speaking, you can put it in anywhere in the default FeralHeart folder and subfolders, and the game will still find it.
Terrains is usually a good place for them though!

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