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Messages - Oddonelynx

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 244
Game Help / Re: Help Playing the Game
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:29:40 am »
Did you download the game too?

Discussion Board / Re: Hey FH, why are you happy today?
« on: April 23, 2023, 07:03:00 pm »
There's a Teacher Inservice day this Friday, w00t longer WEEKEND!!

Discussion Board / Object Show Fans?
« on: April 23, 2023, 05:46:52 pm »
Apparently, there's no surviving posts or maybe there were never any posts about web shows like BFDI or Inanimate Insanity. Let's change that!  ;D

"The heck is an "object show"? ???Everyone probably viewing this right now.
You'd best be clicking here to find out, I am not about to plagiarize. I'm also not the best at explaining either. 

For those who do know: Do you have any favourite shows? Any favoruite characters? Favourite episodes in general of shows? I don't have a favourite...Any of those, really. [typical of me, LOL.] But a show I really like is Brawl of the Objects, and the one show that started it all itself, Battle For Dream Island! To be honest, I like all objects shows! Eh, actually, with some exceptions. The exceptions are all edgy or something. Maybe have something thrown in for shock value... Eugh.

Your turn now!

Game Discussion / Re: I Wish I Had Joined Earlier
« on: April 12, 2023, 08:50:31 pm »
Honestly at this point, I don't even think we'd need to worry about hackers anymore. It's been 8(?) years and I'm pretty sure they'll be long gone. I'm sure there would be other easier ways to deal with hackers?

Hackers don't just hack something and leave. Their goals are to steal as much personal data as possible and cause as much chaos as they can. No game or website can let down their guard these days. Places that do let down their guard end up having more and more security breaches. And for a game that is already experiencing a dry season as far as player activity, another hack would be even more destructive. When it comes to player safety and security, there cannot be compromise. Not everything the community wants is safe and secure enough. And if something gets hacked, who would be held responsible for not securing things properly? That's right. Raz and the FH staff would be liable for it if proper security had not been in place.

Technically, the login page is FeralHeart's form of 2FA (2-factor authentication). And a lot of games and websites are using similar methods these days. Perhaps the 2FA method used by FH could be changed to a different method, but it probably isn't going to be removed entirely.

yeah, with the way the internet is at the current moment, i'd worry that this game would get more popular again (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and since a lot of people view it as a "furry" game (i've heard multiple people refer to it as this whether or not it was the original intention) and it would draw attention of people who would wish to harass those who play. i think having some form of 2FA would at least protect a bit from trolls, spamming, raiding, etc
Can't do anything animal these days without  it being "furry".  ::)

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: April 02, 2023, 04:28:06 pm »

Game Discussion / To Fly or To Not To Fly?
« on: March 29, 2023, 04:59:24 pm »
At least if you press "E" while playing as a character with equip you won't pounce at them but instead flap wind into their faces. Hopefully it's a hot, summer day while you're doing this, otherwise it'll be annoying or knock them off their feet if the character's small.

Leaving / Re: Farewell, everyone
« on: March 08, 2023, 12:27:37 am »
Tell your dog that he's awesome, 8) see you then.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: March 03, 2023, 12:57:25 pm »
15 more to go. w00t.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Virtual Dream Journal
« on: March 03, 2023, 12:52:57 pm »
7:27 AM 11/9/2022
There were these creepy cardboard cutouts that immitated you and could teleport in my house.
114th & 115th:
7:30 AM 11/15/2022
I was fighting someone or something and when I tried to breathe fire, nothing came out. Akward. Last night, I dreamed Homestar Runner was in Teen Titans! Senor, Homeschool Winner, and Trogdor all made cameos. Homestar was also wearing a black & red Canadian sweater.
12:04 PM 11/25/2022
I was dragon rider, like Eragon! My dragon was always diguised as a cute, baby honey badger until it was time for combat! Then at the end of my dream I epically posed next to a bunch of strangers who looked cool with my own bootleg Saphira II.
6:19 PM 11/29/2022
I was in the city. There was this building with purple streaks on it! It shot out lava like a volcano. I was hanging off of something and then I fell on the gorund and bounced because it was made out of rubber[???] just to correct someone. Then the camera switched to Skid & Pump from Sr. Pelo's Spooky Month series. They ran up to the stairs of the building and then at some point went to Walmart to buy chips. So then they were like at the top with their chips and then a bad guy??
8:04 AM 12/2/2022
Not quite a dream. It was a hypnic jerk again. I was watching a spider in my garage and right as it was about to bite the fly and I woke up and (of course) jerked.
11:26 AM 12/4/2022
I listened to an audiobook of the first book of Wings of Fire, "The Dragonet Prophecy". Here is the scene I dreamed of: I was Hitvur the Icewing, and right and Burn threw the egg I ripped off the chains on my snout and overpowered the sandwings holding me back to save the egg! I succeeded and made it to the dragonet cave, we were having deer for dinner.
7:46 AM 12/7/2022
120th & 121st:
I had a dream I was watching movies in social studies class. This next one involves a trantula following me. I thought it liked me but once it got close it climbed my arm and bit me in the back. What a backstabber!
10:47 PM 12/16/2022
I had a dream I broke my hip, I could see it poking out and it felt all bony! Gross!
7:50 AM 12/21/2022
I was going to an airport. Then I met 2 from TPOT
6:53 PM 12/28/2022
I was talking to some guy [well, actually it was a girl] and then we zoomed in on a map of some country Avatar: The Last Airbender style and then I got teleported into that country. It was a foggy forest, like when you turn down your render distance or Silent Hill. Then I saw a big red eye looking at me, then emerged a big ceratosaurus with a black and white pattern!  I ran and hid behind a huge tree, and that's where my dream ended.
125th, and 126th:
7:44 AM 1/4/2023
1. I had a dream there was an EAS alarm talking about how everything is ruined, and it made your TV turn to random channels.
2. I was at the pool, neat but I still can't swim.
8:52 PM 1/7/2023
I was at my grandma's house. Some friendly magical weirdo came and then she told me to follow her. I decided to transform into one of my characters and then I followed her into some Into the Spiderverse style stuff with floating tennis balls.
7:43 AM 1/12/2023
Some creatures (And one unnaturally tall, buff guy) were chasing me in an office depot. What is everything?
12:10 PM 1/21/2023
I was trying to steal a ruby that was really an empty box. I somehow managed to not ttrigger all of the lazers and then flew to the airship from Infiltrating the Airship.
6:28 PM 1/22/2023
I was like in an endless or just really big gym. There seemed to be no one there, well, expect for me. I wandered in front of mirror. (They say this is something you should never do in a lucid dream, but YOLO.) I saw myself. I decided to grow some wings. At first they were just an extra pair of arms behind my shoulder, so I gradually grew them out into bat-like wings. I could feel new muscle tightening and forming as my wings grew, it was a bit scary but interesting. I also had a dream about being a foggy jungle with others, I think there some dead person there...
7:30 AM 1/30/2023
I had a dream there were flying sharks on the 3rd floor in my house.
8:23 AM 2/10/2023
I was watching compliations of videos. One of them involved a dragon's friends making him breakfast and he tried them out.
6:58 PM 2/12/2023
I was in a car ride with my parents and we passed by a really long sign, couldn't read it as we were going by quite fast. I saw the end of it which said; "Find 4 quails". So that is what I chose to do. Oh yeah then the car started flying Chitty Chitty Bang Bang style for some reason. Then we landed in a river where I spotted my last few "quails" [They look more like herons in my dream, why are they called quails?] Then I saw one sleeping in the water, it was covered up to the base of the neck. My parents drove around it and it woke up and looked at us briefly before going back to sleep. Then we drove back onto land, which involved 2 train tracks! I got out of the car and stopped the train by standing in front of them and then did the same again until my parents could turn the corner and I got back in and then we drove into some kind of park of lhuge trees.
7:26 PM 2/15/2023
I was sword fighting and I was really good at it! I had met my match however and both me and my opponet laid and sat on the ground, exhausted.
7:45 AM 2/23/2023
I was in an elementary school, so presumbly younger. I was sitting on the ground, we were watching some movie with a movie sheet too. I mumbled something and the entire class shushed me, and the teacher shushed me twice. My face went: "O.o"
7:45 AM 3/3/2023
I was in Fluorite Plains on Feralheart. My avatar this time was a orange-ish tan lion with a golden-brown mane and pale underbelly. My eyes were brown. I looked over at the chat. Another player directly in front of me asked me to "attack" so I pressed 5 [My "rage" emote button keybind] and e and boom scene done. Then I pressed 0 ["Normal emote" button keybind.] and walked back over. A player beside me was doing something strange. The entire time, this player had been holding another player with their jaws, and the smaller player's animation was just a rotated version of the side lay.

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