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Messages - ShadowMT13

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Characters / Re: Nicolette's Character Index
« on: February 12, 2018, 08:14:08 pm »
Glad to hear and yes Jade does have some stand out features for one the use of what is basically a statue becoming sentient I have never seen people try rping, another is the fact that you used a creature that I believe I have read about in Japanese and Chinese mythology, but it is lesser known, the more common rp character from Japanese mythology I have seen are of course Kitsune (Mythical foxes with multiple tails) and Neko (Cat boys/girls). No one ever seemed to try this before or at least not in any rps I have participated in.

Forum Discussion / Re: What is even the point of member of the season?
« on: February 12, 2018, 08:08:24 pm »
Well for one there are people I see on there all the time, and then there are some that I would say deserves it and they are never an option. Basically it seems it is only who the admins deem deserving of it since I never see anyone who I would say deserved it and meets most to all the requirements.

Forum Discussion / Re: What is even the point of member of the season?
« on: February 12, 2018, 08:04:58 pm »
Oh okay I see, seems reasonable enough, but like I said above I have a habit of questioning the fairness of stuff sometimes when it seem that it is not completely fair in my opinion. I have nothing against the Admins here they have been pretty fair to me as far as I can tell, and on my bad days they had patients with me and helped me out. I just felt to discuss this because to me it did not seem that fair as how the voting works.

Forum Discussion / Re: What is even the point of member of the season?
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:58:35 pm »
True I guess, I may not understand it fully. Plus it is not much of a problem for me anyways since it is not that serious of a thing, I just wonder about the level of fairness of certain things sometimes, because me being a moderator for non-feralheart groups and websites, I usually put equality and fairness above what a person's rank is in a group.
 I have actually even gotten technical with some of the group owners because they were acting like the moderators and owners were better than the members and that bugs me, since there is no community without members and they should know this (The people in the groups/sites I moderate, not here on FH). Though still the Admins here STILL decide who people can vote for XD

Forum Discussion / What is even the point of member of the season?
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:50:14 pm »
I have voted each time they had a member of the season voting poll, but I started wondering what does it even matter if the Admins are the only ones  that can nominate people. Like I get how it works, but it just seems kind of unfair to a degree because if you look at the overall way it is set up it feels rigged. There are certain qualifications nominees must meet, though it would not matter that much if the admins choose who you can pick from. Anyways I don't really care how the admins do things since usually they don't cause me too many problems with things, they usually help me out well as a matter of fact. Just share your opinions on the whole voting system as I did, I would like to see what others think. I don't believe this will push for any changes to the member of the season voting system, but I do still wonder how others feel about it when look at it as a whole.

I may be the only one who feels this way when thinking about the voting system and overall it is just for fun not meant to be serious but still. Anyways tell me how you feel about it when thinking about how it works, because I am curious as to what other people think. Have a nice day/night!

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:42:33 pm »
X for Xerneas (See what I did there since it is hard to think of words with X (<w<) XD)
Thank you pokemon :3

Game Discussion / Re: Signing presets?
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:39:54 pm »
I have never seen anyone do that, but if I was actually good at making presets I would probably do that since I can't stand art thieves, I always worry about them in the back of my mind when I post stuff to my deviantart or online somewhere. Personally I would put it on the bottom of one of the back paws if I did make presets and chose to sign them. It is a good idea though as a security precaution.

Game Discussion / Re: Making FH more popular (again)?
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:20:24 pm »
Sound interesting, though I will say that without the key that the admins would have to use to edit the world and game, this is near impossible, I am not sure if anyone has stated this yet since I did not read all the comments because most are too long winded. But most of the time when I have asked the admins about certain things they said they would need the access key or something like that, but the problem is they don't have it. The original creator of FeralHeart left FH and took the key with him sadly, I do hope the guy who made this is doing well though! I wonder if he knows that FH is still going strong and it did not just die when he left :3

Art Gallery / Re: Shadow's Gallery of Shadow (My Wolf Persona)
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:55:39 pm »

Characters / Re: Nicolette's Character Index
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:05:03 pm »
Jade is beautiful, I have done a lot of rp with people and I have not seen a character quite like them before. Good work with making OCs!

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