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Messages - IvyWolf

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Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:21:08 pm »
I've never seen you before. xD

Species / Draglash Species .: Make your own :. NEW INFINITY FORM!
« on: August 03, 2011, 02:11:31 pm »
Hi guys!
I'm going to tell you about the Draglash species.
Draglash means "Dragon Lion soul" (No it doesn't, just imagine it does xD So don't go looking it up in the dictionary!)
So, they are basicly Hybrids. A mix between Dragons and Lions.
They are not all BAD, They are not all GOOD, That just depends on the characters personality and blah; they are nuteral creatures.

The males are very good swimmers and runners, Full of Stamina. The Females have better survival skills than males.
They can have about 3/4 cubs in a little (Females, of course ;D) And the Males often protect their Cubs while the Females hunt for small shrews and voles to feed on.

If you want to make your own, I shall Show you with this simple tutorial below!

1. Go into the preset maker and Start off on the first screen.
Draglashes don't have Chins, so put that little bar thing that right to the littlest chin; the same with the nose. The muzzle stays the same. The forehead is big, so put that right to the biggest forehead. The ears are quiet big, so move them up a little from the middle. Same for the eyes.
For the rest of the bars; go crazy! Make some Fat, small Draglash or Big bully Draglash! It doesn't matter.

2. Next for the tail, ears, eyes and hair; This is simple!
For the tail, you want a "Thick" Tail. For the ears you want dragon ears, and for the mane, you can only have the full ones, so you can choose out of the 4 Full ones. With the tuffs, go crazy! That doesn't matter either. For the eyes, you should have the "Glow and Shine" Eyes.

SO; Your character should look like this so far!

The next step; markings and colours!

4.Go crazy with your markings, they can be ANYTHING! Customize them to your liking.

5. The colours have rules, here they are!
You have 3 COLOURS on your Draglash.

Colour number 1 is your pelt colour.

Colour number 2 is your eye, nose and mane.

Colour number 3 is your Markings,and Underfur.

The tip of the tail and Under and Above eyes can be one of the three, your choice.

When your done, it should look like something like this!

A NEW RULE IS THAT ALL DRAGLASHES MUST HAVE A MANE. If you wish for your character to have some deformities, please ask me first.

So there you go! If you do make one, link me to it! I'd love to see it~  ;D
-IvyWolf (A.K.A Maddie)

Infinity form?! WHUUUUUUUUT? And that is right! A new form of the Draglashes! ;D

The infinity form is very simple, as they are quite speedy creatures, they are granted to have this form. This form as the name"Infinity"describles, these animals in this form have TONS of speed, and their hiding skills increase. Of course, too not make my breed sound like "Mary sues" Or "Gary Stus" Their other skills do go down. So hunting in this form is extremly difficult, it is the same with swimming, Climbing. To inscrease their skills their paws and their backs turn invisible.Their eyes turn into a complete colour. Only LEADERS Have the ablitiy to fly in this magnificent form. Though, they cannot fly very well (The flying comes in when wings are relieased, which I hope will be before new year. I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE WINGS; DON'T ASK.)

By the invisible bit, I guess your all thinking (I DUN KNOW HOW TO MAKE A PRESET BAWWW) Well stop babbling! I will open 3 SLOTS FOR THE PRESETS. If they are closed, you may go on my waiting list until I have done the 3. If you DO Know, then pictures will be up soon of Blitz in her infinity form.

Slots: Open
1. Blitz preset (0%)

Waiting List

THIS STUFF IS ABOUT THE PACK/PRIDE(S)All is explained at this post:

Characters / My character(s): Allaku
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:58:40 am »
Hi guys! I'm going to tell you about my character/Characters.

1.Allaku the demon wolf!

Name: Allaku
Age: 3 (Wolf years) 21 (Human years)
Birthday: 12th of July (She has the same rebirth day)
Height: 2'3
Weight: Unknown
Deathday: 4th November
Species: Demon wolf
Fur colour: Light plae brown
Eye colour: Light blue
Personality: Harsh outside soft inside, Careless , Self-centered , Active.
Background story: Allaku was Part of a soul demon tribe, happy and comforted.Until one day a storm hit her trible and it washed away Allaku.She did accually die, but rebirthed as a real wolf.Not remembering that she is a soul wolf (After taking a new body)Thinking that her family is still out there.She made a promise to herlself to find her parents, even though her parents were still soul demon wolves. (Lolmary-sueprofile|D)
  • Digging
  • Hding
  • Has very powerful claws and teeth that can leave a nasty scar, but she still isn't powerful enough to kill.
  • Water
  • Heights
  • Climbing
  • Bigger wolves

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