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Messages - sanrio

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 296
Game Discussion / Re: How Can We Revive Feral Heart?
« on: May 09, 2020, 12:40:47 am »
I partly agree with Fae. All of the past/old members I've spoken with have left because of the introduction of the new maps, but I know we'll never get the old maps back in the Main-game of FeralHeart.
But advertising a lot more than the staff currently do could help A LOT more (not blaming the staff here, I know they have lives of their own and it's ultimately up to Raz as to how and where they advertise.).  Most people have just forgotten about FeralHeart, it's an old-ish game and kind of faded away from peoples memories once the 'new' update arrived because people don't like change, which can easily be seen from DeviantArt and it's new Eclipse update.

I was never around to be in-game when the old maps where here, but I do resonate with past players in the fact that the old maps are kind of better for socialising. They were more simple (from what I've seen), but also had fun areas to be in.

I've never created or advertised something like a game before, but I know some people in this community could come up with great ideas to boost activity.

Game Discussion / Re: Why the Lack Of Small Eyes?
« on: May 09, 2020, 12:34:47 am »
Stares at all the 'edgy' canine wolf packs that makes all their characters have super small features and large bodies

No shade, because I used to do that ^ for a small amount of time, but I do agree with people here that looking back on it now... it looks creepy and makes you seem super unapproachable.

Other Games / Re: I had a great idea
« on: May 09, 2020, 12:33:36 am »
This would be really fun!
I love making my OC's into skins for Minecraft and I haven't played the game in quite a few months so it'd be nice to pick it up again. I've never been to a furcon either, it'll be nice to hang out with a large group of furries in a game like MC!

Community Activities Hub / Re: FeralHeart Dance Line
« on: May 09, 2020, 12:31:33 am »
Not sure if I'll be able to attend this since I'm with my family the large majority of the day tomorrow, and it's sad because I really miss having dance lines. :c
Though, if I do happen to escape my family before it ends, I'll definitely join in!

Media / Re: Dancing cat
« on: May 09, 2020, 12:27:35 am »
I give full appreciation to those who can animate, and so smoothly like you can!
I don't know the reference (if there is one to the video), but it looks great! I love the colours, too.

News Archives / Re: FH Official Newsletter: December 2019
« on: May 08, 2020, 05:15:39 pm »
Hello community, I wanted to inform you that I have a problem with the game.
every time I go in it tells me that I have to install the new patch but I don't know where or how, I have installed and uninstalled the game many times it doesn't work, the same thing happens with the animations and items that every time I install them the game fails, please I need help because I can't play this great game, I hope you will answer me, thanks.

You can download the new patch on the download screen! Just drag and drop the new file into your normal FeralHeart folder and click replace when the window comes up.
(Download screen - )
In the future, it's better to make a separate topic for this, just incase any other issues arise and it keeps the forum more tidy

Media / Re: Bubble Wrap Simulator
« on: May 07, 2020, 11:30:55 pm »
THIS IS SO PERFECT! Thank you Vortex!
I have ADHD and it creeps up on me when I'm drawing/working on commissions and bubble wrap is honestly the best stimulant for me, it's something so simple but it helps me a lot
Not sure if you made this, but either way, thank you for sharing!

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: May 03, 2020, 08:52:31 pm »
Oddonelynx missed an admin post (':
I'll start from 2!

Game Help / Re: PLZ READ
« on: May 03, 2020, 04:12:33 am »
Thank you so much for the reply!

I have a portal mod which makes them pure white, and there is no portal to be seen. I walked up and down the edge, too.

I'm not sure then :c I've never seen anyone else have any other issues like this
If you make your own thread about this you're more likely to get some advice on this issue!

Game Help / Re: PLZ READ
« on: May 03, 2020, 03:51:38 am »
Hi, I have tried to put everything where they're supposed to go, but the portals aren't showing up in Cape! Am I doing something wrong?
The portals might just be really difficult to see!
Downloading a portal skin, or even just walking along the edge, might help! (The name will come up at the top of the screen when you're near a portal)

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