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Messages - HeroOfCanton

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On a related note. Dudes I've been waiting for peeps to get online all day D:
You make me cry foxy-tears.

I hate session timeouts. I get them all the time.

Accepted off course. Looking foreword to seeing you in-game. If you get the chance remember to join the in-game group :)

Game Help / Re: Character / Group Bio Problems
« on: December 09, 2012, 01:06:29 am »
Aurg. I worded it wrong apparently. Lack of space isn't the issue and it's not the chat box. It's the Bio's. They are the problem.

For example say I type this:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Upon exiting the Bio it will only save this:

The quick brown fox jumps

OR if I try to delete all the writing from the Bio box it won't let me. Upon closing and reloading the Bio all the words will be there again.

Forum Games / Re: Guys, let's count to 30 before a girl knocks you down.
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:59:07 am »

Game Help / Character / Group Bio Problems
« on: December 09, 2012, 12:58:43 am »
I am at my wits end with both of them. I can never get anything I write it my Character Bio to stay put. It disappears pretty much instantly. As soon as I exit the Bio as a matter a fact. Also my group Bio is only showing up halfway. I've tried numerous times to edit it and it's just not working. It cuts off mid-sentence and doesn't save the bio beyond a certain point. (It's only about four sentences so it's not very long)

I don't know if what I'm saying is making any sense but I hope someone can help me figure out what the problem is.

We've been a little crazy activity-wise over the last week but we are certainly still active. You are more than welcome to join as a rouge Syni. We'd be glad to have you.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Missing my flag.....
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:47:41 pm »
This has happened to me aswell so you aren't the only one FeralFireHeart. I think it's happened to everyone.

Not a problem at all Razmouhi. I think you mentioned being grounded previously so it's all good.

For anyone else I'm derping around in the maps ... if for any reason I'm not there pm me because I'm probably hanging out with my other group.

Not needed in the slightest. I put a max on each rank just to prevent having 20 runners and 1 guard because then the coven would be fat and defenseless. I'll likely change Todd to Guard because he'd probably be happier in that rank anyways.

Also I know we've all been a little over the place over the week but maybe lets try to rp tomorrow EST noon-ish?

Accepted of course.

My gosh we are a Coven of Runners. Oh well. Cheers to hoping that the other ranks will be applied for since we've now maxed out on Runners and it can no longer be applied for.

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